/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Server / System / Data / Services / Parsing / FunctionDescription.cs / 1 / FunctionDescription.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Provides a class to represent system functions. // // // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Parsing { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; ///Use this class to represent a system function for Astoria expressions. [DebuggerDisplay("FunctionDescription {name}")] internal class FunctionDescription { ///Function name for type casts. private const string FunctionNameCast = "cast"; ///Function name for type checks. private const string FunctionNameIsOf = "isof"; ///CLR member for property or method invocation. private readonly MemberInfo member; ///Function name. private readonly string name; ///Parameter types for method invocation. private readonly Type[] parameterTypes; ///Conversion to expression for this function. private FuncconversionFunction; /// Initializes a new /// CLR member for property or method invocation. /// Parameter types for method invocation. public FunctionDescription(MemberInfo member, Type[] parameterTypes) : this(member, parameterTypes, null, member.Name) { } ///. Initializes a new /// Name for conversion function. /// Parameter types for method invocation. /// Conversion to expression for this function. public FunctionDescription(string name, Type[] parameterTypes, Func. conversionFunction) : this(null, parameterTypes, conversionFunction, name) { } /// Initializes a new /// CLR member for property or method invocation. /// Parameter types for method invocation. /// Conversion to expression for this function. /// Name for conversion function. private FunctionDescription( MemberInfo member, Type[] parameterTypes, Func. conversionFunction, string name) { this.member = member; this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; this.conversionFunction = conversionFunction; = name; } /// Conversion to expression for this function. public FuncConversionFunction { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.conversionFunction; } [DebuggerStepThrough] set { this.conversionFunction = value; } } /// Gets a value indicating whether this function is a typecast function. public bool IsTypeCast { get { return == FunctionNameCast; } } ///Gets a value indicating whether this function is a type check function. public bool IsTypeCheck { get { return == FunctionNameIsOf; } } ///Parameter types for method invocation. public Type[] ParameterTypes { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.parameterTypes; } } ///Performs an instance method invocation. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for method invocation; first one should be the target 'this'. ///A new expression with the method invocation. public Expression InstanceMethodConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Expression instanceArgument = arguments[0]; Expression[] methodArguments = new Expression[arguments.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(arguments, 1, methodArguments, 0, arguments.Length - 1); return Expression.Call(instanceArgument, (MethodInfo)this.member, methodArguments); } ///Performs a static method invocation. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for method invocation. ///A new expression with the method invocation. public Expression StaticMethodConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { return Expression.Call((MethodInfo)this.member, arguments); } ///Performs an instance property access. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Argument for property access; instance. ///A new expression with the property access. public Expression InstancePropertyConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { return Expression.Property(arguments[0], (PropertyInfo)this.member); } ///Builds a list of function signatures. /// Function name. /// Function descriptions. ///A string with ';'-separated list of function signatures. internal static string BuildSignatureList(string name, IEnumerabledescriptions) { System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); string descriptionSeparator = ""; foreach (FunctionDescription description in descriptions) { builder.Append(descriptionSeparator); descriptionSeparator = "; "; string parameterSeparator = ""; builder.Append(name); builder.Append('('); foreach (Type type in description.ParameterTypes) { builder.Append(parameterSeparator); parameterSeparator = ", "; Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { builder.Append(underlyingType.FullName); builder.Append('?'); } else { builder.Append(type.FullName); } } builder.Append(')'); } return builder.ToString(); } /// Creates and populates a dictionary of system functions. ///A new dictionary of functions. internal static DictionaryCreateFunctions() { Dictionary result = new Dictionary (StringComparer.Ordinal); // String functions. FunctionDescription[] signatures; result.Add("endswith", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("EndsWith", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("indexof", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("IndexOf", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("replace", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Replace", typeof(string), typeof(string)) }); result.Add("startswith", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("StartsWith", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("tolower", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("ToLower", Type.EmptyTypes) }); result.Add("toupper", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("ToUpper", Type.EmptyTypes) }); result.Add("trim", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Trim", Type.EmptyTypes) }); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Substring", typeof(int)), StringInstanceFunction("Substring", typeof(int), typeof(int)) }; result.Add("substring", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { