MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Metadata / MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource.cs / 1305376 / MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.IO;
using System.Data.Entity; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm 
    /// This class represents a collection of resources to be loaded from one 
    /// or more assemblies.
    internal class MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource : MetadataArtifactLoader
        /// The list of metadata artifacts encapsulated by the composite. 
        private readonly ReadOnlyCollection _children;
        private readonly string _originalPath; 

        /// This constructor expects to get the paths that have potential to turn into multiple
        /// artifacts like 
        /// res://*/foo.csdl   -- could be multiple assemblies 
        /// res://MyAssembly/  -- could be multiple artifacts in the one assembly 
        /// The path to the (collection of) resources
        /// The global registry of URIs
        internal MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource(string originalPath, string assemblyName, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver) 
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null); 
            _originalPath = originalPath;
            _children = LoadResources(assemblyName, resourceName, uriRegistry, resolver).AsReadOnly(); 

        public override string Path
            get { return _originalPath; }
        public override bool IsComposite
                return true;
        public override void CollectFilePermissionPaths(List paths, DataSpace spaceToGet) 
            foreach (var loader in _children) 
                loader.CollectFilePermissionPaths(paths, spaceToGet);

        /// Get paths to artifacts for a specific DataSpace, in the original, unexpanded 
        /// form.
        /// An assembly can embed any kind of artifact as a resource, so we simply
        /// ignore the parameter and return the original assembly name in the URI.
        /// The DataSpace for the artifacts of interest
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all artifacts for a specific DataSpace 
        public override List GetOriginalPaths(DataSpace spaceToGet)
            return GetOriginalPaths(); 
        /// Get paths to artifacts for a specific DataSpace.
        /// The DataSpace for the artifacts of interest 
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all artifacts for a specific DataSpace
        public override List GetPaths(DataSpace spaceToGet) 
            List list = new List();
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)

            return list; 

        /// Get paths to all artifacts
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all resources
        public override List GetPaths() 
            List list = new List(); 
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)

            return list; 
        /// Aggregates all resource streams from the _children collection
        /// A List of XmlReader objects; cannot be null
        public override List GetReaders(Dictionary sourceDictionary)
            List list = new List(); 

            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children) 

            return list;
        /// Get XmlReaders for a specific DataSpace. 
        /// The DataSpace corresponding to the requested artifacts
        /// A List of XmlReader objects 
        public override List CreateReaders(DataSpace spaceToGet)
            List list = new List();
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)
            return list;

        /// Load all resources from the assembly/assemblies identified in the resource path.
        /// The global registry of URIs 
        private static List LoadResources(string assemblyName, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null);
            List loaders = new List();
            if (assemblyName == MetadataArtifactLoader.wildcard)
                foreach (Assembly assembly in resolver.GetWildcardAssemblies())
                    if (AssemblyContainsResource(assembly, ref resourceName))
                        LoadResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver);

                Assembly assembly = ResolveAssemblyName(assemblyName, resolver);
                LoadResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver); 
            if (resourceName != null && loaders.Count == 0) 
                // they were asking for a specific resource name, and we didn't find it 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnableToLoadResource);

            return loaders; 
        private static bool AssemblyContainsResource(Assembly assembly, ref string resourceName) 
            if (resourceName == null) 
                return true;
            string[] allresources = GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(assembly);
            foreach (string current in allresources) 
                if (string.Equals(resourceName, current, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    resourceName = current;
                    return true;

            return false; 
        private static void LoadResourcesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            if (resourceName == null)
                LoadAllResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver);
            else if (AssemblyContainsResource(assembly, ref resourceName)) 
                CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders); 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnableToLoadResource); 
        private static void LoadAllResourcesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null);
            string[] allresources = GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(assembly);

            foreach (string resourceName in allresources) 
                CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders); 
        private static void CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(Assembly assembly, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders)
            Debug.Assert(resourceName != null);
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null); 

            string resourceUri = CreateResPath(assembly, resourceName); 
            if (!uriRegistry.Contains(resourceUri)) 
                loaders.Add(new MetadataArtifactLoaderResource(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry)); 

        internal static string CreateResPath(Assembly assembly, string resourceName) 
            string resourceUri = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 

            return resourceUri; 
        internal static string[] GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(Assembly assembly) 
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null); 

            return !assembly.IsDynamic ? assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() : new string[0];
        /// Load all resources from a specific assembly. 
        /// The full name identifying the assembly to
        /// load resources from 
        /// The global registry of URIs
        /// delegate for resolve the assembly
        private static Assembly ResolveAssemblyName(string assemblyName, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null);
            AssemblyName referenceName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName); 
            Assembly assembly;
            if(!resolver.TryResolveAssemblyReference(referenceName, out assembly)) 
                throw new FileNotFoundException(Strings.UnableToResolveAssembly(assemblyName));
            return assembly;

