/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / PropertyGridInternal / SingleSelectRootGridEntry.cs / 1 / SingleSelectRootGridEntry.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ namespace System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal { using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using System.Drawing; using Microsoft.Win32; internal class SingleSelectRootGridEntry : GridEntry, IRootGridEntry { protected object objValue; protected String objValueClassName; protected GridEntry propDefault; protected IDesignerHost host; protected IServiceProvider baseProvider = null; protected PropertyTab tab = null; protected PropertyGridView gridEntryHost = null; protected AttributeCollection browsableAttributes = null; private IComponentChangeService changeService; protected bool forceReadOnlyChecked; // [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors") // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete // control over who does what in the constructor. ] internal SingleSelectRootGridEntry(PropertyGridView gridEntryHost, object value, GridEntry parent, IServiceProvider baseProvider, IDesignerHost host, PropertyTab tab, PropertySort sortType) : base(gridEntryHost.OwnerGrid, parent) { Debug.Assert(value != null,"Can't browse a null object!"); = host; this.gridEntryHost = gridEntryHost; this.baseProvider = baseProvider; = tab; this.objValue = value; this.objValueClassName = TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(this.objValue); this.IsExpandable = true; // default to categories this.PropertySort = sortType; this.InternalExpanded = true; } [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors") // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete // control over who does what in the constructor. ] internal SingleSelectRootGridEntry(PropertyGridView view, object value, IServiceProvider baseProvider, IDesignerHost host, PropertyTab tab, PropertySort sortType) : this(view, value,null, baseProvider, host, tab, sortType) { } ////// /// The set of attributes that will be used for browse filtering /// public override AttributeCollection BrowsableAttributes { get { if (browsableAttributes == null) { browsableAttributes = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes}); } return this.browsableAttributes; } set { if (value == null) { ResetBrowsableAttributes(); return; } bool same = true; if (this.browsableAttributes != null && value != null && this.browsableAttributes.Count == value.Count) { Attribute[] attr1 = new Attribute[browsableAttributes.Count]; Attribute[] attr2 = new Attribute[value.Count]; browsableAttributes.CopyTo(attr1, 0); value.CopyTo(attr2, 0); Array.Sort(attr1, GridEntry.AttributeTypeSorter); Array.Sort(attr2, GridEntry.AttributeTypeSorter); for (int i = 0; i < attr1.Length; i++) { if (!attr1[i].Equals(attr2[i])) { same = false; break; } } } else { same = false; } this.browsableAttributes = value; if (!same && Children != null && Children.Count > 0) { DisposeChildren(); } } } protected override IComponentChangeService ComponentChangeService { get { if (changeService == null) { changeService = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); } return changeService; } } internal override bool AlwaysAllowExpand { get { return true; } } public override PropertyTab CurrentTab { get { return tab; } set { = value; } } internal override GridEntry DefaultChild { get { return propDefault; } set { this.propDefault = value; } } internal override IDesignerHost DesignerHost { get { return host; } set { host = value; } } internal override bool ForceReadOnly { get { if (!forceReadOnlyChecked) { ReadOnlyAttribute readOnlyAttr = (ReadOnlyAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this.objValue)[typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)]; if ((readOnlyAttr != null && !readOnlyAttr.IsDefaultAttribute()) || TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this.objValue).Contains(InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly)) { flags |= FLAG_FORCE_READONLY; } forceReadOnlyChecked = true; } return base.ForceReadOnly || (GridEntryHost != null && !GridEntryHost.Enabled); } } internal override PropertyGridView GridEntryHost { get { return this.gridEntryHost; } set { this.gridEntryHost = value; } } public override GridItemType GridItemType { get { return GridItemType.Root; } } ////// /// Retrieves the keyword that the VS help dynamic help window will /// use when this IPE is selected. /// public override string HelpKeyword { get { HelpKeywordAttribute helpAttribute = (HelpKeywordAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(objValue)[typeof(HelpKeywordAttribute)]; if (helpAttribute != null && !helpAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute()) { return helpAttribute.HelpKeyword; } return this.objValueClassName; } } public override string PropertyLabel { get { if (objValue is IComponent) { ISite site = ((IComponent)objValue).Site; if (site == null) { return objValue.GetType().Name; } else { return site.Name; } } else if (objValue != null) { return objValue.ToString(); } return null; } } ////// /// Gets or sets the value for the property that is represented /// by this GridEntry. /// public override object PropertyValue{ get { return objValue; } set { object old = objValue; objValue = value; objValueClassName = TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(objValue); ownerGrid.ReplaceSelectedObject(old, value); } } protected