ScriptControlManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Extensions / ui / ScriptControlManager.cs / 1 / ScriptControlManager.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.Resources; 
    using System.Web.Util;
    using Debug = System.Diagnostics.Debug; 

    internal class ScriptControlManager { 
        private OrderedDictionary> _extenderControls;
        private bool _pagePreRenderRaised;
        private OrderedDictionary _scriptControls;
        private ScriptManager _scriptManager; 
        private bool _scriptReferencesRegistered;
        public ScriptControlManager(ScriptManager scriptManager) { 
            _scriptManager = scriptManager;

        private OrderedDictionary> ExtenderControls {
            get {
                if (_extenderControls == null) { 
                    _extenderControls = new OrderedDictionary>();
                return _extenderControls; 

        private OrderedDictionary ScriptControls {
            get {
                if (_scriptControls == null) { 
                    _scriptControls = new OrderedDictionary();
                return _scriptControls; 

        public void AddScriptReferences(List scriptReferences) {
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) { 
                Debug.Fail("AddScriptReferences should only be called once per request but it was already called during this request.");

            _scriptReferencesRegistered = true;
        private void AddScriptReferencesForScriptControls(List scriptReferences) {
            // PERF: Use field directly to avoid creating Dictionary if not already created 
            if (_scriptControls != null) { 
                foreach (IScriptControl scriptControl in _scriptControls.Keys) {
                    AddScriptReferenceForScriptControl(scriptReferences, scriptControl); 
        private static void AddScriptReferenceForScriptControl(List scriptReferences,
                                                               IScriptControl scriptControl) { 
            IEnumerable scriptControlReferences = scriptControl.GetScriptReferences(); 

            if (scriptControlReferences != null) { 
                Control scriptControlAsControl = (Control)scriptControl;
                ClientUrlResolverWrapper urlResolverWrapper = null;
                foreach (ScriptReference scriptControlReference in scriptControlReferences) {
                    if (scriptControlReference != null) { 
                        if (urlResolverWrapper == null) {
                            urlResolverWrapper = new ClientUrlResolverWrapper(scriptControlAsControl); 
                        // set containing control on each script reference for client url resolution
                        scriptControlReference.ClientUrlResolver = urlResolverWrapper; 
                        scriptControlReference.IsStaticReference = false;
                        scriptControlReference.ContainingControl = scriptControlAsControl;

                        // add to collection of all references 

        private void AddScriptReferencesForExtenderControls(List scriptReferences) {
            // PERF: Use field directly to avoid creating Dictionary if not already created
            if (_extenderControls != null) { 
                foreach (IExtenderControl extenderControl in _extenderControls.Keys) {
                    AddScriptReferenceForExtenderControl(scriptReferences, extenderControl); 

        private static void AddScriptReferenceForExtenderControl(List scriptReferences, IExtenderControl extenderControl) {
            IEnumerable extenderControlReferences = extenderControl.GetScriptReferences();
            if (extenderControlReferences != null) { 
                Control extenderControlAsControl = (Control)extenderControl;
                ClientUrlResolverWrapper urlResolverWrapper = null; 
                foreach (ScriptReference extenderControlReference in extenderControlReferences) { 
                    if (extenderControlReference != null) {
                        if (urlResolverWrapper == null) { 
                            urlResolverWrapper = new ClientUrlResolverWrapper(extenderControlAsControl);
                        // set containing control on each script reference for client url resolution
                        extenderControlReference.ClientUrlResolver = urlResolverWrapper; 
                        extenderControlReference.IsStaticReference = false;
                        extenderControlReference.ContainingControl = extenderControlAsControl; 
                        // add to collection of all references

        private bool InControlTree(Control targetControl) { 
            for (Control parent = targetControl.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) { 
                if (parent == _scriptManager.Page) {
                    return true; 
            return false;

        public void OnPagePreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            _pagePreRenderRaised = true; 
        public void RegisterExtenderControl(TExtenderControl extenderControl, Control targetControl)
            where TExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {

            if (extenderControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("extenderControl");
            if (targetControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetControl");