        internal static MetadataArtifactLoader CreateResourceLoader(string path, ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, string validExtension, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver) 
            Debug.Assert(path != null);
            // if the supplied path ends with a separator, or contains only one
            // segment (i.e., the name of an assembly, or the wildcard character), 
            // create a composite loader that can extract resources from one or 
            // more assemblies
            bool createCompositeResLoader = false;
            string assemblyName = null;
            string resourceName = null;
            ParseResourcePath(path, out assemblyName, out resourceName); 
            createCompositeResLoader = (assemblyName != null) && (resourceName == null || assemblyName.Trim() == wildcard);
            ValidateExtension(extensionCheck, validExtension, resourceName); 

            if (createCompositeResLoader) 
                return new MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource(path, assemblyName, resourceName, uriRegistry, resolver);
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName), "we should not get here is the resourceName is null");
            Assembly assembly = ResolveAssemblyName(assemblyName, resolver); 
            return new MetadataArtifactLoaderResource(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry); 
        private static void ValidateExtension(ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, string validExtension, string resourceName)
            if (resourceName == null)
            // the supplied path represents a single resource
            switch (extensionCheck)
                case ExtensionCheck.Specific:
                    MetadataArtifactLoader.CheckArtifactExtension(resourceName, validExtension); 
                case ExtensionCheck.All: 
                    if (!MetadataArtifactLoader.IsValidArtifact(resourceName))
                        throw EntityUtil.Metadata(Strings.InvalidMetadataPath);
        /// Splits the supplied path into the assembly portion and the resource
        /// part (if any) 
        /// The resource path to parse
        /// An array of (two) strings containing the assembly name
        /// and the resource name 
        private static void ParseResourcePath(string path, out string assemblyName, out string resourceName)
            // Extract the components from the path 
            int prefixLength = MetadataArtifactLoader.resPathPrefix.Length;
            string[] result = path.Substring(prefixLength).Split(
                                                new string[] {

            if (result.Length == 0 || result.Length > 2) 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(Strings.InvalidMetadataPath);
            if (result.Length >= 1)
                assemblyName = result[0]; 
                assemblyName = null;
            if (result.Length == 2)
                resourceName = result[1]; 
                resourceName = null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.IO;
using System.Data.Entity; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm 
    /// This class represents a collection of resources to be loaded from one 
    /// or more assemblies.
    internal class MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource : MetadataArtifactLoader
        /// The list of metadata artifacts encapsulated by the composite. 
        private readonly ReadOnlyCollection _children;
        private readonly string _originalPath; 

        /// This constructor expects to get the paths that have potential to turn into multiple
        /// artifacts like 
        /// res://*/foo.csdl   -- could be multiple assemblies 
        /// res://MyAssembly/  -- could be multiple artifacts in the one assembly 
        /// The path to the (collection of) resources
        /// The global registry of URIs
        internal MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource(string originalPath, string assemblyName, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver) 
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null); 
            _originalPath = originalPath;
            _children = LoadResources(assemblyName, resourceName, uriRegistry, resolver).AsReadOnly(); 

        public override string Path
            get { return _originalPath; }
        public override bool IsComposite
                return true;
        public override void CollectFilePermissionPaths(List paths, DataSpace spaceToGet) 
            foreach (var loader in _children) 
                loader.CollectFilePermissionPaths(paths, spaceToGet);

        /// Get paths to artifacts for a specific DataSpace, in the original, unexpanded 
        /// form.
        /// An assembly can embed any kind of artifact as a resource, so we simply
        /// ignore the parameter and return the original assembly name in the URI.
        /// The DataSpace for the artifacts of interest
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all artifacts for a specific DataSpace 
        public override List GetOriginalPaths(DataSpace spaceToGet)
            return GetOriginalPaths(); 
        /// Get paths to artifacts for a specific DataSpace.
        /// The DataSpace for the artifacts of interest 
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all artifacts for a specific DataSpace
        public override List GetPaths(DataSpace spaceToGet) 
            List list = new List();
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)

            return list; 

        /// Get paths to all artifacts
        /// A List of strings identifying paths to all resources
        public override List GetPaths() 
            List list = new List(); 
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)

            return list; 
        /// Aggregates all resource streams from the _children collection
        /// A List of XmlReader objects; cannot be null
        public override List GetReaders(Dictionary sourceDictionary)
            List list = new List(); 

            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children) 

            return list;
        /// Get XmlReaders for a specific DataSpace. 
        /// The DataSpace corresponding to the requested artifacts
        /// A List of XmlReader objects 
        public override List CreateReaders(DataSpace spaceToGet)
            List list = new List();
            foreach (MetadataArtifactLoaderResource resource in _children)
            return list;

