RecognizedPhrase.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Result / RecognizedPhrase.cs / 1 / RecognizedPhrase.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages.

#pragma warning disable 56500 // Remove all the catch all statements warnings used by the interop layer 

namespace System.Speech.Recognition 
    /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognizedPhrase"]/*' />

    [DebuggerDisplay ("{Text}")]
    public class RecognizedPhrase
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal RecognizedPhrase () 
        // Public Methods
        #region Public Methods 

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.ConstructSMLFromSemantics"]/*' /> 
        public IXPathNavigable ConstructSmlFromSemantics ()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (_smlContent))
                XmlDocument smlDocument = new XmlDocument ();
                smlDocument.LoadXml (_smlContent); 
                return smlDocument; 
            if (_serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset != 0)
                ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError ();

            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument (); 
            XmlElement root = document.CreateElement ("SML"); 
            NumberFormatInfo nfo = new NumberFormatInfo ();
            nfo.NumberDecimalDigits = 3; 

            document.AppendChild (root);

            root.SetAttribute ("text", Text); 
            root.SetAttribute ("utteranceConfidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
            root.SetAttribute ("confidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo)); 
            if (Semantics.Count > 0)
                AppendPropertiesSML (document, root, Semantics, nfo);
            else if (Semantics.Value != null)
                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (Semantics.Value.ToString ());
                root.AppendChild (valueText); 

            // now append the alternates 
            for (int i = 0; i < _recoResult.Alternates.Count; i++)
                RecognizedPhrase alternate = _recoResult.Alternates [i];
                alternate.AppendSml (document, i + 1, nfo); 
            _smlContent = document.OuterXml; 
            return document;


        // Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Text"]/*' />
        public string Text 
                if (_text == null)
                    Collection replacements = ReplacementWordUnits;
                    ReplacementText replacement;

                    int iCurReplacementIndex = 0; 
                    int iWordReplacement = NextReplacementWord (replacements, out replacement, ref iCurReplacementIndex);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < Words.Count; i++) 
                        DisplayAttributes displayAttribute; 
                        string text;
                        if (i == iWordReplacement)
                            displayAttribute = replacement.DisplayAttributes; 
                            text = replacement.Text;
                            i += replacement.CountOfWords - 1; 
                            iWordReplacement = NextReplacementWord (replacements, out replacement, ref iCurReplacementIndex); 
                            displayAttribute = Words [i].DisplayAttributes;
                            text = Words [i].Text;

                        // Remove leading spaces 
                        if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.ConsumeLeadingSpaces) != 0) 
                            while (sb.Length > 0 && sb [sb.Length - 1] == ' ') 
                                sb.Remove (sb.Length - 1, 1);

                        // Append text 
                        sb.Append (text); 

                        // Add trailing spaces 
                        if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.ZeroTrailingSpaces) != 0)
                            // no action
                        else if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.OneTrailingSpace) != 0)
                            sb.Append (" "); 
                        else if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.TwoTrailingSpaces) != 0) 
                            sb.Append ("  ");

                    _text = sb.ToString ().Trim (' '); 
                return _text;

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Confidence"]/*' />
        public float Confidence 
                return _confidence;

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Words"]/*' />
        public ReadOnlyCollection Words 
                if (_words == null)
                    int countOfElements = (int) _serializedPhrase.Rule.ulCountOfElements;
                    int elementsOffset = (int) _serializedPhrase.ElementsOffset;
                    List wordList = new List (countOfElements);
                    int sizeofPhraseElement = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT));
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                        IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        for (int i = 0; i < countOfElements; i++)
                            IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + elementsOffset + i * sizeofPhraseElement); 
                            SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT element = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT));
                            string displayForm = null, lexicalForm = null, pronunciation = null; 
                            if (element.pszDisplayTextOffset != 0)
                                IntPtr displayFormBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszDisplayTextOffset);
                                displayForm = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (displayFormBuffer);
                            if (element.pszLexicalFormOffset != 0) 
                                IntPtr lexicalFormBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszLexicalFormOffset); 
                                lexicalForm = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (lexicalFormBuffer); 
                            if (element.pszPronunciationOffset != 0)
                                IntPtr pronunciationBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszPronunciationOffset);
                                pronunciation = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (pronunciationBuffer); 
                                if (!_hasIPAPronunciation)
                                    pronunciation = _recoResult.ConvertPronunciation (pronunciation, _serializedPhrase.LangID); 

                            DisplayAttributes displayAttributes = RecognizedWordUnit.SapiAttributesToDisplayAttributes (element.bDisplayAttributes);

                            // On SAPI 5.1, the engine confidence is not set. Force a value in this case 
                            if (!_isSapi53Header)
                                element.SREngineConfidence = 1.0f; 
                            wordList.Add (new RecognizedWordUnit (displayForm, element.SREngineConfidence, pronunciation, lexicalForm, displayAttributes, new TimeSpan (element.ulAudioTimeOffset * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 10000), new TimeSpan (element.ulAudioSizeTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 10000))); 
                        _words = new ReadOnlyCollection (wordList);
                        gc.Free (); 
                return _words; 

        // Semantic data about result: 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Semantics"]/*' />
        public SemanticValue Semantics 
                if (_serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset != 0)
                    ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError ();

                if (_phraseBuffer == null) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException ();
                if (_semantics == null)
                    CalcSemantics (Grammar);
                return _semantics;

        // Homophonic alternates for this phrase 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Homophones"]/*' />
        public ReadOnlyCollection Homophones
                if (_phraseBuffer == null) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException ();
                if (_homophones == null)
                    // Walks the list of alternates and collects all phrases that have the same
                    // homophoneGroupId at the phrase 
                    List homophones = new List (_recoResult.Alternates.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _recoResult.Alternates.Count; i++) 
                        if ((_recoResult.Alternates [i]._homophoneGroupId == _homophoneGroupId) && (_recoResult.Alternates [i].Text != this.Text))
                            homophones.Add (_recoResult.Alternates [i]);
                    _homophones = new ReadOnlyCollection (homophones); 
                return _homophones; 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Grammar"]/*' />
        public Grammar Grammar
                // If this phrase comes from a deserialize, then throw 
                if (_grammarId == unchecked ((UInt64) (-1))) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.CantGetPropertyFromSerializedInfo, "Grammar")); 

                if (_grammar == null && _recoResult.Recognizer != null)
                    _grammar = _recoResult.Recognizer.GetGrammarFromId (_grammarId);
                return _grammar; 

        /// TODOC
        public Collection ReplacementWordUnits
                if (_replacementText == null) 
                    _replacementText = new Collection (); 

                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        // Get the ITN and Look for replacement phrase/ 
                        IntPtr itnBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + _serializedPhrase.ReplacementsOffset);
                        for (int i = 0; i < _serializedPhrase.cReplacements; i++, itnBuffer = (IntPtr) ((long) itnBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT)))) 
                            SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT replacement = (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (itnBuffer, typeof (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT));
                            string text = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) buffer + replacement.pszReplacementText));
                            DisplayAttributes displayAttributes = RecognizedWordUnit.SapiAttributesToDisplayAttributes (replacement.bDisplayAttributes); 
                            _replacementText.Add (new ReplacementText (displayAttributes, text, (int) replacement.ulFirstElement, (int) replacement.ulCountOfElements));
                        gc.Free ();
                return _replacementText; 
        /// TODOC 
        public int HomophoneGroupId
                return _homophoneGroupId; 

        // Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        static internal SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE GetPhraseHeader (IntPtr phraseBuffer, uint expectedPhraseSize, bool isSapi53Header)
            SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase;
            if (isSapi53Header)
                serializedPhrase = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (phraseBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE)); 
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51 legacyPhrase = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51) Marshal.PtrToStructure (phraseBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51));
                serializedPhrase = new SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE (legacyPhrase);

            if (serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize > expectedPhraseSize) 
                throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.ResultInvalidFormat));
            return serializedPhrase;

        internal void InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (RecognitionResult recoResult, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, int phraseLength, bool isSapi53Header, bool hasIPAPronunciation) 
            _recoResult = recoResult; 
            _isSapi53Header = isSapi53Header; 
            _serializedPhrase = serializedPhrase;
            _confidence = _serializedPhrase.Rule.SREngineConfidence;
            _grammarId = _serializedPhrase.ullGrammarID;
            _homophoneGroupId = _serializedPhrase.wHomophoneGroupId;
            _hasIPAPronunciation = hasIPAPronunciation; 

            // Save the phrase blob 
            _phraseBuffer = new byte [phraseLength]; 
            Marshal.Copy (phraseBuffer, _phraseBuffer, 0, phraseLength);
            // Get the grammar options
            _grammarOptions = recoResult.Grammar != null ? recoResult.Grammar._semanticTag : GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs;

            // This triggers the semantic processing if any 
            CalcSemantics (recoResult.Grammar);
        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        internal ulong GrammarId 
                return _grammarId; 
        internal string SmlContent
                _smlContent = value; 
                if (_smlContent == null) 
                    // this method already sets _smlContent
                    ConstructSmlFromSemantics ();
                return _smlContent;


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal fields
        internal SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE _serializedPhrase;
        internal byte [] _phraseBuffer;
        internal bool _isSapi53Header;
        internal bool _hasIPAPronunciation; 

        // Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // Semantic data about result: 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Semantics"]/*' />
        private void CalcSemantics (Grammar grammar) 
            if (_semantics == null && _serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset == 0)
                GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                    IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 

                    if (!CalcILSemantics (buffer)) 
                        // List of recognized words
                        IList words = Words;
                        // Build the list of rules and property values
                        RuleNode ruleTree = ExtractRules (grammar, _serializedPhrase.Rule, buffer); 
                        List propertyList = BuildRecoPropertyTree (_serializedPhrase, buffer, ruleTree, words, _isSapi53Header); 

                        // Recursively build the dictionary of properties 
                        _semantics = RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (words, propertyList, ruleTree, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref _dupItems);
#if !NO_STG
                        // Delay the call to TryExecuteOnRecognition until the _semantics has been set
                        _semantics.Value = TryExecuteOnRecognition (grammar, _recoResult, ruleTree._rule); 
                    gc.Free ();

        private bool CalcILSemantics (IntPtr phraseBuffer) 
            if ((_grammarOptions & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) != 0 || _grammarOptions == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs)
                IList words = Words;
                _semantics = new SemanticValue ("", null, _confidence);
                if (_serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset != 0)
                    RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) _serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, _semantics, words, _isSapi53Header, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat);
                return true; 
            return false; 

        static private List BuildRecoPropertyTree (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, bool isSapi53Header)
            List propertyList = new List ();
            // Array of string containing the rule names. 
            if ((int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset > 0)
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header);
            return propertyList;

        static private SemanticValue RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (IList words, List properties, RuleNode ruleTree, GrammarOptions semanticTag, ref Collection dupItems) 
            SemanticValue semanticValue = new SemanticValue (ruleTree._name, null, ruleTree._confidence);
            // Add the semantic values from the child rules
            for (RuleNode children = ruleTree._child; children != null; children = children._next)
                // Propagate up the semantic values calculated at the children level 
                SemanticValue childrenSemantics = RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (words, properties, children, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
                if (!children._hasName) 
                    foreach (KeyValuePair kv in childrenSemantics._dictionary)
                        InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, kv.Key, kv.Value, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
                    if (childrenSemantics.Value != null)
                        if ((semanticTag & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) == 0 && semanticValue._valueFieldSet && !semanticValue.Value.Equals (childrenSemantics.Value))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticValue, ruleTree._name)); 
                        semanticValue.Value = childrenSemantics.Value; 
                        semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true;
                    // If no value has been set then the recognized text is returned as the value 
                    if (!childrenSemantics._valueFieldSet && childrenSemantics.Count == 0) 
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < children._count; i++)
                            if (sb.Length > 0)
                                sb.Append (" ");
                            sb.Append (words [(int) children._firstElement + i].Text); 
                        childrenSemantics._valueFieldSet = true; 
                        childrenSemantics.Value = sb.ToString ();
                    semanticValue._dictionary.Add (children._name, childrenSemantics);
            // Add the semantic value from the properties 
            foreach (ResultPropertiesRef property in properties)
                if (property._ruleNode == ruleTree)
                    InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, property._name, property._value, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
#if !NO_STG 

            Exception exceptionThrown = null; 

            // Try to execute the semantic value if OnParse is defined
            object newValue;
            bool doneOnParse = TryExecuteOnParse (ruleTree, semanticValue, words, out newValue, ref exceptionThrown); 

            if (exceptionThrown != null) 
                throw exceptionThrown;

            if (doneOnParse)
                semanticValue._dictionary.Clear ();
                semanticValue.Value = newValue; 
                semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true; 

            return semanticValue;
        static private void RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (List propertyList, int semanticsOffset, IntPtr phraseBuffer, RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, bool isSapi53Header)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset); 
            string propertyName;
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);

            RuleNode node = ruleTree.Find (property.ulFirstElement, property.ulCountOfElements); 
            if (propertyName == "SemanticKey")
                node._name = (string) thisSemanticValue.Value; 
                node._hasName = true;
                propertyList.Add (new ResultPropertiesRef (propertyName, thisSemanticValue, node));

            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                // add children to the new node
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header); 

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0)
                // add siblings to parent node
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header); 
        private void RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (IntPtr phraseBuffer, int semanticsOffset, SemanticValue semanticValue, IList words, bool isSapi53Header, GrammarOptions semanticTag)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset);
                (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY) Marshal.PtrToStructure (propertyBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY));
            string propertyName; 
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);
            if (propertyName == "_value" && semanticValue != null)
                // 'remove' the _value node from the tree by setting its value to the parent's value
                // and use the parent as the node to add children (if present) 
                semanticValue.Value = thisSemanticValue.Value;
                if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                    thisSemanticValue = semanticValue;
                InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, propertyName, thisSemanticValue, semanticTag, ref _dupItems); 
            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                // add children to the new node 
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, thisSemanticValue, words, isSapi53Header, semanticTag);

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                // add siblings to parent node 
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, semanticValue, words, isSapi53Header, semanticTag); 

        static private void InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (SemanticValue semanticValue, string propertyName, SemanticValue thisSemanticValue, GrammarOptions semanticTag, ref Collection dupItems)
            string key = propertyName; 
            if ((key == "$" && semanticTag == GrammarOptions.MssV1)
                || (key == "=" && (semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs || semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs)) 
                || (thisSemanticValue.Count == -1 && semanticTag == GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) 
                if ((semanticTag & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) == 0 && semanticValue._valueFieldSet && !semanticValue.Value.Equals (thisSemanticValue.Value)) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticValue, semanticValue.KeyName));
                semanticValue.Value = thisSemanticValue.Value; 
                semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true;
                bool containsKey = semanticValue._dictionary.ContainsKey (key); 
                if (!containsKey)
                    semanticValue._dictionary.Add (key, thisSemanticValue);
                    if (!semanticValue._dictionary [key].Equals (thisSemanticValue)) 
                        // Error out for Srgs grammars 
                        if (semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticKey, propertyName, semanticValue.KeyName));