            VerifyTargetControlType(extenderControl, targetControl);

            if (!_pagePreRenderRaised) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterExtenderControlTooEarly);
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterExtenderControlTooLate);

            // A single ExtenderControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            List targetControls;
            if (!ExtenderControls.TryGetValue(extenderControl, out targetControls)) { 
                targetControls = new List();
                ExtenderControls[extenderControl] = targetControls; 

        public void RegisterScriptControl(TScriptControl scriptControl)
            where TScriptControl : Control, IScriptControl {
            if (scriptControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptControl"); 

            if (!_pagePreRenderRaised) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterScriptControlTooEarly);
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterScriptControlTooLate); 
            // A single ScriptControl may theoretically be registered multiple times 
            int timesRegistered;
            ScriptControls.TryGetValue(scriptControl, out timesRegistered); 
            ScriptControls[scriptControl] = timesRegistered;
        public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IExtenderControl extenderControl) {
            if (extenderControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("extenderControl"); 
            Control extenderControlAsControl = extenderControl as Control;
            if (extenderControlAsControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            List targetControls;
            if (!ExtenderControls.TryGetValue(extenderControl, out targetControls)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            Debug.Assert(targetControls != null && targetControls.Count > 0);

            // A single ExtenderControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            foreach (Control targetControl in targetControls) { 
                // Only register ExtenderControl scripts if the target control is visible and in the control tree.
                // Else, we assume the target was not rendered. 
                if (targetControl.Visible && InControlTree(targetControl)) { 
                    IEnumerable scriptDescriptors = extenderControl.GetScriptDescriptors(targetControl);
                    RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(scriptDescriptors, extenderControlAsControl); 
        public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IScriptControl scriptControl) {
            if (scriptControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptControl"); 
            Control scriptControlAsControl = scriptControl as Control;
            if (scriptControlAsControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            // Verify that ScriptControl was previously registered
            int timesRegistered;
            if (!ScriptControls.TryGetValue(scriptControl, out timesRegistered)) {
                throw new ArgumentException( 

            // A single ScriptControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            for (int i = 0; i < timesRegistered; i++) {
                IEnumerable scriptDescriptors = scriptControl.GetScriptDescriptors(); 
                RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(scriptDescriptors, scriptControlAsControl);

        private void RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(IEnumerable scriptDescriptors, 
                                                         Control control) {
            if (scriptDescriptors != null) {
                StringBuilder initBuilder = null;
                foreach (ScriptDescriptor scriptDescriptor in scriptDescriptors) { 
                    if (scriptDescriptor != null) {
                        if (initBuilder == null) { 
                            initBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
                            initBuilder.AppendLine("Sys.Application.add_init(function() {");

                        initBuilder.Append("    ");
                        // Call into the descriptor to possibly register dispose functionality for async posts
                        scriptDescriptor.RegisterDisposeForDescriptor(_scriptManager, control); 
                // If scriptDescriptors enumeration is empty, we don't want to register any script.
                if (initBuilder != null) {
                    string initScript = initBuilder.ToString();
                    // DevDiv 35243: Do not use the script itself as the key, since different controls could 
                    // possibly register the exact same script, or the same control may want to register the 
                    // same script more than once.
                    // Generate a unique script key for every registration. 
                    string initScriptKey = _scriptManager.CreateUniqueScriptKey();
                        control, typeof(ScriptManager), initScriptKey, initScript, true);
        private static void VerifyTargetControlType(
            TExtenderControl extenderControl, Control targetControl) 
            where TExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {

            Type extenderControlType = extenderControl.GetType();
            // Use TargetControlTypeCache instead of directly calling Type.GetCustomAttributes().
            // Increases requests/second by nearly 100% in ScriptControlScenario.aspx test. 
            Type[] types = TargetControlTypeCache.GetTargetControlTypes(extenderControlType); 

            if (types.Length == 0) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    extenderControlType, typeof(TargetControlTypeAttribute)));

            Type targetControlType = targetControl.GetType(); 
            foreach (Type type in types) { 
                if (type.IsAssignableFrom(targetControlType)) {