        /// Load all resources from the assembly/assemblies identified in the resource path.
        /// The global registry of URIs 
        private static List LoadResources(string assemblyName, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null);
            List loaders = new List();
            if (assemblyName == MetadataArtifactLoader.wildcard)
                foreach (Assembly assembly in resolver.GetWildcardAssemblies())
                    if (AssemblyContainsResource(assembly, ref resourceName))
                        LoadResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver);

                Assembly assembly = ResolveAssemblyName(assemblyName, resolver);
                LoadResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver); 
            if (resourceName != null && loaders.Count == 0) 
                // they were asking for a specific resource name, and we didn't find it 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnableToLoadResource);

            return loaders; 
        private static bool AssemblyContainsResource(Assembly assembly, ref string resourceName) 
            if (resourceName == null) 
                return true;
            string[] allresources = GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(assembly);
            foreach (string current in allresources) 
                if (string.Equals(resourceName, current, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    resourceName = current;
                    return true;

            return false; 
        private static void LoadResourcesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            if (resourceName == null)
                LoadAllResourcesFromAssembly(assembly, uriRegistry, loaders, resolver);
            else if (AssemblyContainsResource(assembly, ref resourceName)) 
                CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders); 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnableToLoadResource); 
        private static void LoadAllResourcesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null);
            string[] allresources = GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(assembly);

            foreach (string resourceName in allresources) 
                CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry, loaders); 
        private static void CreateAndAddSingleResourceLoader(Assembly assembly, string resourceName, ICollection uriRegistry, List loaders)
            Debug.Assert(resourceName != null);
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null); 

            string resourceUri = CreateResPath(assembly, resourceName); 
            if (!uriRegistry.Contains(resourceUri)) 
                loaders.Add(new MetadataArtifactLoaderResource(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry)); 

        internal static string CreateResPath(Assembly assembly, string resourceName) 
            string resourceUri = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 

            return resourceUri; 
        internal static string[] GetManifestResourceNamesForAssembly(Assembly assembly) 
            Debug.Assert(assembly != null); 

            return !assembly.IsDynamic ? assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() : new string[0];
        /// Load all resources from a specific assembly. 
        /// The full name identifying the assembly to
        /// load resources from 
        /// The global registry of URIs
        /// delegate for resolve the assembly
        private static Assembly ResolveAssemblyName(string assemblyName, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null);
            AssemblyName referenceName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName); 
            Assembly assembly;
            if(!resolver.TryResolveAssemblyReference(referenceName, out assembly)) 
                throw new FileNotFoundException(Strings.UnableToResolveAssembly(assemblyName));
            return assembly;

        internal static MetadataArtifactLoader CreateResourceLoader(string path, ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, string validExtension, ICollection uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver) 
            Debug.Assert(path != null);
            // if the supplied path ends with a separator, or contains only one
            // segment (i.e., the name of an assembly, or the wildcard character), 
            // create a composite loader that can extract resources from one or 
            // more assemblies
            bool createCompositeResLoader = false;
            string assemblyName = null;
            string resourceName = null;
            ParseResourcePath(path, out assemblyName, out resourceName); 
            createCompositeResLoader = (assemblyName != null) && (resourceName == null || assemblyName.Trim() == wildcard);
            ValidateExtension(extensionCheck, validExtension, resourceName); 

            if (createCompositeResLoader) 
                return new MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource(path, assemblyName, resourceName, uriRegistry, resolver);
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName), "we should not get here is the resourceName is null");
            Assembly assembly = ResolveAssemblyName(assemblyName, resolver); 
            return new MetadataArtifactLoaderResource(assembly, resourceName, uriRegistry); 
        private static void ValidateExtension(ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, string validExtension, string resourceName)
            if (resourceName == null)
            // the supplied path represents a single resource
            switch (extensionCheck)
                case ExtensionCheck.Specific:
                    MetadataArtifactLoader.CheckArtifactExtension(resourceName, validExtension); 
                case ExtensionCheck.All: 
                    if (!MetadataArtifactLoader.IsValidArtifact(resourceName))
                        throw EntityUtil.Metadata(Strings.InvalidMetadataPath);
        /// Splits the supplied path into the assembly portion and the resource
        /// part (if any) 
        /// The resource path to parse
        /// An array of (two) strings containing the assembly name
        /// and the resource name 
        private static void ParseResourcePath(string path, out string assemblyName, out string resourceName)
            // Extract the components from the path 
            int prefixLength = MetadataArtifactLoader.resPathPrefix.Length;
            string[] result = path.Substring(prefixLength).Split(
                                                new string[] {

            if (result.Length == 0 || result.Length > 2) 
                throw EntityUtil.Metadata(Strings.InvalidMetadataPath);
            if (result.Length >= 1)
                assemblyName = result[0]; 
                assemblyName = null;
            if (result.Length == 2)
                resourceName = result[1]; 
                resourceName = null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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