DelegatingConfigHost.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Configuration / System / Configuration / Internal / DelegatingConfigHost.cs / 1 / DelegatingConfigHost.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Configuration.Internal { 
    using System.Configuration; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security;
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 

    // A public implementation of IInternalConfigHost that simply 
    // delegates all members of the IInternalConfigHost interface to
    // another instance of a host. All interface members are marked virtual 
    // so that a derived class can override just the ones needed to
    // implement that specific host, while all others are delegated to
    // another implementation such as InternalConfigHost.
    // The advantages of this arrangement are:
    //  * The IInternalConfigHost interface can be extended without 
    //    requiring other hosts to be updated. 
    //  * This class that we are making public has no implementation
    //    of its own that can be exploited. All the hosts with meaningful 
    //    implementation can remain internal.
    //  * It allows straightforward chaining of host functionality,
    //    see UpdateConfigHost as an example.
    public class DelegatingConfigHost : IInternalConfigHost {
        IInternalConfigHost _host; 
        protected DelegatingConfigHost() {}
        // The host that is delegated to.
        protected IInternalConfigHost Host {
            get {return _host;}
            set {_host = value;} 
        public virtual void Init(IInternalConfigRoot configRoot, params object[] hostInitParams) { 
            Host.Init(configRoot, hostInitParams);

        public virtual void InitForConfiguration(ref string locationSubPath, out string configPath, out string locationConfigPath,
                IInternalConfigRoot configRoot, params object[] hostInitConfigurationParams) {
            Host.InitForConfiguration(ref locationSubPath, out configPath, out locationConfigPath, configRoot, hostInitConfigurationParams);
        public virtual bool IsConfigRecordRequired(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsConfigRecordRequired(configPath); 

        public virtual bool IsInitDelayed(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) {
            return Host.IsInitDelayed(configRecord); 
        public virtual void RequireCompleteInit(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) { 

        // IsSecondaryRoot
        // Is this a secondary root.  This means that it is a node in which 
        // everything that is defined in it should also be treated as a root.
        // So...if a factory record is defined that was already defined above 
        // then throw since it is not allowed. 
        public virtual bool IsSecondaryRoot(string configPath) { 
            return Host.IsSecondaryRoot(configPath);

        public virtual string GetStreamName(string configPath) { 
            return Host.GetStreamName(configPath);
        public virtual string GetStreamNameForConfigSource(string streamName, string configSource) {
            return Host.GetStreamNameForConfigSource(streamName, configSource); 

        public virtual object GetStreamVersion(string streamName) {
            return Host.GetStreamVersion(streamName); 
        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForRead(string streamName) { 
            return Host.OpenStreamForRead(streamName);

        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForRead(string streamName, bool assertPermissions) {
            return Host.OpenStreamForRead(streamName, assertPermissions);

        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForWrite(string streamName, string templateStreamName, ref object writeContext) { 
            return Host.OpenStreamForWrite(streamName, templateStreamName, ref writeContext); 
        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForWrite(string streamName, string templateStreamName, ref object writeContext, bool assertPermissions) {
            return Host.OpenStreamForWrite(streamName, templateStreamName, ref writeContext, assertPermissions);
        public virtual void WriteCompleted(string streamName, bool success, object writeContext) {
            Host.WriteCompleted(streamName, success, writeContext); 

        public virtual void WriteCompleted(string streamName, bool success, object writeContext, bool assertPermissions) { 
            Host.WriteCompleted(streamName, success, writeContext, assertPermissions);

        public virtual void DeleteStream(string streamName) { 
        public virtual bool IsFile(string streamName) {
            return Host.IsFile(streamName); 

        public virtual bool SupportsChangeNotifications {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsChangeNotifications;

        public virtual object StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(string streamName, StreamChangeCallback callback) { 
            return Host.StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamName, callback);

        public virtual void StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(string streamName, StreamChangeCallback callback) { 
            Host.StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamName, callback);
        public virtual bool SupportsRefresh {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsRefresh;
        public virtual bool SupportsPath {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsPath; 

        public virtual bool SupportsLocation {
            get {
                return Host.SupportsLocation; 
        public virtual bool IsAboveApplication(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsAboveApplication(configPath); 

        public virtual bool IsDefinitionAllowed(string configPath, ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition) {
            return Host.IsDefinitionAllowed(configPath, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition); 
        public virtual void VerifyDefinitionAllowed(string configPath, ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { 
            Host.VerifyDefinitionAllowed(configPath, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition, errorInfo);

