GlobalId.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / GlobalId.cs / 2 / GlobalId.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace Microsoft.InfoCards
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Cryptography; 
    using System.Text;
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace;

    // Summary:
    //  "Guid" that is derived from a string. 
    [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=StructSize )]
    unsafe internal struct GlobalId 
        public const int StructSize = 16;

        // Summary:
        //  Represents an empty GlobalId value 
        public static readonly GlobalId Empty = Guid.Empty;
        // {7E55DB11-34DD-4696-A87B-0FFEC44D9BA8}
        static readonly byte[] HASHPREFIX = 
            0x7e, 0x55, 0xdb, 0x11, 0x34, 0xdd, 0x46, 0x96, 
            0xa8, 0x7b, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0xc4, 0x4d, 0x9b, 0xa8 
        // Summary:
        //  Creates a GlobalId from raw bytes
        // Remarks:
        //  Guid.ToByteArray() generates the same format. 
        // Parameters:
        //  guidBytes:      bytes to parse to create a guid 
        public GlobalId( byte[] guidBytes )
            : this( new Guid( guidBytes ) )
        // Summary:
        //  Creates a new GlobalId from the specified Guid 
        // Remarks:
        //      Unsafe memcopy of src over current this.
        // Parameters:
        //  guid:       Guid to copy. 
        public GlobalId( Guid guid )
            // copy the guid over ourselves
            // We must fix this, as the compiler doesn't 
            // know if this is boxed or not, so we do it
            // just in case. 
            fixed( GlobalId* pValue = &this )
                *pValue = guid;
        // Summary: 
        //  Get the raw bytes of the guid. 
        // Returns: 
        //  Raw bytes of the GlobalId
        public byte[] ToByteArray()
            return ((Guid)this).ToByteArray();
        // Summary: 
        //  retuns the hashcode for the GlobalId
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return ((Guid)this).GetHashCode();
        // Summary: 
        //  Determins if an object is the same as this object
        // Parameters:
        //  obj:        object to test 
        // Returns: 
        //  boolean indicating the match. 
        public override bool Equals( object obj ) 
            if( obj is GlobalId || obj is Guid )
                return ((GlobalId)obj) == this; 
            return false; 

        // Summary:
        //  Returns the string form of the GlobalId
        public override string ToString() 
            // return delimited guid xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 
            return ((Guid)this).ToString( "D" ); 

        // Summary:
        //  Not Equal override 
        public static bool operator != ( GlobalId a, GlobalId b )
            return !( a == b);

        // Summary:
        // Equals Override... Just do basic memcomp 
        public static bool operator == ( GlobalId a, GlobalId b )
            byte* pA = (byte*)&a;
            byte* pB = (byte*)&b;
            for( int i = 0; i < sizeof( GlobalId ); i++ )
                if( pA[ i ] != pB[ i ] )
                    return false; 
            return true;

        // Summary:
        //      Implicit conversion from Guid to GlobalId. 
        // Remarks:
        //      Becuase all structs are imutable stack items, this basically 
        //      performs a "memcpy" of this structure to the target guid
        // Returns:
        //      Writes bytes to return target Guid. 
        // Parameters: 
        //  id:     The GlobalId to copy to the target return guid. 
        public static implicit operator Guid ( GlobalId id ) 
            return *((Guid*)&id);
        // Summary:
        //      Implicit conversion from GlobalId to a Guid. 
        // Remarks:
        //      Becuase all structs are imutable stack items, this basically 
        //      performs a "memcpy" of the Guid to the target GlobalId
        // Returns:
        //      Writes bytes to return target GlobalId. 
        // Parameters: 
        //  guid:       The Guid to copy to the target return GlobalId. 
        public static implicit operator GlobalId ( Guid guid ) 
            return *((GlobalId*)&guid);
        // Summary: 
        //      Derives a GlobalId from a string value. 
        // Remarks: 
        //      Passing the same string in multiple times should always
        //      create the same global ID.
        // Returns: 
        //      A new GlobalId structure.
        // Parameters: 
        //  value:      The string value to derive the key from.
        public static GlobalId DeriveFrom( string value )
            if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "value" );
            //trim the whitespace
            //an canonicalize the value 
            value = value.Trim();
            value = value.ToLower( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );

            using( SHA256Managed sha256 = new SHA256Managed() ) 
                int byteCount = Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount( value ) + HASHPREFIX.Length; 
                byte[] bytesToHash = new byte[ byteCount ]; 