            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 
                extenderControl.ID, targetControl.ID, extenderControlType, targetControlType)); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.Resources; 
    using System.Web.Util;
    using Debug = System.Diagnostics.Debug; 

    internal class ScriptControlManager { 
        private OrderedDictionary> _extenderControls;
        private bool _pagePreRenderRaised;
        private OrderedDictionary _scriptControls;
        private ScriptManager _scriptManager; 
        private bool _scriptReferencesRegistered;
        public ScriptControlManager(ScriptManager scriptManager) { 
            _scriptManager = scriptManager;

        private OrderedDictionary> ExtenderControls {
            get {
                if (_extenderControls == null) { 
                    _extenderControls = new OrderedDictionary>();
                return _extenderControls; 

        private OrderedDictionary ScriptControls {
            get {
                if (_scriptControls == null) { 
                    _scriptControls = new OrderedDictionary();
                return _scriptControls; 

        public void AddScriptReferences(List scriptReferences) {
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) { 
                Debug.Fail("AddScriptReferences should only be called once per request but it was already called during this request.");

            _scriptReferencesRegistered = true;
        private void AddScriptReferencesForScriptControls(List scriptReferences) {
            // PERF: Use field directly to avoid creating Dictionary if not already created 
            if (_scriptControls != null) { 
                foreach (IScriptControl scriptControl in _scriptControls.Keys) {
                    AddScriptReferenceForScriptControl(scriptReferences, scriptControl); 
        private static void AddScriptReferenceForScriptControl(List scriptReferences,
                                                               IScriptControl scriptControl) { 
            IEnumerable scriptControlReferences = scriptControl.GetScriptReferences(); 

            if (scriptControlReferences != null) { 
                Control scriptControlAsControl = (Control)scriptControl;
                ClientUrlResolverWrapper urlResolverWrapper = null;
                foreach (ScriptReference scriptControlReference in scriptControlReferences) {
                    if (scriptControlReference != null) { 
                        if (urlResolverWrapper == null) {
                            urlResolverWrapper = new ClientUrlResolverWrapper(scriptControlAsControl); 
                        // set containing control on each script reference for client url resolution
                        scriptControlReference.ClientUrlResolver = urlResolverWrapper; 
                        scriptControlReference.IsStaticReference = false;
                        scriptControlReference.ContainingControl = scriptControlAsControl;

                        // add to collection of all references 

        private void AddScriptReferencesForExtenderControls(List scriptReferences) {
            // PERF: Use field directly to avoid creating Dictionary if not already created
            if (_extenderControls != null) { 
                foreach (IExtenderControl extenderControl in _extenderControls.Keys) {
                    AddScriptReferenceForExtenderControl(scriptReferences, extenderControl); 

        private static void AddScriptReferenceForExtenderControl(List scriptReferences, IExtenderControl extenderControl) {
            IEnumerable extenderControlReferences = extenderControl.GetScriptReferences();
            if (extenderControlReferences != null) { 
                Control extenderControlAsControl = (Control)extenderControl;
                ClientUrlResolverWrapper urlResolverWrapper = null; 
                foreach (ScriptReference extenderControlReference in extenderControlReferences) { 
                    if (extenderControlReference != null) {
                        if (urlResolverWrapper == null) { 
                            urlResolverWrapper = new ClientUrlResolverWrapper(extenderControlAsControl);
                        // set containing control on each script reference for client url resolution
                        extenderControlReference.ClientUrlResolver = urlResolverWrapper; 
                        extenderControlReference.IsStaticReference = false;
                        extenderControlReference.ContainingControl = extenderControlAsControl; 
                        // add to collection of all references

        private bool InControlTree(Control targetControl) { 
            for (Control parent = targetControl.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) { 
                if (parent == _scriptManager.Page) {
                    return true; 
            return false;

        public void OnPagePreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            _pagePreRenderRaised = true; 
        public void RegisterExtenderControl(TExtenderControl extenderControl, Control targetControl)
            where TExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {

            if (extenderControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("extenderControl");
            if (targetControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetControl");

            VerifyTargetControlType(extenderControl, targetControl);

            if (!_pagePreRenderRaised) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterExtenderControlTooEarly);
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterExtenderControlTooLate);