        public virtual string GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(string configPath, string locationSubPath) {
            return Host.GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(configPath, locationSubPath);

        public virtual bool IsLocationApplicable(string configPath) { 
            return Host.IsLocationApplicable(configPath); 
        public virtual bool IsTrustedConfigPath(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsTrustedConfigPath(configPath);
        public virtual bool IsFullTrustSectionWithoutAptcaAllowed(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) {
            return Host.IsFullTrustSectionWithoutAptcaAllowed(configRecord); 

        public virtual void GetRestrictedPermissions(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord, out PermissionSet permissionSet, out bool isHostReady) { 
            Host.GetRestrictedPermissions(configRecord, out permissionSet, out isHostReady);

        public virtual IDisposable Impersonate() { 
            return Host.Impersonate();
        public virtual bool PrefetchAll(string configPath, string streamName) {
            return Host.PrefetchAll(configPath, streamName); 

        public virtual bool PrefetchSection(string sectionGroupName, string sectionName) {
            return Host.PrefetchSection(sectionGroupName, sectionName); 
        public virtual object CreateDeprecatedConfigContext(string configPath) { 
            return Host.CreateDeprecatedConfigContext(configPath);

        public virtual object
        CreateConfigurationContext( string configPath, string locationSubPath )
            return Host.CreateConfigurationContext( configPath, locationSubPath );
        public virtual string DecryptSection(string encryptedXml, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider, ProtectedConfigurationSection protectedConfigSection) {
            return Host.DecryptSection(encryptedXml, protectionProvider, protectedConfigSection); 

        public virtual string EncryptSection(string clearTextXml, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider, ProtectedConfigurationSection protectedConfigSection) {
            return Host.EncryptSection(clearTextXml, protectionProvider, protectedConfigSection); 
        public virtual Type GetConfigType(string typeName, bool throwOnError) { 
            return Host.GetConfigType(typeName, throwOnError);

        public virtual string GetConfigTypeName(Type t) {
            return Host.GetConfigTypeName(t);

        public virtual bool IsRemote { 
            get { 
                return Host.IsRemote;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Configuration.Internal { 
    using System.Configuration; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security;
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 

    // A public implementation of IInternalConfigHost that simply 
    // delegates all members of the IInternalConfigHost interface to
    // another instance of a host. All interface members are marked virtual 
    // so that a derived class can override just the ones needed to
    // implement that specific host, while all others are delegated to
    // another implementation such as InternalConfigHost.
    // The advantages of this arrangement are:
    //  * The IInternalConfigHost interface can be extended without 
    //    requiring other hosts to be updated. 
    //  * This class that we are making public has no implementation
    //    of its own that can be exploited. All the hosts with meaningful 
    //    implementation can remain internal.
    //  * It allows straightforward chaining of host functionality,
    //    see UpdateConfigHost as an example.
    public class DelegatingConfigHost : IInternalConfigHost {
        IInternalConfigHost _host; 
        protected DelegatingConfigHost() {}
        // The host that is delegated to.
        protected IInternalConfigHost Host {
            get {return _host;}
            set {_host = value;} 
        public virtual void Init(IInternalConfigRoot configRoot, params object[] hostInitParams) { 
            Host.Init(configRoot, hostInitParams);

        public virtual void InitForConfiguration(ref string locationSubPath, out string configPath, out string locationConfigPath,
                IInternalConfigRoot configRoot, params object[] hostInitConfigurationParams) {
            Host.InitForConfiguration(ref locationSubPath, out configPath, out locationConfigPath, configRoot, hostInitConfigurationParams);
        public virtual bool IsConfigRecordRequired(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsConfigRecordRequired(configPath); 

        public virtual bool IsInitDelayed(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) {
            return Host.IsInitDelayed(configRecord); 
        public virtual void RequireCompleteInit(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) { 

        // IsSecondaryRoot
        // Is this a secondary root.  This means that it is a node in which 
        // everything that is defined in it should also be treated as a root.
        // So...if a factory record is defined that was already defined above 
        // then throw since it is not allowed. 
        public virtual bool IsSecondaryRoot(string configPath) { 
            return Host.IsSecondaryRoot(configPath);

        public virtual string GetStreamName(string configPath) { 
            return Host.GetStreamName(configPath);
        public virtual string GetStreamNameForConfigSource(string streamName, string configSource) {
            return Host.GetStreamNameForConfigSource(streamName, configSource); 

        public virtual object GetStreamVersion(string streamName) {
            return Host.GetStreamVersion(streamName); 
        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForRead(string streamName) { 
            return Host.OpenStreamForRead(streamName);