new FunctionDescription("substringof", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, SubstringOf) }; result.Add("substringof", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), false /* instance */, true /* method */, "Concat", typeof(string), typeof(string)) }; result.Add("concat", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), true /* instance */, false /* method */, "Length", Type.EmptyTypes) }; result.Add("length", signatures); // DateTime functions. result.Add("year", DateTimeFunctionArray("Year")); result.Add("month", DateTimeFunctionArray("Month")); result.Add("day", DateTimeFunctionArray("Day")); result.Add("hour", DateTimeFunctionArray("Hour")); result.Add("minute", DateTimeFunctionArray("Minute")); result.Add("second", DateTimeFunctionArray("Second")); // Mathematical functions. result.Add("round", MathFunctionArray("Round")); result.Add("floor", MathFunctionArray("Floor")); result.Add("ceiling", MathFunctionArray("Ceiling")); // Type functions. signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameIsOf, new Type[] { typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.UnaryIsOf)), new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameIsOf, new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryIsOf)), }; result.Add(FunctionNameIsOf, signatures); // For cast() signatures, we need to add all primitive types directly as well as the object (open type) // and unary versions; otherwise expression will convert to object, then again to whatever other type // is required. System.Data.Services.Providers.ResourceType[] primitiveTypes = WebUtil.GetPrimitiveTypes(); List castSignatures = new List (2 + primitiveTypes.Length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < primitiveTypes.Length; i++) { Debug.Assert( primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(Type), "primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(Type) -- otherwise extra signatures will be added for cast()"); Debug.Assert( primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(object), "primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(object) -- otherwise extra signatures will be added for cast()"); castSignatures.Add(new FunctionDescription( FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { primitiveTypes[i].Type, typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); if (primitiveTypes[i].Type.IsValueType) { castSignatures.Add(new FunctionDescription( FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(primitiveTypes[i].Type), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); } } castSignatures.Add( new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(Type) }, FunctionDescription.UnaryCast)); castSignatures.Add( new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); result.Add(FunctionNameCast, castSignatures.ToArray()); return result; } /// Transforms a URI-style "substringof(a,b)" function into "a.contains(b)". /// Target of query; not used. /// Arguments to function. ///The conversion for this method. internal static Expression SubstringOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments != null, "arguments != null"); Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 2, "arguments.Length == 2"); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(string) }; MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", flags, null, parameterTypes, null); Debug.Assert(method != null, "method != null -- otherwise couldn't find string.Contains(string)"); return Expression.Call(arguments[1], method, arguments[0]); } ///Performs a type check for the "it" expression. /// "it" expression. /// Argument for type check; type. ///A new expression with the type check. internal static Expression UnaryIsOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[0]; return Expression.TypeIs(target, (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a type check for a given expression. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for type check; instance and type. ///A new expression with the type check. internal static Expression BinaryIsOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[1]; return Expression.TypeIs(arguments[0], (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a cast for the "it" expression. /// "it" expression. /// Argument for cast; type. ///A new expression with the cast. internal static Expression UnaryCast(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 1, "arguments.Length == 1"); ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[0]; return Expression.Convert(target, (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a cast for a given expression. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for cast; instance and type. ///A new expression with the cast. internal static Expression BinaryCast(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 2, "arguments.Length == 2"); ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[1]; // Work around for SQLBUDT #615702 - Protocol: exception thrown in XML with filter=null // // We need this in place so we can recognize null constant reliably and generate // trees that work for both LINQ to Entities and LINQ to Objects for the cases where // conversions of null literals generate expressions that don't guard for nulls in the // EF case, but EF ends up calling them anyway because they can be evaluated on the client. Type targetType = (Type)ce.Value; if (RequestQueryParser.IsNullConstant(arguments[0])) { targetType = RequestQueryParser.GetTypeAllowingNull(targetType); return Expression.Constant(null, targetType); } return Expression.Convert(arguments[0], targetType); } ///Creates a new function description for a method or property. /// Type on which property or method is declared. /// Whether