/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / ProviderBase / DbParameterHelper.cs / 1 / DbParameterHelper.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace NAMESPACE { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Globalization; #if WINFSInternalOnly internal #else public #endif sealed partial class PARAMETEROBJECTNAME : DbParameter { // V1.2.3300 private object _value; private object _parent; private ParameterDirection _direction; private int _size; #if USEOFFSET private int _offset; #endif private string _sourceColumn; private DataRowVersion _sourceVersion; private bool _sourceColumnNullMapping; private bool _isNullable; private object _coercedValue; private PARAMETEROBJECTNAME(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME source) : this() { // V1.2.3300, Clone ADP.CheckArgumentNull(source, "source"); source.CloneHelper(this); ICloneable cloneable = (_value as ICloneable); if (null != cloneable) { // MDAC 49322 _value = cloneable.Clone(); } } private object CoercedValue { // V1.2.3300 get { return _coercedValue; } set { _coercedValue = value; } } [ RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All), RESNAMESPACE.ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Data), RESNAMESPACE.ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbParameter_Direction), ] override public ParameterDirection Direction { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 get { ParameterDirection direction = _direction; return ((0 != direction) ? direction : ParameterDirection.Input); } set { if (_direction != value) { switch (value) { // @perfnote: Enum.IsDefined case ParameterDirection.Input: case ParameterDirection.Output: case ParameterDirection.InputOutput: case ParameterDirection.ReturnValue: PropertyChanging(); _direction = value; break; default: throw ADP.InvalidParameterDirection(value); } } } } override public bool IsNullable { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 get { return _isNullable; } set { _isNullable = value; } } #if USEOFFSET [ Browsable(false), EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), // MDAC 69508 RESNAMESPACE.ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Data), RESNAMESPACE.ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbParameter_Offset), ] public int Offset { get { return _offset; } set { if (value < 0) { throw ADP.InvalidOffsetValue(value); } _offset = value; } } #else internal int Offset { get { return 0; } } #endif [ RESNAMESPACE.ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Data), RESNAMESPACE.ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbParameter_Size), ] override public int Size { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 get { int size = _size; if (0 == size) { size = ValueSize(Value); } return size; } set { if (_size != value) { if (value < -1) { throw ADP.InvalidSizeValue(value); } PropertyChanging(); _size = value; } } } private void ResetSize() { if (0 != _size) { PropertyChanging(); _size = 0; } } private bool ShouldSerializeSize() { // V1.2.3300 return (0 != _size); } [ RESNAMESPACE.ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Update), RESNAMESPACE.ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbParameter_SourceColumn), ] override public string SourceColumn { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 get { string sourceColumn = _sourceColumn; return ((null != sourceColumn) ? sourceColumn : ADP.StrEmpty); } set { _sourceColumn = value; } } public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get { return _sourceColumnNullMapping; } set { _sourceColumnNullMapping = value; } } [ RESNAMESPACE.ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Update), RESNAMESPACE.ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbParameter_SourceVersion), ] override public DataRowVersion SourceVersion { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 get { DataRowVersion sourceVersion = _sourceVersion; return ((0 != sourceVersion) ? sourceVersion : DataRowVersion.Current); } set { switch(value) { // @perfnote: Enum.IsDefined case DataRowVersion.Original: case DataRowVersion.Current: case DataRowVersion.Proposed: case DataRowVersion.Default: _sourceVersion = value; break; default: throw ADP.InvalidDataRowVersion(value); } } } private void CloneHelperCore(PARAMETEROBJECTNAME destination) { destination._value = _value; // NOTE: _parent is not cloned destination._direction = _direction; destination._size = _size; #if USEOFFSET destination._offset = _offset; #endif destination._sourceColumn = _sourceColumn; destination._sourceVersion = _sourceVersion; destination._sourceColumnNullMapping = _sourceColumnNullMapping; destination._isNullable = _isNullable; } internal void CopyTo(DbParameter destination) { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(destination, "destination"); CloneHelper((PARAMETEROBJECTNAME)destination); } internal object CompareExchangeParent(object value, object comparand) { // the interlock guarantees same parameter won't belong to multiple collections // at the same time, but to actually occur the user must really try // since we never declared thread safety, we don't care at this time //return System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _parent, value, comparand); object parent = _parent; if (comparand == parent) { _parent = value; } return parent; } internal void ResetParent() { _parent = null; } override public string ToString() { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300 return ParameterName; } private byte ValuePrecisionCore(object value) { // V1.2.3300 if (value is Decimal) { return ((System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal)(Decimal) value).Precision; // WebData 102913 } return 0; } private byte ValueScaleCore(object value) { // V1.2.3300 if (value is Decimal) { return (byte)((Decimal.GetBits((Decimal)value)[3] & 0x00ff0000) >> 0x10); } return 0; } private int ValueSizeCore(object value) { // V1.2.3300 if (!ADP.IsNull(value)) { string svalue = (value as string); if (null != svalue) { return svalue.Length; } byte[] bvalue = (value as byte[]); if (null != bvalue) { return bvalue.Length; } char[] cvalue = (value as char[]); if (null != cvalue) { return cvalue.Length; } if ((value is byte) || (value is char)) { return 1; } } return 0; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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