        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForRead(string streamName, bool assertPermissions) {
            return Host.OpenStreamForRead(streamName, assertPermissions);

        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForWrite(string streamName, string templateStreamName, ref object writeContext) { 
            return Host.OpenStreamForWrite(streamName, templateStreamName, ref writeContext); 
        public virtual Stream OpenStreamForWrite(string streamName, string templateStreamName, ref object writeContext, bool assertPermissions) {
            return Host.OpenStreamForWrite(streamName, templateStreamName, ref writeContext, assertPermissions);
        public virtual void WriteCompleted(string streamName, bool success, object writeContext) {
            Host.WriteCompleted(streamName, success, writeContext); 

        public virtual void WriteCompleted(string streamName, bool success, object writeContext, bool assertPermissions) { 
            Host.WriteCompleted(streamName, success, writeContext, assertPermissions);

        public virtual void DeleteStream(string streamName) { 
        public virtual bool IsFile(string streamName) {
            return Host.IsFile(streamName); 

        public virtual bool SupportsChangeNotifications {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsChangeNotifications;

        public virtual object StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(string streamName, StreamChangeCallback callback) { 
            return Host.StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamName, callback);

        public virtual void StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(string streamName, StreamChangeCallback callback) { 
            Host.StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamName, callback);
        public virtual bool SupportsRefresh {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsRefresh;
        public virtual bool SupportsPath {
            get { 
                return Host.SupportsPath; 

        public virtual bool SupportsLocation {
            get {
                return Host.SupportsLocation; 
        public virtual bool IsAboveApplication(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsAboveApplication(configPath); 

        public virtual bool IsDefinitionAllowed(string configPath, ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition) {
            return Host.IsDefinitionAllowed(configPath, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition); 
        public virtual void VerifyDefinitionAllowed(string configPath, ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { 
            Host.VerifyDefinitionAllowed(configPath, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition, errorInfo);

        public virtual string GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(string configPath, string locationSubPath) {
            return Host.GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(configPath, locationSubPath);

        public virtual bool IsLocationApplicable(string configPath) { 
            return Host.IsLocationApplicable(configPath); 
        public virtual bool IsTrustedConfigPath(string configPath) {
            return Host.IsTrustedConfigPath(configPath);
        public virtual bool IsFullTrustSectionWithoutAptcaAllowed(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord) {
            return Host.IsFullTrustSectionWithoutAptcaAllowed(configRecord); 

        public virtual void GetRestrictedPermissions(IInternalConfigRecord configRecord, out PermissionSet permissionSet, out bool isHostReady) { 
            Host.GetRestrictedPermissions(configRecord, out permissionSet, out isHostReady);

        public virtual IDisposable Impersonate() { 
            return Host.Impersonate();
        public virtual bool PrefetchAll(string configPath, string streamName) {
            return Host.PrefetchAll(configPath, streamName); 

        public virtual bool PrefetchSection(string sectionGroupName, string sectionName) {
            return Host.PrefetchSection(sectionGroupName, sectionName); 
        public virtual object CreateDeprecatedConfigContext(string configPath) { 
            return Host.CreateDeprecatedConfigContext(configPath);

        public virtual object
        CreateConfigurationContext( string configPath, string locationSubPath )
            return Host.CreateConfigurationContext( configPath, locationSubPath );
        public virtual string DecryptSection(string encryptedXml, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider, ProtectedConfigurationSection protectedConfigSection) {
            return Host.DecryptSection(encryptedXml, protectionProvider, protectedConfigSection); 

        public virtual string EncryptSection(string clearTextXml, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider, ProtectedConfigurationSection protectedConfigSection) {
            return Host.EncryptSection(clearTextXml, protectionProvider, protectedConfigSection); 
        public virtual Type GetConfigType(string typeName, bool throwOnError) { 
            return Host.GetConfigType(typeName, throwOnError);

        public virtual string GetConfigTypeName(Type t) {
            return Host.GetConfigTypeName(t);

        public virtual bool IsRemote { 
            get { 
                return Host.IsRemote;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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