override bool CreateChildren() { bool fReturn = base.CreateChildren(); CategorizePropEntries(); return fReturn; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { host = null; baseProvider = null; tab = null; gridEntryHost = null; changeService = null; } this.objValue = null; this.objValueClassName = null; this.propDefault = null; base.Dispose(disposing); } public override object GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (host != null) { service = host.GetService(serviceType); } if (service == null && baseProvider != null) { service = baseProvider.GetService(serviceType); } return service; } ////// /// Reset the Browsable attributes to the default (BrowsableAttribute.Yes) /// public void ResetBrowsableAttributes() { this.browsableAttributes = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes}); } ////// /// Sets the value of this GridEntry from text /// public virtual void ShowCategories(bool fCategories) { if (((this.PropertySort &= PropertySort.Categorized) !=0) != fCategories) { if (fCategories) { this.PropertySort |= PropertySort.Categorized; } else { this.PropertySort &= ~PropertySort.Categorized; } // recreate the children if (this.Expandable && this.ChildCollection != null) { CreateChildren(); } } } internal void CategorizePropEntries() { if (Children.Count > 0) { GridEntry[] childEntries = new GridEntry[this.Children.Count]; this.Children.CopyTo(childEntries, 0); if ((this.PropertySort & PropertySort.Categorized) != 0) { // first, walk through all the entires and // group them by their category by adding // them to a hashtable of arraylists. // Hashtable bins = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < childEntries.Length; i++) { GridEntry pe = childEntries[i]; Debug.Assert(pe != null); if (pe != null) { string category = pe.PropertyCategory; ArrayList bin = (ArrayList)bins[category]; if (bin == null) { bin = new ArrayList(); bins[category] = bin; } bin.Add(pe); } } // now walk through the hashtable // and create a categorygridentry for each // category that holds all the properties // of that category. // ArrayList propList = new ArrayList(); IDictionaryEnumerator enumBins = (IDictionaryEnumerator)bins.GetEnumerator(); while (enumBins.MoveNext()) { ArrayList bin = (ArrayList)enumBins.Value; if (bin != null) { string category = (string)enumBins.Key; if (bin.Count > 0) { GridEntry[] rgpes = new GridEntry[bin.Count]; bin.CopyTo(rgpes, 0); try { propList.Add(new CategoryGridEntry(this.ownerGrid, this, category, rgpes)); } catch { } } } } childEntries = new GridEntry[propList.Count]; propList.CopyTo(childEntries, 0); StringSorter.Sort(childEntries); ChildCollection.Clear(); ChildCollection.AddRange(childEntries); } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ namespace System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal { using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using System.Drawing; using Microsoft.Win32; internal class SingleSelectRootGridEntry : GridEntry, IRootGridEntry { protected object objValue; protected String objValueClassName; protected GridEntry propDefault; protected IDesignerHost host; protected IServiceProvider baseProvider = null; protected PropertyTab tab = null; protected PropertyGridView gridEntryHost = null; protected AttributeCollection browsableAttributes = null; private IComponentChangeService changeService; protected bool forceReadOnlyChecked; // [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors") // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete // control over who does what in the constructor. ] internal SingleSelectRootGridEntry(PropertyGridView gridEntryHost, object value, GridEntry parent, IServiceProvider baseProvider, IDesignerHost host, PropertyTab tab, PropertySort sortType) : base(gridEntryHost.OwnerGrid, parent) { Debug.Assert(value != null,"Can't browse a null object!"); = host; this.gridEntryHost = gridEntryHost; this.baseProvider = baseProvider; = tab; this.objValue = value; this.objValueClassName = TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(this.objValue); this.IsExpandable = true; // default to categories this.PropertySort = sortType; this.InternalExpanded = true; } [ SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors") // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete // control over who does what in the constructor. ] internal SingleSelectRootGridEntry(PropertyGridView view, object value, IServiceProvider baseProvider, IDesignerHost host, PropertyTab tab, PropertySort sortType) : this(view, value,null, baseProvider, host, tab, sortType) { } ////// /// The set of attributes that will be used for browse filtering /// public override AttributeCollection BrowsableAttributes { get { if (browsableAttributes == null) { browsableAttributes = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes}); } return this.browsableAttributes; } set { if (value == null) { ResetBrowsableAttributes(); return; } bool same = true; if (this.browsableAttributes != null && value != null && this.browsableAttributes.Count == value.Count) { Attribute[] attr1 = new Attribute[browsableAttributes.Count]; Attribute[] attr2 = new Attribute[value.Count]; browsableAttributes.CopyTo(attr1, 0); value.CopyTo(attr2, 0); Array.Sort(attr1, GridEntry.AttributeTypeSorter); Array.Sort(attr2, GridEntry.AttributeTypeSorter); for (int i = 0; i < attr1.Length; i++) { if (!attr1[i].Equals(attr2[i])) { same = false; break; } } } else { same = false; } this.browsableAttributes = value; if (!same && Children != null && Children.Count > 0) { DisposeChildren(); } } } protected override IComponentChangeService ComponentChangeService { get { if (changeService == null) { changeService = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); } return changeService; } } internal override bool AlwaysAllowExpand { get { return true; } } public override PropertyTab CurrentTab { get { return tab; } set { = value; } } internal override GridEntry DefaultChild { get { return propDefault; } set { this.propDefault = value; } } internal override IDesignerHost DesignerHost { get { return host; } set { host = value; } } internal override bool ForceReadOnly { get { if (!forceReadOnlyChecked) { ReadOnlyAttribute readOnlyAttr = (ReadOnlyAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this.objValue)[typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)]; if ((readOnlyAttr != null && !readOnlyAttr.IsDefaultAttribute()) || TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this.objValue).Contains(InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly)) { flags |= FLAG_FORCE_READONLY; } forceReadOnlyChecked = true; } return base.ForceReadOnly || (GridEntryHost != null && !GridEntryHost.Enabled); } } internal override PropertyGridView GridEntryHost { get { return this.gridEntryHost; } set { this.gridEntryHost = value; } } public override GridItemType GridItemType { get { return GridItemType.Root; } } ////// /// Retrieves the keyword that the VS help dynamic help window will /// use when this IPE is selected. /// public override string HelpKeyword { get { HelpKeywordAttribute helpAttribute = (HelpKeywordAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(objValue)[typeof(HelpKeywordAttribute)]; if (helpAttribute != null && !helpAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute()) { return helpAttribute.HelpKeyword; } return this.objValueClassName; } } public override string PropertyLabel { get { if (objValue is IComponent) { ISite site = ((IComponent)objValue).Site; if (site == null) { return objValue.GetType().Name; } else { return site.Name; } } else if (objValue != null) { return objValue.ToString(); } return null; } } ////// /// Gets or sets the value for the property that is represented /// by this GridEntry. /// public override object PropertyValue{ get { return objValue; } set { object old = objValue; objValue = value; objValueClassName = TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(objValue); ownerGrid.ReplaceSelectedObject(old, value); } } protected override bool CreateChildren() { bool fReturn = base.CreateChildren(); CategorizePropEntries(); return fReturn; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { host = null; baseProvider = null; tab = null; gridEntryHost = null; changeService = null; } this.objValue = null; this.objValueClassName = null; this.propDefault = null; base.Dispose(disposing); } public override object GetService(Type serviceType) { object service = null; if (host != null) { service = host.GetService(serviceType); } if (service == null && baseProvider != null) { service = baseProvider.GetService(serviceType); } return service; } ////// /// Reset the Browsable attributes to the default (BrowsableAttribute.Yes) /// public void ResetBrowsableAttributes() { this.browsableAttributes = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes}); } ////// /// Sets the value of this GridEntry from text /// public virtual void ShowCategories(bool fCategories) { if (((this.PropertySort &= PropertySort.Categorized) !=0) != fCategories) { if (fCategories) { this.PropertySort |= PropertySort.Categorized; } else { this.PropertySort &= ~PropertySort.Categorized; } // recreate the children if (this.Expandable && this.ChildCollection != null) { CreateChildren(); } } } internal void CategorizePropEntries() { if (Children.Count > 0) { GridEntry[] childEntries = new GridEntry[this.Children.Count]; this.Children.CopyTo(childEntries, 0); if ((this.PropertySort & PropertySort.Categorized) != 0) { // first, walk through all the entires and // group them by their category by adding // them to a hashtable of arraylists. // Hashtable bins = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < childEntries.Length; i++) { GridEntry pe = childEntries[i]; Debug.Assert(pe != null); if (pe != null) { string category = pe.PropertyCategory; ArrayList bin = (ArrayList)bins[category]; if (bin == null) { bin = new ArrayList(); bins[category] = bin; } bin.Add(pe); } } // now walk through the hashtable // and create a categorygridentry for each // category that holds all the properties // of that category. // ArrayList propList = new ArrayList(); IDictionaryEnumerator enumBins = (IDictionaryEnumerator)bins.GetEnumerator(); while (enumBins.MoveNext()) { ArrayList bin = (ArrayList)enumBins.Value; if (bin != null) { string category = (string)enumBins.Key; if (bin.Count > 0) { GridEntry[] rgpes = new GridEntry[bin.Count]; bin.CopyTo(rgpes, 0); try { propList.Add(new CategoryGridEntry(this.ownerGrid, this, category, rgpes)); } catch { } } } } childEntries = new GridEntry[propList.Count]; propList.CopyTo(childEntries, 0); StringSorter.Sort(childEntries); ChildCollection.Clear(); ChildCollection.AddRange(childEntries); } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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