                        // Append a _* on the key name for none SAPI grammars 
                        int count = 0; 
                            key = propertyName + string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "_{0}", count++);
                        while (semanticValue._dictionary.ContainsKey (key));
                        semanticValue._dictionary.Add (key, thisSemanticValue); 
                        if (dupItems == null)
                            dupItems = new Collection (); 
                        SemanticValue s = semanticValue._dictionary [key]; 
                        dupItems.Add (s);
        static private SemanticValue ExtractSemanticValueInformation (int semanticsOffset, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY property, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header, out string propertyName) 
            object propertyValue; 

            bool isIdName = false;
            if (property.pszNameOffset > 0)
                IntPtr nameBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) property.pszNameOffset);
                propertyName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (nameBuffer); 
                propertyName = property.ulId.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                isIdName = true;
            if (property.pszValueOffset > 0)
                IntPtr valueStringBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) property.pszValueOffset); 
                propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (valueStringBuffer);
                if (!isSapi53Header && isIdName && ((string) propertyValue).Contains ("$")) 
                    // SAPI 5.1 result that contains script fragments rather than output of executing script.
                    // Strip this information as script-based grammars aren't supported on 5.1.
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
                if (property.SpVariantSubset >= 0) 
                    IntPtr valueBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + +semanticsOffset + SpVariantSubsetOffset);
                    switch ((VarEnum) property.vValue)
                        case VarEnum.VT_I4:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.ReadInt32 (valueBuffer); 

                        case VarEnum.VT_UI4: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (UInt32));

                        case VarEnum.VT_I8: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.ReadInt64 (valueBuffer);
                        case VarEnum.VT_UI8:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (UInt64)); 

                        case VarEnum.VT_R4:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (float)); 
                        case VarEnum.VT_R8: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (double));

                        case VarEnum.VT_BOOL:
                            propertyValue = (Marshal.ReadByte (valueBuffer) != 0);

                        case VarEnum.VT_EMPTY: 
                            propertyValue = null; 
                            throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.UnhandledVariant));
                    propertyValue = String.Empty; 
            return new SemanticValue (propertyName, propertyValue, property.SREngineConfidence); 

        static private RuleNode ExtractRules (Grammar grammar, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE rule, IntPtr phraseBuffer)
            // Get the rule name
            IntPtr nameBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) rule.pszNameOffset); 
            // Add the rule name to the proper element index
            string name = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (nameBuffer); 

            // find the grammar for this rule. If the grammar does not belong to any existing ruleref then
            // it must be local.
#if !NO_STG 
            Grammar ruleRef = grammar != null ? grammar.Find (name) : null;
            if (ruleRef != null) 
                grammar = ruleRef;
            RuleNode node = new RuleNode (grammar, name, rule.SREngineConfidence, rule.ulFirstElement,rule.ulCountOfElements);

            if (rule.NextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + rule.NextSiblingOffset); 
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE ruleNext = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE)); 

                node._next = ExtractRules (grammar, ruleNext, phraseBuffer); 

            if (rule.FirstChildOffset > 0)
                IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + rule.FirstChildOffset);
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE ruleFirst = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE)); 
                node._child = ExtractRules (grammar, ruleFirst, phraseBuffer);
            return node;

        private void ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError () 
            //string error; 
            if (!_isSapi53Header) 
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr smlBuffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                SPSEMANTICERRORINFO semanticError = (SPSEMANTICERRORINFO) Marshal.PtrToStructure ((IntPtr) ((long) smlBuffer + (int) _serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset), typeof (SPSEMANTICERRORINFO)); 

                string source = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszSourceOffset)); 
                string description = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszDescriptionOffset));
                string script = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszScriptLineOffset));

                string error = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Error while evaluating semantic interpretation:\n" + 
                                            "  HRESULT:     {0:x}\n" +
                                            "  Line:        {1}\n" + 
                                            "  Source:      {2}\n" + 
                                            "  Description: {3}\n" +
                                            "  Script:      {4}\n", semanticError.hrResultCode, semanticError.ulLineNumber, source, description, script); 
                throw new InvalidOperationException (error);
                gc.Free ();

#if !NO_STG 

        static private bool TryExecuteOnParse (RuleNode ruleRef, SemanticValue value, IList words, out object newValue, ref Exception exceptionThrown)
            newValue = null; 
            bool doneOnParse = false;
            Grammar grammar = ruleRef._grammar; 
            if (grammar != null && grammar._scripts != null)
                // Check if the Inner
                    if (exceptionThrown == null) 
                        doneOnParse = ExecuteOnParse (grammar, ruleRef, value, words, out newValue); 
                        if (ExecuteOnError (grammar, ruleRef, exceptionThrown))
                            exceptionThrown = null;
                catch (Exception e) 
                    if (exceptionThrown == null) 
                        exceptionThrown = e;
                        // Try to execute on Error on this thread
                            if (ExecuteOnError (grammar, ruleRef, exceptionThrown)) 
                                exceptionThrown = null;
                        catch (Exception e2)
                            exceptionThrown = e2; 
            return doneOnParse; 

        private static bool ExecuteOnParse (Grammar grammar, RuleNode ruleRef, SemanticValue value, IList words, out object newValue)
            // Get the rule list
            ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts; 
            bool doneOnParse = false; 
            newValue = null;
            // Look if an OnParse exist for this method
            for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++)
                ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript]; 
                if (ruleRef._rule == script._rule)
                    if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onParse) 
                        // Get the method to invoke 
                        RecognizedWordUnit [] recoUnits = new RecognizedWordUnit [ruleRef._count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ruleRef._count; i++)
                            recoUnits [i] = words [i]; 
                        object [] parameters = new object [2] { value, recoUnits }; 

                        if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                            Exception appDomainException;
                            newValue = grammar._proxy.OnParse (script._rule, script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException);
                            if (appDomainException != null)
                                throw appDomainException; 
                            MethodInfo onParse;
                            System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar rule; 
                            GetRuleInstance (grammar, script._rule, script._sMethod, out onParse, out rule);
                            // Execute the parse routine 
                            newValue = onParse.Invoke (rule, parameters);
                        doneOnParse = true;
            return doneOnParse;
        private static bool ExecuteOnError (Grammar grammar, RuleNode ruleRef, Exception e)
            // Get the rule list
            ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts;
            bool invoked = false;
            // Look if an OnParse exist for this method
            for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++) 
                ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript];
                if (ruleRef._rule == script._rule) 
                    if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onError)
                        // Get the method to invoke 
                        object [] parameters = new object [] { e };
                        if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                            Exception appDomainException; 
                            grammar._proxy.OnError (script._rule, script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException);
                            if (appDomainException != null)
                                throw appDomainException; 
                            MethodInfo onError; 
                            System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar rule;
                            GetRuleInstance (grammar, script._rule, script._sMethod, out onError, out rule);

                            // Execute the parse routine 
                            onError.Invoke (rule, parameters);
                        invoked = true; 
            return invoked;
        private static object TryExecuteOnRecognition (Grammar grammar, RecognitionResult result, string rootRule)
            object resultValue = result.Semantics.Value; 
            if (grammar != null && grammar._scripts != null)
                // Get the rule list
                ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts;

                // Look if an OnRecognition exist for this method 
                for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++)
                    ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript]; 
                    if (rootRule == script._rule)
                        if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onRecognition)
                            // Get the method to invoke
                            object [] parameters = new object [1] { result }; 

                            if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                                Exception appDomainException;
                                resultValue = grammar._proxy.OnRecognition (script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException); 
                                if (appDomainException != null)
                                    throw appDomainException;
                                Type grammarType = grammar.GetType ();
                                MethodInfo onRecognition = grammarType.GetMethod (script._sMethod, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 