            // A single ExtenderControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            List targetControls;
            if (!ExtenderControls.TryGetValue(extenderControl, out targetControls)) { 
                targetControls = new List();
                ExtenderControls[extenderControl] = targetControls; 

        public void RegisterScriptControl(TScriptControl scriptControl)
            where TScriptControl : Control, IScriptControl {
            if (scriptControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptControl"); 

            if (!_pagePreRenderRaised) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterScriptControlTooEarly);
            if (_scriptReferencesRegistered) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptControlManager_RegisterScriptControlTooLate); 
            // A single ScriptControl may theoretically be registered multiple times 
            int timesRegistered;
            ScriptControls.TryGetValue(scriptControl, out timesRegistered); 
            ScriptControls[scriptControl] = timesRegistered;
        public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IExtenderControl extenderControl) {
            if (extenderControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("extenderControl"); 
            Control extenderControlAsControl = extenderControl as Control;
            if (extenderControlAsControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            List targetControls;
            if (!ExtenderControls.TryGetValue(extenderControl, out targetControls)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            Debug.Assert(targetControls != null && targetControls.Count > 0);

            // A single ExtenderControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            foreach (Control targetControl in targetControls) { 
                // Only register ExtenderControl scripts if the target control is visible and in the control tree.
                // Else, we assume the target was not rendered. 
                if (targetControl.Visible && InControlTree(targetControl)) { 
                    IEnumerable scriptDescriptors = extenderControl.GetScriptDescriptors(targetControl);
                    RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(scriptDescriptors, extenderControlAsControl); 
        public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IScriptControl scriptControl) {
            if (scriptControl == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptControl"); 
            Control scriptControlAsControl = scriptControl as Control;
            if (scriptControlAsControl == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
            // Verify that ScriptControl was previously registered
            int timesRegistered;
            if (!ScriptControls.TryGetValue(scriptControl, out timesRegistered)) {
                throw new ArgumentException( 

            // A single ScriptControl may theoretically be registered multiple times
            for (int i = 0; i < timesRegistered; i++) {
                IEnumerable scriptDescriptors = scriptControl.GetScriptDescriptors(); 
                RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(scriptDescriptors, scriptControlAsControl);

        private void RegisterScriptsForScriptDescriptors(IEnumerable scriptDescriptors, 
                                                         Control control) {
            if (scriptDescriptors != null) {
                StringBuilder initBuilder = null;
                foreach (ScriptDescriptor scriptDescriptor in scriptDescriptors) { 
                    if (scriptDescriptor != null) {
                        if (initBuilder == null) { 
                            initBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
                            initBuilder.AppendLine("Sys.Application.add_init(function() {");

                        initBuilder.Append("    ");
                        // Call into the descriptor to possibly register dispose functionality for async posts
                        scriptDescriptor.RegisterDisposeForDescriptor(_scriptManager, control); 
                // If scriptDescriptors enumeration is empty, we don't want to register any script.
                if (initBuilder != null) {
                    string initScript = initBuilder.ToString();
                    // DevDiv 35243: Do not use the script itself as the key, since different controls could 
                    // possibly register the exact same script, or the same control may want to register the 
                    // same script more than once.
                    // Generate a unique script key for every registration. 
                    string initScriptKey = _scriptManager.CreateUniqueScriptKey();
                        control, typeof(ScriptManager), initScriptKey, initScript, true);
        private static void VerifyTargetControlType(
            TExtenderControl extenderControl, Control targetControl) 
            where TExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {

            Type extenderControlType = extenderControl.GetType();
            // Use TargetControlTypeCache instead of directly calling Type.GetCustomAttributes().
            // Increases requests/second by nearly 100% in ScriptControlScenario.aspx test. 
            Type[] types = TargetControlTypeCache.GetTargetControlTypes(extenderControlType); 

            if (types.Length == 0) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    extenderControlType, typeof(TargetControlTypeAttribute)));

            Type targetControlType = targetControl.GetType(); 
            foreach (Type type in types) { 
                if (type.IsAssignableFrom(targetControlType)) {

            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 
                extenderControl.ID, targetControl.ID, extenderControlType, targetControlType)); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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