StructuralObject.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Objects / DataClasses / StructuralObject.cs / 1305376 / StructuralObject.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
namespace System.Data.Objects.DataClasses 
    /// This class contains the common methods need for an date object.
    [DataContract(IsReference = true)]
    public abstract class StructuralObject : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
        // ------ 
        // Fields
        // ------ 

        // This class contains no fields that are serialized, but it's important to realize that
        // adding or removing a serialized field is considered a breaking change.  This includes
        // changing the field type or field name of existing serialized fields. If you need to make 
        // this kind of change, it may be possible, but it will require some custom
        // serialization/deserialization code. 
        /// Public constant name used for change tracking 
        /// Providing this definition allows users to use this constant instead of
        /// hard-coding the string. This helps to ensure the property name is correct
        /// and allows faster comparisons in places where we are looking for this specific string.
        /// Users can still use the case-sensitive string directly instead of the constant, 
        /// it will just be slightly slower on comparison.
        /// Including the dash (-) character around the name ensures that this will not conflict with 
        /// a real data property, because -EntityKey- is not a valid identifier name 
        public static readonly string EntityKeyPropertyName = "-EntityKey-"; 

        #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

        /// Notification that a property has been changed.
        /// The PropertyChanged event can indicate all properties on the
        /// object have changed by using either a null reference 
        /// (Nothing in Visual Basic) or String.Empty as the property name
        /// in the PropertyChangedEventArgs.
        [field: NonSerialized] 
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        #region INotifyPropertyChanging Members 

        /// Notification that a property is about to be changed.
        /// The PropertyChanging event can indicate all properties on the 
        /// object are changing by using either a null reference 
        /// (Nothing in Visual Basic) or String.Empty as the property name
        /// in the PropertyChangingEventArgs. 
        [field: NonSerialized]
        public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
        #region Protected Overrideable 
        /// Invokes the PropertyChanged event. 
        /// The string name of the of the changed property.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1716:IdentifiersShouldNotMatchKeywords", MessageId = "Property")]
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string property) 
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
        /// Invokes the PropertyChanging event. 
        /// The string name of the of the changing property. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1716:IdentifiersShouldNotMatchKeywords", MessageId = "Property")]
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanging(string property)
            if (PropertyChanging != null)
                PropertyChanging.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(property)); 

        #region Protected Helper
        /// The minimum DateTime value allowed in the store 
        /// The minimum DateTime value allowed in the store 
        protected static DateTime DefaultDateTimeValue()
            return DateTime.Now; 
        /// This method is called whenever a change is going to be made to an object
        /// property's value. 
        /// The name of the changing property.
        /// The current value of the property. 
        /// When parameter member is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1716:IdentifiersShouldNotMatchKeywords", MessageId = "Property")]
        protected virtual void ReportPropertyChanging(
            string property) 
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(property, "property"); 

        /// This method is called whenever a change is made to an object
        /// property's value. 
        /// The name for the changed property. 
        /// When parameter member is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1716:IdentifiersShouldNotMatchKeywords", MessageId = "Property")]
        protected virtual void ReportPropertyChanged( 
            string property)
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(property, "property"); 


        /// Lazily creates a complex type if the current value is null 
        /// Unlike most of the other helper methods in this class, this one is not static 
        /// because it references the SetValidValue for complex objects, which is also not static
        /// because it needs a reference to this. 
        /// Type of complex type to get a valid value for
        /// The current value of the complex type property 
        /// The name of the property that is calling this method 
        /// True if the field has already been explicitly set by the user.
        /// The new value of the complex type property 
        protected internal T GetValidValue(T currentValue, string property, bool isNullable, bool isInitialized) where T : ComplexObject, new()
            // If we support complex type inheritance we will also need to check if T is abstract
            if (!isNullable && !isInitialized)
                currentValue = SetValidValue(currentValue, new T(), property); 
            return currentValue; 
        /// This method is called by a ComplexObject contained in this Entity
        /// whenever a change is about to be made to a property of the
        /// ComplexObject so that the change can be forwarded to the change tracker. 
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that contains the ComplexObject that is calling this method. 
        /// The instance of the ComplexObject on which the property is changing.
        /// The name of the changing property on complexObject. 
        internal abstract void ReportComplexPropertyChanging( 
            string entityMemberName, ComplexObject complexObject, string complexMemberName); 