                                // Execute the parse routine
                                resultValue = onRecognition.Invoke (grammar, parameters);
            return resultValue;


        static private void GetRuleInstance (Grammar grammar, string rule, string method, out MethodInfo onParse, out Grammar ruleInstance) 
            Type grammarType = grammar.GetType (); 
            Assembly assembly = grammarType.Assembly;
            Type ruleClass = rule == grammarType.Name ? grammarType : GetTypeForRule (assembly, rule);
            if (ruleClass == null || !ruleClass.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar)))
                throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerInvalidBinaryGrammar));
            ruleInstance = ruleClass == grammarType ? grammar : (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar) assembly.CreateInstance (ruleClass.FullName); 
            onParse = ruleInstance.MethodInfo (method);

        static private Type GetTypeForRule (Assembly assembly, string rule)
            Type [] types = assembly.GetTypes (); 
            for (int iType = 0; iType < types.Length; iType++)
                Type type = types [iType]; 
                if (type.Name == rule && type.IsPublic && type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar)))
                    return type;
            return null; 
        static private int NextReplacementWord (Collection replacements, out ReplacementText replacement, ref int posInCollection)
            if (posInCollection < replacements.Count)
                replacement = replacements [posInCollection++];
                return replacement.FirstWordIndex; 
                replacement = null;
                return -1; 

        private void AppendSml (XmlDocument document, int i, NumberFormatInfo nfo) 
            XmlNode root = document.DocumentElement; 
            XmlElement alternateNode = document.CreateElement ("alternate"); 
            root.AppendChild (alternateNode);
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("Rank", i.ToString (CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("text", Text);
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("utteranceConfidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("confidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo)); 

            if (_semantics.Value != null) 
                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (_semantics.Value.ToString ());
                alternateNode.AppendChild (valueText); 

            // recursively add the properties now
            AppendPropertiesSML (document, alternateNode, _semantics, nfo); 
        private void AppendPropertiesSML (XmlDocument document, XmlElement alternateNode, SemanticValue semanticsNode, NumberFormatInfo nfo) 
            if (semanticsNode != null) 
                foreach (KeyValuePair kv in semanticsNode)
                    if (kv.Key == "_attributes") 
                        // all the attributes are located under the attribute property. 
                        AppendAttributes (alternateNode, kv.Value); 
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (alternateNode.InnerText) && semanticsNode.Value != null)
                            XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (semanticsNode.Value.ToString ());
                            alternateNode.AppendChild (valueText);
                        string keyName = kv.Key; 
                        if (_dupItems != null && _dupItems.Contains (kv.Value))
                            keyName = RemoveTrailingNumber (kv.Key);

                        XmlElement propertyNode = document.CreateElement (keyName); 
                        propertyNode.SetAttribute ("confidence", semanticsNode [kv.Key].Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
                        alternateNode.AppendChild (propertyNode); 

                        if (kv.Value.Count > 0) 
                            if (kv.Value.Value != null)
                                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (kv.Value.Value.ToString ()); 
                                propertyNode.AppendChild (valueText);
                            AppendPropertiesSML (document, propertyNode, kv.Value, nfo); 
                        else if (kv.Value.Value != null) 
                            XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (kv.Value.Value.ToString ());
                            propertyNode.AppendChild (valueText);
        private string RemoveTrailingNumber (string name)
            return name.Substring (0, name.LastIndexOf ('_'));

        private void AppendAttributes (XmlElement propertyNode, SemanticValue semanticValue) 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in semanticValue)
                if (propertyNode.Attributes [kv.Key] == null)
                    propertyNode.SetAttribute (kv.Key, kv.Value.Value.ToString ());
        static private void DumpAll (RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header)
            DumpWords (words);
            Console.WriteLine ("Rules"); 
            DumpRules (0, ruleTree);
            if (serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset != 0) 
                Console.WriteLine ("Semantics");
                DumpSemantics (0, (int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header); 
                Console.WriteLine ("No Semantics"); 
        static private void DumpWords (IList words)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
            foreach (RecognizedWordUnit word in words)
                sb.Append (word.Text + " "); 
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); 

        static private void DumpRules (int depth, RuleNode node)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) 
                sb.Append ("----"); 
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString () + " " + node._rule + "[" + node._firstElement + "," + node._firstElement + node._count + "," + "]");
            if (node._next != null)
                DumpRules (depth, node._next);
            if (node._child != null)
                DumpRules (depth + 1, node._child); 

        static private void DumpSemantics (int depth, int semanticsOffset, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset); 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                sb.Append ("----");

            string propertyName; 
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString () + " " + propertyName + "[" + property.ulFirstElement + "," + property.ulCountOfElements + "," + property.ulId + "]"); 

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                // add siblings to parent node
                DumpSemantics (depth, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header);
            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0)
                // add children to the new node 
                DumpSemantics (depth + 1, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header);

        // Private Types 

        #region Private Types 

        [DebuggerDisplay ("{DisplayDebugInfo ()}")] 
        private class RuleNode 
            internal RuleNode (Grammar grammar, string rule, float confidence, uint first, uint count)
                _rule = _name = rule; 
                _firstElement = first;
                _count = count; 
                _confidence = confidence; 
                _grammar = grammar;
                //_ruleId = id; 

            /// Find the rule enclosing a property. 
            /// First word mathcing the property 
            /// Count of words 
            internal RuleNode Find (uint firstElement, uint count) 
                // If the count of word is set to zero. It means that the tag is located just before a word.
                // The trick here is to use 1/2 position to locate tags in this case.
                float firstWord, lastWord; 
                if (count == 0)
                    firstWord = lastWord = firstElement - 0.5f; 
                    firstWord = (float) firstElement;
                    lastWord = firstWord + (count - 1);

                for (RuleNode child = _child; child != null; child = child._next) 
                    float ruleFirstWord, ruleLastWord;
                    if (child._count == 0) 
                        ruleFirstWord = ruleLastWord = child._firstElement - 0.5f;
                        ruleFirstWord = (float) child._firstElement; 
                        ruleLastWord = ruleFirstWord + (child._count - 1); 
                    if (ruleFirstWord <= firstElement && ruleLastWord >= lastWord) 
                        return child.Find (firstElement, count);
                return this;
            private string DisplayDebugInfo () 
                return string.Format ("'rule={0}", _rule);
            internal Grammar _grammar;
            internal string _rule; 
            internal string _name; 
            internal uint _firstElement;
            internal uint _count; 
            //internal int _ruleId;
            internal float _confidence;
            internal bool _hasName;
            internal RuleNode _next;
            internal RuleNode _child; 

        [DebuggerDisplay ("Name={_name} node={_ruleNode._rule} value={_value != null && _value.Value != null ? _value.Value.ToString() : \"\"}")]
        private struct ResultPropertiesRef 
            internal string _name; 
            internal SemanticValue _value; 
            internal RuleNode _ruleNode;
            internal ResultPropertiesRef (string name, SemanticValue value, RuleNode ruleNode)
                _name = name;
                _value = value; 
                _ruleNode = ruleNode;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private RecognitionResult _recoResult;
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions;

        private string _text; 
        private float _confidence;
        private SemanticValue _semantics; 
        private ReadOnlyCollection _words; 
        private Collection _replacementText;
        private UInt64 _grammarId = unchecked ((UInt64) (-1));
#pragma warning disable 6524
        private Grammar _grammar;
#pragma warning restore 6524 
        private int _homophoneGroupId; 
        private ReadOnlyCollection _homophones;
        private Collection _dupItems; 

        private string _smlContent;

        private const int SpVariantSubsetOffset = 16; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages.