an instance member is looked for. /// Whether a method (rather than a property) is looked for. /// Name of member. /// Parameter types. ///A new function description. private static FunctionDescription CreateFunctionDescription( Type targetType, bool instance, bool method, string name, params Type[] parameterTypes) { Debug.Assert(targetType != null, "targetType != null"); Debug.Assert(name != null, "name != null"); Debug.Assert(parameterTypes.Length == 0 || method, "parameterTypes.Length == 0 || method"); Debug.Assert(method || instance, "method || instance"); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | (instance ? BindingFlags.Instance : BindingFlags.Static); MemberInfo member; if (method) { member = targetType.GetMethod(name, flags, null, parameterTypes, null); Debug.Assert(member != null, "methodInfo != null"); } else { member = targetType.GetProperty(name, flags); Debug.Assert(member != null, "propertyInfo != null"); } Type[] functionParameterTypes; if (instance) { functionParameterTypes = new Type[parameterTypes.Length + 1]; functionParameterTypes[0] = targetType; parameterTypes.CopyTo(functionParameterTypes, 1); } else { functionParameterTypes = parameterTypes; } FunctionDescription result = new FunctionDescription(member, functionParameterTypes); if (method) { if (instance) { result.ConversionFunction = new Func(result.InstanceMethodConvertionFunction); } else { result.ConversionFunction = new Func (result.StaticMethodConvertionFunction); } } else { Debug.Assert(instance, "instance"); result.ConversionFunction = new Func (result.InstancePropertyConvertionFunction); } return result; } /// Creates a description for a string instance method. /// Name of method to look up. /// Parameter types to match. ///A new function description. private static FunctionDescription StringInstanceFunction(string name, params Type[] parameterTypes) { return CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), true /* instance */, true /* method */, name, parameterTypes); } ///Creates an array of function description for a DateTime property. /// Name of property to look up. ///A new function description array. private static FunctionDescription[] DateTimeFunctionArray(string name) { return new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(DateTime), true /* instance */, false /* method */, name, Type.EmptyTypes) }; } ///Creates an array of function description for math method with decimal and double overloads. /// Name of method to look up. ///A new function description array. private static FunctionDescription[] MathFunctionArray(string name) { return new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(Math), false /* instance */, true /* method */, name, typeof(double)), CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(Math), false /* instance */, true /* method */, name, typeof(decimal)), }; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Provides a class to represent system functions. // // // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Parsing { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; ///Use this class to represent a system function for Astoria expressions. [DebuggerDisplay("FunctionDescription {name}")] internal class FunctionDescription { ///Function name for type casts. private const string FunctionNameCast = "cast"; ///Function name for type checks. private const string FunctionNameIsOf = "isof"; ///CLR member for property or method invocation. private readonly MemberInfo member; ///Function name. private readonly string name; ///Parameter types for method invocation. private readonly Type[] parameterTypes; ///Conversion to expression for this function. private FuncconversionFunction; /// Initializes a new /// CLR member for property or method invocation. /// Parameter types for method invocation. public FunctionDescription(MemberInfo member, Type[] parameterTypes) : this(member, parameterTypes, null, member.Name) { } ///. Initializes a new /// Name for conversion function. /// Parameter types for method invocation. /// Conversion to expression for this function. public FunctionDescription(string name, Type[] parameterTypes, Func. conversionFunction) : this(null, parameterTypes, conversionFunction, name) { } /// Initializes a new /// CLR member for property or method invocation. /// Parameter types for method invocation. /// Conversion to expression for this function. /// Name for conversion function. private FunctionDescription( MemberInfo member, Type[] parameterTypes, Func. conversionFunction, string name) { this.member = member; this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; this.conversionFunction = conversionFunction; = name; } /// Conversion to expression for this function. public FuncConversionFunction { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.conversionFunction; } [DebuggerStepThrough] set { this.conversionFunction = value; } } /// Gets a value indicating whether this function is a typecast function. public bool IsTypeCast { get { return == FunctionNameCast; } } ///Gets a value indicating whether this function is a type check function. public bool IsTypeCheck { get { return == FunctionNameIsOf; } } ///Parameter types for method invocation. public Type[] ParameterTypes { [DebuggerStepThrough] get { return this.parameterTypes; } } ///Performs an instance method invocation. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for method invocation; first one should be the target 'this'. ///A new expression with the method invocation. public Expression InstanceMethodConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Expression instanceArgument = arguments[0]; Expression[] methodArguments = new Expression[arguments.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(arguments, 1, methodArguments, 0, arguments.Length - 1); return Expression.Call(instanceArgument, (MethodInfo)this.member, methodArguments); } ///Performs a static method invocation. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for method invocation. ///A new expression with the method invocation. public Expression StaticMethodConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { return Expression.Call((MethodInfo)this.member, arguments); } ///Performs an instance property access. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Argument for property access; instance. ///A new expression with the property access. public Expression InstancePropertyConvertionFunction(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { return Expression.Property(arguments[0], (PropertyInfo)this.member); } ///Builds a list of function signatures. /// Function name. /// Function descriptions. ///A string with ';'-separated list of function signatures. internal static string BuildSignatureList(string name, IEnumerabledescriptions) { System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); string descriptionSeparator = ""; foreach (FunctionDescription description in descriptions) { builder.Append(descriptionSeparator); descriptionSeparator = "; "; string parameterSeparator = ""; builder.Append(name); builder.Append('('); foreach (Type type in description.ParameterTypes) { builder.Append(parameterSeparator); parameterSeparator = ", "; Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { builder.Append(underlyingType.FullName); builder.Append('?'); } else { builder.Append(type.FullName); } } builder.Append(')'); } return builder.ToString(); } /// Creates and populates a dictionary of system functions. ///A new dictionary of functions. internal static DictionaryCreateFunctions() { Dictionary result = new Dictionary (StringComparer.Ordinal); // String functions. FunctionDescription[] signatures; result.Add("endswith", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("EndsWith", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("indexof", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("IndexOf", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("replace", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Replace", typeof(string), typeof(string)) }); result.Add("startswith", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("StartsWith", typeof(string)) }); result.Add("tolower", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("ToLower", Type.EmptyTypes) }); result.Add("toupper", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("ToUpper", Type.EmptyTypes) }); result.Add("trim", new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Trim", Type.EmptyTypes) }); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { StringInstanceFunction("Substring", typeof(int)), StringInstanceFunction("Substring", typeof(int), typeof(int)) }; result.Add("substring", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { new FunctionDescription("substringof", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, SubstringOf) }; result.Add("substringof", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), false /* instance */, true /* method */, "Concat", typeof(string), typeof(string)) }; result.Add("concat", signatures); signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), true /* instance */, false /* method */, "Length", Type.EmptyTypes) }; result.Add("length", signatures); // DateTime functions. result.Add("year", DateTimeFunctionArray("Year")); result.Add("month", DateTimeFunctionArray("Month")); result.Add("day", DateTimeFunctionArray("Day")); result.Add("hour", DateTimeFunctionArray("Hour")); result.Add("minute", DateTimeFunctionArray("Minute")); result.Add("second", DateTimeFunctionArray("Second")); // Mathematical functions. result.Add("round", MathFunctionArray("Round")); result.Add("floor", MathFunctionArray("Floor")); result.Add("ceiling", MathFunctionArray("Ceiling")); // Type functions. signatures = new FunctionDescription[] { new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameIsOf, new Type[] { typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.UnaryIsOf)), new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameIsOf, new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryIsOf)), }; result.Add(FunctionNameIsOf, signatures); // For cast() signatures, we need to add all primitive types directly as well as the object (open type) // and unary versions; otherwise expression will convert to object, then again to whatever other type // is required. System.Data.Services.Providers.ResourceType[] primitiveTypes = WebUtil.GetPrimitiveTypes(); List castSignatures = new List (2 + primitiveTypes.Length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < primitiveTypes.Length; i++) { Debug.Assert( primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(Type), "primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(Type) -- otherwise extra signatures will be added for cast()"); Debug.Assert( primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(object), "primitiveTypes[i].Type != typeof(object) -- otherwise extra signatures will be added for cast()"); castSignatures.Add(new FunctionDescription( FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { primitiveTypes[i].Type, typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); if (primitiveTypes[i].Type.IsValueType) { castSignatures.Add(new FunctionDescription( FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(primitiveTypes[i].Type), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); } } castSignatures.Add( new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(Type) }, FunctionDescription.UnaryCast)); castSignatures.Add( new FunctionDescription(FunctionNameCast, new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(Type) }, new Func (FunctionDescription.BinaryCast))); result.Add(FunctionNameCast, castSignatures.ToArray()); return result; } /// Transforms a URI-style "substringof(a,b)" function into "a.contains(b)". /// Target of query; not used. /// Arguments to function. ///The conversion for this method. internal static Expression SubstringOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments != null, "arguments != null"); Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 2, "arguments.Length == 2"); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(string) }; MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", flags, null, parameterTypes, null); Debug.Assert(method != null, "method != null -- otherwise couldn't find string.Contains(string)"); return Expression.Call(arguments[1], method, arguments[0]); } ///Performs a type check for the "it" expression. /// "it" expression. /// Argument for type check; type. ///A new expression with the type check. internal static Expression UnaryIsOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[0]; return Expression.TypeIs(target, (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a type check for a given expression. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for type check; instance and type. ///A new expression with the type check. internal static Expression BinaryIsOf(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[1]; return Expression.TypeIs(arguments[0], (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a cast for the "it" expression. /// "it" expression. /// Argument for cast; type. ///A new expression with the cast. internal static Expression UnaryCast(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 1, "arguments.Length == 1"); ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[0]; return Expression.Convert(target, (Type)ce.Value); } ///Performs a cast for a given expression. /// "it" expression; unused by this function. /// Arguments for cast; instance and type. ///A new expression with the cast. internal static Expression BinaryCast(Expression target, Expression[] arguments) { Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 2, "arguments.Length == 2"); ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)arguments[1]; // Work around for SQLBUDT #615702 - Protocol: exception thrown in XML with filter=null // // We need this in place so we can recognize null constant reliably and generate // trees that work for both LINQ to Entities and LINQ to Objects for the cases where // conversions of null literals generate expressions that don't guard for nulls in the // EF case, but EF ends up calling them anyway because they can be evaluated on the client. Type targetType = (Type)ce.Value; if (RequestQueryParser.IsNullConstant(arguments[0])) { targetType = RequestQueryParser.GetTypeAllowingNull(targetType); return Expression.Constant(null, targetType); } return Expression.Convert(arguments[0], targetType); } ///Creates a new function description for a method or property. /// Type on which property or method is declared. /// Whether an instance member is looked for. /// Whether a method (rather than a property) is looked for. /// Name of member. /// Parameter types. ///A new function description. private static FunctionDescription CreateFunctionDescription( Type targetType, bool instance, bool method, string name, params Type[] parameterTypes) { Debug.Assert(targetType != null, "targetType != null"); Debug.Assert(name != null, "name != null"); Debug.Assert(parameterTypes.Length == 0 || method, "parameterTypes.Length == 0 || method"); Debug.Assert(method || instance, "method || instance"); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | (instance ? BindingFlags.Instance : BindingFlags.Static); MemberInfo member; if (method) { member = targetType.GetMethod(name, flags, null, parameterTypes, null); Debug.Assert(member != null, "methodInfo != null"); } else { member = targetType.GetProperty(name, flags); Debug.Assert(member != null, "propertyInfo != null"); } Type[] functionParameterTypes; if (instance) { functionParameterTypes = new Type[parameterTypes.Length + 1]; functionParameterTypes[0] = targetType; parameterTypes.CopyTo(functionParameterTypes, 1); } else { functionParameterTypes = parameterTypes; } FunctionDescription result = new FunctionDescription(member, functionParameterTypes); if (method) { if (instance) { result.ConversionFunction = new Func(result.InstanceMethodConvertionFunction); } else { result.ConversionFunction = new Func (result.StaticMethodConvertionFunction); } } else { Debug.Assert(instance, "instance"); result.ConversionFunction = new Func (result.InstancePropertyConvertionFunction); } return result; } /// Creates a description for a string instance method. /// Name of method to look up. /// Parameter types to match. ///A new function description. private static FunctionDescription StringInstanceFunction(string name, params Type[] parameterTypes) { return CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(string), true /* instance */, true /* method */, name, parameterTypes); } ///Creates an array of function description for a DateTime property. /// Name of property to look up. ///A new function description array. private static FunctionDescription[] DateTimeFunctionArray(string name) { return new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(DateTime), true /* instance */, false /* method */, name, Type.EmptyTypes) }; } ///Creates an array of function description for math method with decimal and double overloads. /// Name of method to look up. ///A new function description array. private static FunctionDescription[] MathFunctionArray(string name) { return new FunctionDescription[] { CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(Math), false /* instance */, true /* method */, name, typeof(double)), CreateFunctionDescription(typeof(Math), false /* instance */, true /* method */, name, typeof(decimal)), }; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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