                Array.Copy( HASHPREFIX, 0, bytesToHash, 0, HASHPREFIX.Length ); 


                byte[] hashbytes = sha256.ComputeHash( bytesToHash ); 

                //  The following 2 functions are designed to create a version 3 guid using a string.
                //  This is done using an MD5 hash algorithm according the Leach document. 
                //  Some information from the leach document is placed in comment below.
                // time_low 
                //          time_mid
                //               time_hi, version 
                //                    clock_seq_low, clock_seq_hi, reserved
                //                         node
                // ff5c0e9a-7cd2-4b8c-9c6e-cfa03ebc7238
                //               0100, 1011, 1000, 1010 Version 4 guid 
                //                    1001, 1010, 0110, 1110 Reserved == 10
                //  Field           Data Type     Octet  Note 
                //                                        #
                //  time_low        unsigned 32   0-3   The low field of the
                //                  bit integer         timestamp.
                //  time_mid        unsigned 16   4-5   The middle field of the 
                //  bit integer                         timestamp.
                //  time_hi_and_version unsigned 16   6-7   The high field of the 
                //                      bit integer         timestamp multiplexed
                //                                          with the version number. 
                //  clock_seq_hi_and_rese  unsigned 8   8   The high field of the
                //  rved                   bit integer      clock sequence
                //                                          multiplexed with the 
                //                                          variant.
                //  clock_seq_low   unsigned 8    9     The low field of the 
                //                  bit integer         clock sequence.
                //  node            unsigned 48   10-15 The spatially unique
                //                  bit integer         node identifier.
                //  The version number is in the most significant 4 bits of the time 
                //  stamp (time_hi_and_version).
                //  The following table lists currently defined versions of the UUID. 
                //  Msb0  Msb1   Msb2  Msb3   Version  Description 
                //  0      0     0      1       1     The time-based version
                //                                    specified in this
                //                                    document. 
                //  0      0     1      0       2     Reserved for DCE 
                //                                    Security version, with 
                //                                    embedded POSIX UIDs.
                //  0      0     1      1       3     The name-based version
                //                                    specified in this
                //                                    document
                //  0      1     0      0       4     The randomly or pseudo-
                //                                    randomly generated 
                //                                    version specified in 
                //                                    this document
                //  The following table lists the contents of the variant field.
                //  Msb0  Msb1   Msb2  Description
                //  0      -     -    Reserved, NCS backward compatibility.
                //  1      0     -    The variant specified in this document. 
                //  1      1     0    Reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward 
                //                    compatibility
                //  1      1     1    Reserved for future definition.
                byte[] newGuid = new byte[ 16 ];
                newGuid[ 0 ] = hashbytes[ 3 ]; 
                newGuid[ 1 ] = hashbytes[ 2 ]; 
                newGuid[ 2 ] = hashbytes[ 1 ];
                newGuid[ 3 ] = hashbytes[ 0 ]; 
                newGuid[ 4 ] = hashbytes[ 5 ];
                newGuid[ 5 ] = hashbytes[ 4 ];
                newGuid[ 6 ] = hashbytes[ 7 ];
                newGuid[ 7 ] = (byte)(( hashbytes[ 6 ] & 0x0f ) | 0x30); 
                newGuid[ 8 ] = (byte)(( hashbytes[ 8 ] & 0x3F ) | 0x80);
                newGuid[ 9 ] = hashbytes[ 9 ]; 
                newGuid[ 10 ] = hashbytes[ 10 ]; 
                newGuid[ 11 ] = hashbytes[ 11 ];
                newGuid[ 12 ] = hashbytes[ 12 ]; 
                newGuid[ 13 ] = hashbytes[ 13 ];
                newGuid[ 14 ] = hashbytes[ 14 ];
                newGuid[ 15 ] = hashbytes[ 15 ];
                return new GlobalId( newGuid );



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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