#pragma warning disable 56500 // Remove all the catch all statements warnings used by the interop layer 

namespace System.Speech.Recognition 
    /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognizedPhrase"]/*' />

    [DebuggerDisplay ("{Text}")]
    public class RecognizedPhrase
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal RecognizedPhrase () 
        // Public Methods
        #region Public Methods 

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.ConstructSMLFromSemantics"]/*' /> 
        public IXPathNavigable ConstructSmlFromSemantics ()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (_smlContent))
                XmlDocument smlDocument = new XmlDocument ();
                smlDocument.LoadXml (_smlContent); 
                return smlDocument; 
            if (_serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset != 0)
                ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError ();

            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument (); 
            XmlElement root = document.CreateElement ("SML"); 
            NumberFormatInfo nfo = new NumberFormatInfo ();
            nfo.NumberDecimalDigits = 3; 

            document.AppendChild (root);

            root.SetAttribute ("text", Text); 
            root.SetAttribute ("utteranceConfidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
            root.SetAttribute ("confidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo)); 
            if (Semantics.Count > 0)
                AppendPropertiesSML (document, root, Semantics, nfo);
            else if (Semantics.Value != null)
                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (Semantics.Value.ToString ());
                root.AppendChild (valueText); 

            // now append the alternates 
            for (int i = 0; i < _recoResult.Alternates.Count; i++)
                RecognizedPhrase alternate = _recoResult.Alternates [i];
                alternate.AppendSml (document, i + 1, nfo); 
            _smlContent = document.OuterXml; 
            return document;


        // Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Text"]/*' />
        public string Text 
                if (_text == null)
                    Collection replacements = ReplacementWordUnits;
                    ReplacementText replacement;

                    int iCurReplacementIndex = 0; 
                    int iWordReplacement = NextReplacementWord (replacements, out replacement, ref iCurReplacementIndex);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < Words.Count; i++) 
                        DisplayAttributes displayAttribute; 
                        string text;
                        if (i == iWordReplacement)
                            displayAttribute = replacement.DisplayAttributes; 
                            text = replacement.Text;
                            i += replacement.CountOfWords - 1; 
                            iWordReplacement = NextReplacementWord (replacements, out replacement, ref iCurReplacementIndex); 
                            displayAttribute = Words [i].DisplayAttributes;
                            text = Words [i].Text;

                        // Remove leading spaces 
                        if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.ConsumeLeadingSpaces) != 0) 
                            while (sb.Length > 0 && sb [sb.Length - 1] == ' ') 
                                sb.Remove (sb.Length - 1, 1);

                        // Append text 
                        sb.Append (text); 

                        // Add trailing spaces 
                        if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.ZeroTrailingSpaces) != 0)
                            // no action
                        else if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.OneTrailingSpace) != 0)
                            sb.Append (" "); 
                        else if ((displayAttribute & DisplayAttributes.TwoTrailingSpaces) != 0) 
                            sb.Append ("  ");

                    _text = sb.ToString ().Trim (' '); 
                return _text;

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Confidence"]/*' />
        public float Confidence 
                return _confidence;

        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Words"]/*' />
        public ReadOnlyCollection Words 
                if (_words == null)
                    int countOfElements = (int) _serializedPhrase.Rule.ulCountOfElements;
                    int elementsOffset = (int) _serializedPhrase.ElementsOffset;
                    List wordList = new List (countOfElements);
                    int sizeofPhraseElement = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT));
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                        IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        for (int i = 0; i < countOfElements; i++)
                            IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + elementsOffset + i * sizeofPhraseElement); 
                            SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT element = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEELEMENT));
                            string displayForm = null, lexicalForm = null, pronunciation = null; 
                            if (element.pszDisplayTextOffset != 0)
                                IntPtr displayFormBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszDisplayTextOffset);
                                displayForm = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (displayFormBuffer);
                            if (element.pszLexicalFormOffset != 0) 
                                IntPtr lexicalFormBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszLexicalFormOffset); 
                                lexicalForm = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (lexicalFormBuffer); 
                            if (element.pszPronunciationOffset != 0)
                                IntPtr pronunciationBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) element.pszPronunciationOffset);
                                pronunciation = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (pronunciationBuffer); 
                                if (!_hasIPAPronunciation)
                                    pronunciation = _recoResult.ConvertPronunciation (pronunciation, _serializedPhrase.LangID); 

                            DisplayAttributes displayAttributes = RecognizedWordUnit.SapiAttributesToDisplayAttributes (element.bDisplayAttributes);

                            // On SAPI 5.1, the engine confidence is not set. Force a value in this case 
                            if (!_isSapi53Header)
                                element.SREngineConfidence = 1.0f; 
                            wordList.Add (new RecognizedWordUnit (displayForm, element.SREngineConfidence, pronunciation, lexicalForm, displayAttributes, new TimeSpan (element.ulAudioTimeOffset * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 10000), new TimeSpan (element.ulAudioSizeTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond / 10000))); 
                        _words = new ReadOnlyCollection (wordList);
                        gc.Free (); 
                return _words; 

        // Semantic data about result: 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Semantics"]/*' />
        public SemanticValue Semantics 
                if (_serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset != 0)
                    ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError ();

                if (_phraseBuffer == null) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException ();
                if (_semantics == null)
                    CalcSemantics (Grammar);
                return _semantics;

        // Homophonic alternates for this phrase 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Homophones"]/*' />
        public ReadOnlyCollection Homophones
                if (_phraseBuffer == null) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException ();
                if (_homophones == null)
                    // Walks the list of alternates and collects all phrases that have the same
                    // homophoneGroupId at the phrase 
                    List homophones = new List (_recoResult.Alternates.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _recoResult.Alternates.Count; i++) 
                        if ((_recoResult.Alternates [i]._homophoneGroupId == _homophoneGroupId) && (_recoResult.Alternates [i].Text != this.Text))
                            homophones.Add (_recoResult.Alternates [i]);
                    _homophones = new ReadOnlyCollection (homophones); 
                return _homophones; 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Grammar"]/*' />
        public Grammar Grammar
                // If this phrase comes from a deserialize, then throw 
                if (_grammarId == unchecked ((UInt64) (-1))) 
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.CantGetPropertyFromSerializedInfo, "Grammar")); 

                if (_grammar == null && _recoResult.Recognizer != null)
                    _grammar = _recoResult.Recognizer.GetGrammarFromId (_grammarId);
                return _grammar; 

        /// TODOC
        public Collection ReplacementWordUnits
                if (_replacementText == null) 
                    _replacementText = new Collection (); 

                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        // Get the ITN and Look for replacement phrase/ 
                        IntPtr itnBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + _serializedPhrase.ReplacementsOffset);
                        for (int i = 0; i < _serializedPhrase.cReplacements; i++, itnBuffer = (IntPtr) ((long) itnBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT)))) 
                            SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT replacement = (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (itnBuffer, typeof (SPPHRASEREPLACEMENT));
                            string text = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) buffer + replacement.pszReplacementText));
                            DisplayAttributes displayAttributes = RecognizedWordUnit.SapiAttributesToDisplayAttributes (replacement.bDisplayAttributes); 
                            _replacementText.Add (new ReplacementText (displayAttributes, text, (int) replacement.ulFirstElement, (int) replacement.ulCountOfElements));
                        gc.Free ();
                return _replacementText; 
        /// TODOC 
        public int HomophoneGroupId
                return _homophoneGroupId; 

        // Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        static internal SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE GetPhraseHeader (IntPtr phraseBuffer, uint expectedPhraseSize, bool isSapi53Header)
            SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase;
            if (isSapi53Header)
                serializedPhrase = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (phraseBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE)); 
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51 legacyPhrase = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51) Marshal.PtrToStructure (phraseBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE_Sapi51));
                serializedPhrase = new SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE (legacyPhrase);

            if (serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize > expectedPhraseSize) 
                throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.ResultInvalidFormat));
            return serializedPhrase;

        internal void InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (RecognitionResult recoResult, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, int phraseLength, bool isSapi53Header, bool hasIPAPronunciation) 
            _recoResult = recoResult; 
            _isSapi53Header = isSapi53Header; 
            _serializedPhrase = serializedPhrase;
            _confidence = _serializedPhrase.Rule.SREngineConfidence;
            _grammarId = _serializedPhrase.ullGrammarID;
            _homophoneGroupId = _serializedPhrase.wHomophoneGroupId;
            _hasIPAPronunciation = hasIPAPronunciation; 

            // Save the phrase blob 
            _phraseBuffer = new byte [phraseLength]; 
            Marshal.Copy (phraseBuffer, _phraseBuffer, 0, phraseLength);
            // Get the grammar options
            _grammarOptions = recoResult.Grammar != null ? recoResult.Grammar._semanticTag : GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs;

            // This triggers the semantic processing if any 
            CalcSemantics (recoResult.Grammar);
        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        internal ulong GrammarId 
                return _grammarId; 
        internal string SmlContent
                _smlContent = value; 
                if (_smlContent == null) 
                    // this method already sets _smlContent
                    ConstructSmlFromSemantics ();
                return _smlContent;


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal fields
        internal SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE _serializedPhrase;
        internal byte [] _phraseBuffer;
        internal bool _isSapi53Header;
        internal bool _hasIPAPronunciation; 

        // Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // Semantic data about result: 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Semantics"]/*' />
        private void CalcSemantics (Grammar grammar) 
            if (_semantics == null && _serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset == 0)
                GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                    IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 

                    if (!CalcILSemantics (buffer)) 
                        // List of recognized words
                        IList words = Words;
                        // Build the list of rules and property values
                        RuleNode ruleTree = ExtractRules (grammar, _serializedPhrase.Rule, buffer); 
                        List propertyList = BuildRecoPropertyTree (_serializedPhrase, buffer, ruleTree, words, _isSapi53Header); 

                        // Recursively build the dictionary of properties 
                        _semantics = RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (words, propertyList, ruleTree, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref _dupItems);
#if !NO_STG
                        // Delay the call to TryExecuteOnRecognition until the _semantics has been set
                        _semantics.Value = TryExecuteOnRecognition (grammar, _recoResult, ruleTree._rule); 
                    gc.Free ();

        private bool CalcILSemantics (IntPtr phraseBuffer) 
            if ((_grammarOptions & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) != 0 || _grammarOptions == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs)
                IList words = Words;
                _semantics = new SemanticValue ("", null, _confidence);
                if (_serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset != 0)
                    RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) _serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, _semantics, words, _isSapi53Header, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat);
                return true; 
            return false; 

        static private List BuildRecoPropertyTree (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, bool isSapi53Header)
            List propertyList = new List ();
            // Array of string containing the rule names. 
            if ((int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset > 0)
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header);
            return propertyList;

        static private SemanticValue RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (IList words, List properties, RuleNode ruleTree, GrammarOptions semanticTag, ref Collection dupItems) 
            SemanticValue semanticValue = new SemanticValue (ruleTree._name, null, ruleTree._confidence);
            // Add the semantic values from the child rules
            for (RuleNode children = ruleTree._child; children != null; children = children._next)
                // Propagate up the semantic values calculated at the children level 
                SemanticValue childrenSemantics = RecursiveBuildSemanticProperties (words, properties, children, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
                if (!children._hasName) 
                    foreach (KeyValuePair kv in childrenSemantics._dictionary)
                        InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, kv.Key, kv.Value, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
                    if (childrenSemantics.Value != null)
                        if ((semanticTag & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) == 0 && semanticValue._valueFieldSet && !semanticValue.Value.Equals (childrenSemantics.Value))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticValue, ruleTree._name)); 
                        semanticValue.Value = childrenSemantics.Value; 
                        semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true;
                    // If no value has been set then the recognized text is returned as the value 
                    if (!childrenSemantics._valueFieldSet && childrenSemantics.Count == 0) 
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < children._count; i++)
                            if (sb.Length > 0)
                                sb.Append (" ");
                            sb.Append (words [(int) children._firstElement + i].Text); 
                        childrenSemantics._valueFieldSet = true; 
                        childrenSemantics.Value = sb.ToString ();
                    semanticValue._dictionary.Add (children._name, childrenSemantics);
            // Add the semantic value from the properties 
            foreach (ResultPropertiesRef property in properties)
                if (property._ruleNode == ruleTree)
                    InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, property._name, property._value, semanticTag, ref dupItems);
#if !NO_STG 

            Exception exceptionThrown = null; 

            // Try to execute the semantic value if OnParse is defined
            object newValue;
            bool doneOnParse = TryExecuteOnParse (ruleTree, semanticValue, words, out newValue, ref exceptionThrown); 

            if (exceptionThrown != null) 
                throw exceptionThrown;

            if (doneOnParse)
                semanticValue._dictionary.Clear ();
                semanticValue.Value = newValue; 
                semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true; 

            return semanticValue;
        static private void RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (List propertyList, int semanticsOffset, IntPtr phraseBuffer, RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, bool isSapi53Header)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset); 
            string propertyName;
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);

            RuleNode node = ruleTree.Find (property.ulFirstElement, property.ulCountOfElements); 
            if (propertyName == "SemanticKey")
                node._name = (string) thisSemanticValue.Value; 
                node._hasName = true;
                propertyList.Add (new ResultPropertiesRef (propertyName, thisSemanticValue, node));

            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                // add children to the new node
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header); 

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0)
                // add siblings to parent node
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticProperties (propertyList, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, phraseBuffer, ruleTree, words, isSapi53Header); 
        private void RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (IntPtr phraseBuffer, int semanticsOffset, SemanticValue semanticValue, IList words, bool isSapi53Header, GrammarOptions semanticTag)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset);
                (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY) Marshal.PtrToStructure (propertyBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY));
            string propertyName; 
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);
            if (propertyName == "_value" && semanticValue != null)
                // 'remove' the _value node from the tree by setting its value to the parent's value
                // and use the parent as the node to add children (if present) 
                semanticValue.Value = thisSemanticValue.Value;
                if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                    thisSemanticValue = semanticValue;
                InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (semanticValue, propertyName, thisSemanticValue, semanticTag, ref _dupItems); 
            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0) 
                // add children to the new node 
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, thisSemanticValue, words, isSapi53Header, semanticTag);

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                // add siblings to parent node 
                RecursivelyExtractSemanticValue (phraseBuffer, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, semanticValue, words, isSapi53Header, semanticTag); 

        static private void InsertSemanticValueToDictionary (SemanticValue semanticValue, string propertyName, SemanticValue thisSemanticValue, GrammarOptions semanticTag, ref Collection dupItems)
            string key = propertyName; 
            if ((key == "$" && semanticTag == GrammarOptions.MssV1)
                || (key == "=" && (semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs || semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs)) 
                || (thisSemanticValue.Count == -1 && semanticTag == GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) 
                if ((semanticTag & (GrammarOptions.MssV1 | GrammarOptions.W3cV1)) == 0 && semanticValue._valueFieldSet && !semanticValue.Value.Equals (thisSemanticValue.Value)) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticValue, semanticValue.KeyName));
                semanticValue.Value = thisSemanticValue.Value; 
                semanticValue._valueFieldSet = true;
                bool containsKey = semanticValue._dictionary.ContainsKey (key); 
                if (!containsKey)
                    semanticValue._dictionary.Add (key, thisSemanticValue);
                    if (!semanticValue._dictionary [key].Equals (thisSemanticValue)) 
                        // Error out for Srgs grammars 
                        if (semanticTag == GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.DupSemanticKey, propertyName, semanticValue.KeyName));

                        // Append a _* on the key name for none SAPI grammars 
                        int count = 0; 
                            key = propertyName + string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "_{0}", count++);
                        while (semanticValue._dictionary.ContainsKey (key));
                        semanticValue._dictionary.Add (key, thisSemanticValue); 
                        if (dupItems == null)
                            dupItems = new Collection (); 
                        SemanticValue s = semanticValue._dictionary [key]; 
                        dupItems.Add (s);
        static private SemanticValue ExtractSemanticValueInformation (int semanticsOffset, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEPROPERTY property, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header, out string propertyName) 
            object propertyValue; 

            bool isIdName = false;
            if (property.pszNameOffset > 0)
                IntPtr nameBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) property.pszNameOffset);
                propertyName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (nameBuffer); 
                propertyName = property.ulId.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                isIdName = true;
            if (property.pszValueOffset > 0)
                IntPtr valueStringBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) property.pszValueOffset); 
                propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (valueStringBuffer);
                if (!isSapi53Header && isIdName && ((string) propertyValue).Contains ("$")) 
                    // SAPI 5.1 result that contains script fragments rather than output of executing script.
                    // Strip this information as script-based grammars aren't supported on 5.1.
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
                if (property.SpVariantSubset >= 0) 
                    IntPtr valueBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + +semanticsOffset + SpVariantSubsetOffset);
                    switch ((VarEnum) property.vValue)
                        case VarEnum.VT_I4:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.ReadInt32 (valueBuffer); 

                        case VarEnum.VT_UI4: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (UInt32));

                        case VarEnum.VT_I8: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.ReadInt64 (valueBuffer);
                        case VarEnum.VT_UI8:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (UInt64)); 

                        case VarEnum.VT_R4:
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (float)); 
                        case VarEnum.VT_R8: 
                            propertyValue = Marshal.PtrToStructure (valueBuffer, typeof (double));

                        case VarEnum.VT_BOOL:
                            propertyValue = (Marshal.ReadByte (valueBuffer) != 0);

                        case VarEnum.VT_EMPTY: 
                            propertyValue = null; 
                            throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.UnhandledVariant));
                    propertyValue = String.Empty; 
            return new SemanticValue (propertyName, propertyValue, property.SREngineConfidence); 

        static private RuleNode ExtractRules (Grammar grammar, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE rule, IntPtr phraseBuffer)
            // Get the rule name
            IntPtr nameBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + (int) rule.pszNameOffset); 
            // Add the rule name to the proper element index
            string name = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (nameBuffer); 

            // find the grammar for this rule. If the grammar does not belong to any existing ruleref then
            // it must be local.
#if !NO_STG 
            Grammar ruleRef = grammar != null ? grammar.Find (name) : null;
            if (ruleRef != null) 
                grammar = ruleRef;
            RuleNode node = new RuleNode (grammar, name, rule.SREngineConfidence, rule.ulFirstElement,rule.ulCountOfElements);

            if (rule.NextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + rule.NextSiblingOffset); 
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE ruleNext = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE)); 

                node._next = ExtractRules (grammar, ruleNext, phraseBuffer); 

            if (rule.FirstChildOffset > 0)
                IntPtr elementBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + rule.FirstChildOffset);
                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE ruleFirst = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE) Marshal.PtrToStructure (elementBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASERULE)); 
                node._child = ExtractRules (grammar, ruleFirst, phraseBuffer);
            return node;

        private void ThrowInvalidSemanticInterpretationError () 
            //string error; 
            if (!_isSapi53Header) 
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr smlBuffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                SPSEMANTICERRORINFO semanticError = (SPSEMANTICERRORINFO) Marshal.PtrToStructure ((IntPtr) ((long) smlBuffer + (int) _serializedPhrase.SemanticErrorInfoOffset), typeof (SPSEMANTICERRORINFO)); 

                string source = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszSourceOffset)); 
                string description = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszDescriptionOffset));
                string script = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (new IntPtr ((long) smlBuffer + semanticError.pszScriptLineOffset));

                string error = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Error while evaluating semantic interpretation:\n" + 
                                            "  HRESULT:     {0:x}\n" +
                                            "  Line:        {1}\n" + 
                                            "  Source:      {2}\n" + 
                                            "  Description: {3}\n" +
                                            "  Script:      {4}\n", semanticError.hrResultCode, semanticError.ulLineNumber, source, description, script); 
                throw new InvalidOperationException (error);
                gc.Free ();

#if !NO_STG 

        static private bool TryExecuteOnParse (RuleNode ruleRef, SemanticValue value, IList words, out object newValue, ref Exception exceptionThrown)
            newValue = null; 
            bool doneOnParse = false;
            Grammar grammar = ruleRef._grammar; 
            if (grammar != null && grammar._scripts != null)
                // Check if the Inner
                    if (exceptionThrown == null) 
                        doneOnParse = ExecuteOnParse (grammar, ruleRef, value, words, out newValue); 
                        if (ExecuteOnError (grammar, ruleRef, exceptionThrown))
                            exceptionThrown = null;
                catch (Exception e) 
                    if (exceptionThrown == null) 
                        exceptionThrown = e;
                        // Try to execute on Error on this thread
                            if (ExecuteOnError (grammar, ruleRef, exceptionThrown)) 
                                exceptionThrown = null;
                        catch (Exception e2)
                            exceptionThrown = e2; 
            return doneOnParse; 

        private static bool ExecuteOnParse (Grammar grammar, RuleNode ruleRef, SemanticValue value, IList words, out object newValue)
            // Get the rule list
            ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts; 
            bool doneOnParse = false; 
            newValue = null;
            // Look if an OnParse exist for this method
            for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++)
                ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript]; 
                if (ruleRef._rule == script._rule)
                    if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onParse) 
                        // Get the method to invoke 
                        RecognizedWordUnit [] recoUnits = new RecognizedWordUnit [ruleRef._count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ruleRef._count; i++)
                            recoUnits [i] = words [i]; 
                        object [] parameters = new object [2] { value, recoUnits }; 

                        if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                            Exception appDomainException;
                            newValue = grammar._proxy.OnParse (script._rule, script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException);
                            if (appDomainException != null)
                                throw appDomainException; 
                            MethodInfo onParse;
                            System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar rule; 
                            GetRuleInstance (grammar, script._rule, script._sMethod, out onParse, out rule);
                            // Execute the parse routine 
                            newValue = onParse.Invoke (rule, parameters);
                        doneOnParse = true;
            return doneOnParse;
        private static bool ExecuteOnError (Grammar grammar, RuleNode ruleRef, Exception e)
            // Get the rule list
            ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts;
            bool invoked = false;
            // Look if an OnParse exist for this method
            for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++) 
                ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript];
                if (ruleRef._rule == script._rule) 
                    if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onError)
                        // Get the method to invoke 
                        object [] parameters = new object [] { e };
                        if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                            Exception appDomainException; 
                            grammar._proxy.OnError (script._rule, script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException);
                            if (appDomainException != null)
                                throw appDomainException; 
                            MethodInfo onError; 
                            System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar rule;
                            GetRuleInstance (grammar, script._rule, script._sMethod, out onError, out rule);

                            // Execute the parse routine 
                            onError.Invoke (rule, parameters);
                        invoked = true; 
            return invoked;
        private static object TryExecuteOnRecognition (Grammar grammar, RecognitionResult result, string rootRule)
            object resultValue = result.Semantics.Value; 
            if (grammar != null && grammar._scripts != null)
                // Get the rule list
                ScriptRef [] scripts = grammar._scripts;

                // Look if an OnRecognition exist for this method 
                for (int iScript = 0; iScript < scripts.Length; iScript++)
                    ScriptRef script = scripts [iScript]; 
                    if (rootRule == script._rule)
                        if (script._method == RuleMethodScript.onRecognition)
                            // Get the method to invoke
                            object [] parameters = new object [1] { result }; 

                            if (grammar._proxy != null) 
                                Exception appDomainException;
                                resultValue = grammar._proxy.OnRecognition (script._sMethod, parameters, out appDomainException); 
                                if (appDomainException != null)
                                    throw appDomainException;
                                Type grammarType = grammar.GetType ();
                                MethodInfo onRecognition = grammarType.GetMethod (script._sMethod, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 

                                // Execute the parse routine
                                resultValue = onRecognition.Invoke (grammar, parameters);
            return resultValue;


        static private void GetRuleInstance (Grammar grammar, string rule, string method, out MethodInfo onParse, out Grammar ruleInstance) 
            Type grammarType = grammar.GetType (); 
            Assembly assembly = grammarType.Assembly;
            Type ruleClass = rule == grammarType.Name ? grammarType : GetTypeForRule (assembly, rule);
            if (ruleClass == null || !ruleClass.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar)))
                throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerInvalidBinaryGrammar));
            ruleInstance = ruleClass == grammarType ? grammar : (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar) assembly.CreateInstance (ruleClass.FullName); 
            onParse = ruleInstance.MethodInfo (method);

        static private Type GetTypeForRule (Assembly assembly, string rule)
            Type [] types = assembly.GetTypes (); 
            for (int iType = 0; iType < types.Length; iType++)
                Type type = types [iType]; 
                if (type.Name == rule && type.IsPublic && type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar)))
                    return type;
            return null; 
        static private int NextReplacementWord (Collection replacements, out ReplacementText replacement, ref int posInCollection)
            if (posInCollection < replacements.Count)
                replacement = replacements [posInCollection++];
                return replacement.FirstWordIndex; 
                replacement = null;
                return -1; 

        private void AppendSml (XmlDocument document, int i, NumberFormatInfo nfo) 
            XmlNode root = document.DocumentElement; 
            XmlElement alternateNode = document.CreateElement ("alternate"); 
            root.AppendChild (alternateNode);
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("Rank", i.ToString (CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("text", Text);
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("utteranceConfidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
            alternateNode.SetAttribute ("confidence", Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo)); 

            if (_semantics.Value != null) 
                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (_semantics.Value.ToString ());
                alternateNode.AppendChild (valueText); 

            // recursively add the properties now
            AppendPropertiesSML (document, alternateNode, _semantics, nfo); 
        private void AppendPropertiesSML (XmlDocument document, XmlElement alternateNode, SemanticValue semanticsNode, NumberFormatInfo nfo) 
            if (semanticsNode != null) 
                foreach (KeyValuePair kv in semanticsNode)
                    if (kv.Key == "_attributes") 
                        // all the attributes are located under the attribute property. 
                        AppendAttributes (alternateNode, kv.Value); 
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (alternateNode.InnerText) && semanticsNode.Value != null)
                            XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (semanticsNode.Value.ToString ());
                            alternateNode.AppendChild (valueText);
                        string keyName = kv.Key; 
                        if (_dupItems != null && _dupItems.Contains (kv.Value))
                            keyName = RemoveTrailingNumber (kv.Key);

                        XmlElement propertyNode = document.CreateElement (keyName); 
                        propertyNode.SetAttribute ("confidence", semanticsNode [kv.Key].Confidence.ToString ("f", nfo));
                        alternateNode.AppendChild (propertyNode); 

                        if (kv.Value.Count > 0) 
                            if (kv.Value.Value != null)
                                XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (kv.Value.Value.ToString ()); 
                                propertyNode.AppendChild (valueText);
                            AppendPropertiesSML (document, propertyNode, kv.Value, nfo); 
                        else if (kv.Value.Value != null) 
                            XmlText valueText = document.CreateTextNode (kv.Value.Value.ToString ());
                            propertyNode.AppendChild (valueText);
        private string RemoveTrailingNumber (string name)
            return name.Substring (0, name.LastIndexOf ('_'));

        private void AppendAttributes (XmlElement propertyNode, SemanticValue semanticValue) 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in semanticValue)
                if (propertyNode.Attributes [kv.Key] == null)
                    propertyNode.SetAttribute (kv.Key, kv.Value.Value.ToString ());
        static private void DumpAll (RuleNode ruleTree, IList words, SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header)
            DumpWords (words);
            Console.WriteLine ("Rules"); 
            DumpRules (0, ruleTree);
            if (serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset != 0) 
                Console.WriteLine ("Semantics");
                DumpSemantics (0, (int) serializedPhrase.PropertiesOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header); 
                Console.WriteLine ("No Semantics"); 
        static private void DumpWords (IList words)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
            foreach (RecognizedWordUnit word in words)
                sb.Append (word.Text + " "); 
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); 

        static private void DumpRules (int depth, RuleNode node)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) 
                sb.Append ("----"); 
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString () + " " + node._rule + "[" + node._firstElement + "," + node._firstElement + node._count + "," + "]");
            if (node._next != null)
                DumpRules (depth, node._next);
            if (node._child != null)
                DumpRules (depth + 1, node._child); 

        static private void DumpSemantics (int depth, int semanticsOffset, IntPtr phraseBuffer, bool isSapi53Header)
            IntPtr propertyBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) phraseBuffer + semanticsOffset); 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                sb.Append ("----");

            string propertyName; 
            SemanticValue thisSemanticValue = ExtractSemanticValueInformation (semanticsOffset, property, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header, out propertyName);
            Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString () + " " + propertyName + "[" + property.ulFirstElement + "," + property.ulCountOfElements + "," + property.ulId + "]"); 

            if (property.pNextSiblingOffset > 0) 
                // add siblings to parent node
                DumpSemantics (depth, (int) property.pNextSiblingOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header);
            if (property.pFirstChildOffset > 0)
                // add children to the new node 
                DumpSemantics (depth + 1, (int) property.pFirstChildOffset, phraseBuffer, isSapi53Header);

        // Private Types 

        #region Private Types 

        [DebuggerDisplay ("{DisplayDebugInfo ()}")] 
        private class RuleNode 
            internal RuleNode (Grammar grammar, string rule, float confidence, uint first, uint count)
                _rule = _name = rule; 
                _firstElement = first;
                _count = count; 
                _confidence = confidence; 
                _grammar = grammar;
                //_ruleId = id; 

            /// Find the rule enclosing a property. 
            /// First word mathcing the property 
            /// Count of words 
            internal RuleNode Find (uint firstElement, uint count) 
                // If the count of word is set to zero. It means that the tag is located just before a word.
                // The trick here is to use 1/2 position to locate tags in this case.
                float firstWord, lastWord; 
                if (count == 0)
                    firstWord = lastWord = firstElement - 0.5f; 
                    firstWord = (float) firstElement;
                    lastWord = firstWord + (count - 1);

                for (RuleNode child = _child; child != null; child = child._next) 
                    float ruleFirstWord, ruleLastWord;
                    if (child._count == 0) 
                        ruleFirstWord = ruleLastWord = child._firstElement - 0.5f;
                        ruleFirstWord = (float) child._firstElement; 
                        ruleLastWord = ruleFirstWord + (child._count - 1); 
                    if (ruleFirstWord <= firstElement && ruleLastWord >= lastWord) 
                        return child.Find (firstElement, count);
                return this;
            private string DisplayDebugInfo () 
                return string.Format ("'rule={0}", _rule);
            internal Grammar _grammar;
            internal string _rule; 
            internal string _name; 
            internal uint _firstElement;
            internal uint _count; 
            //internal int _ruleId;
            internal float _confidence;
            internal bool _hasName;
            internal RuleNode _next;
            internal RuleNode _child; 

        [DebuggerDisplay ("Name={_name} node={_ruleNode._rule} value={_value != null && _value.Value != null ? _value.Value.ToString() : \"\"}")]
        private struct ResultPropertiesRef 
            internal string _name; 
            internal SemanticValue _value; 
            internal RuleNode _ruleNode;
            internal ResultPropertiesRef (string name, SemanticValue value, RuleNode ruleNode)
                _name = name;
                _value = value; 
                _ruleNode = ruleNode;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private RecognitionResult _recoResult;
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions;

        private string _text; 
        private float _confidence;
        private SemanticValue _semantics; 
        private ReadOnlyCollection _words; 
        private Collection _replacementText;
        private UInt64 _grammarId = unchecked ((UInt64) (-1));
#pragma warning disable 6524
        private Grammar _grammar;
#pragma warning restore 6524 
        private int _homophoneGroupId; 
        private ReadOnlyCollection _homophones;
        private Collection _dupItems; 

        private string _smlContent;

        private const int SpVariantSubsetOffset = 16; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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