        /// This method is called by a ComplexObject contained in this Entity
        /// whenever a change has been made to a property of the
        /// ComplexObject so that the change can be forwarded to the change tracker.
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that contains the ComplexObject that is calling this method. 
        /// The instance of the ComplexObject on which the property is changing. 
        /// The name of the changing property on complexObject.
        internal abstract void ReportComplexPropertyChanged(
            string entityMemberName, ComplexObject complexObject, string complexMemberName); 
        /// Determines whether the structural object is attached to a change tracker or not 
        internal abstract bool IsChangeTracked { get; }

        /// Determines whether the specified byte arrays contain identical values
        /// The first byte array value to compare 
        /// The second byte array value to compare
        ///   true if both arrays are null, or if both arrays are of
        ///   the same length and contain the same byte values; otherwise false.
        protected internal static bool BinaryEquals(byte[] first, byte[] second) 
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(first, second)) 
                return true;

            if (first == null || second == null)
                return false; 
            return ByValueEqualityComparer.CompareBinaryValues(first, second); 
        /// Duplicates the current byte value.
        /// The current byte array value
        /// Must return a copy of the values because byte arrays are mutable without providing a
        /// reliable mechanism for us to track changes.  This allows us to treat byte arrays like 
        /// structs which is at least a somewhat understood mechanism.
        protected internal static byte[] GetValidValue(byte[] currentValue)
            if (currentValue == null)
                return null; 
            return (byte[])currentValue.Clone(); 

        /// Makes sure the Byte [] value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// The value passed into the property setter. 
        /// Flag indicating if this property is allowed to be null.
        /// Returns the value if valid. 
        /// If value is null for a non nullable value. 
        protected internal static Byte[] SetValidValue(Byte[] value, bool isNullable) 
            if (value == null)
                if (!isNullable) 
                return value;
            return (byte[])value.Clone();

        /// Makes sure the boolean value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Boolean value.
        /// The Boolean value.
        protected internal static bool SetValidValue(bool value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the boolean value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Boolean value
        /// The Boolean value.
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the byte value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Byte value
        /// The Byte value.
        protected internal static byte SetValidValue(byte value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the byte value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Byte value
        /// The Byte value.
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the sbyte value being set for a property is valid.
        /// sbyte value
        /// The sbyte value.
        protected internal static sbyte SetValidValue(sbyte value)
            // no checks yet 
            return value;
        /// Makes sure the sbyte value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// sbyte value
        /// The sbyte value. 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the datetime value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// datetime value
        /// The datetime value. 
        protected internal static DateTime SetValidValue(DateTime value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the datetime value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// datetime value 
        /// The datetime value.
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the timespan value being set for a property is valid.
        /// timespan value 
        /// The timspan value. 
        protected internal static TimeSpan SetValidValue(TimeSpan value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the TimeSpan value being set for a property is valid.
        /// timespan value
        /// The timespan value.
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the datetimeoffset value being set for a property is valid.
        /// datetimeoffset value
        /// The datetimeoffset value.
        protected internal static DateTimeOffset SetValidValue(DateTimeOffset value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the datetimeoffset value being set for a property is valid.
        /// datetimeoffset value 
        /// The datetimeoffset value. 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet 
            return value;
        /// Ensure that the input is a valid decimal value 
        /// proposed value
        /// new value
        protected internal static Decimal SetValidValue(Decimal value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 
        /// Ensure that the value is a valid decimal
        /// proposed value 
        /// the new value
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the double value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// double value 
        /// the double value
        protected internal static double SetValidValue(double value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the double value being set for a property is valid.
        /// double value 
        /// the double value 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the Single value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// float value
        /// the folad value. 
        protected internal static float SetValidValue(Single value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the Single value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// nullable Single value 
        /// the nullabel Single value
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the Guid value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Guid value 
        /// The Guid value 
        protected internal static Guid SetValidValue(Guid value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the Guid value being set for a property is valid.
        /// nullable Guid value
        /// The nullable Guid value
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the Int16 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Int16 value
        /// The Int16 value
        protected internal static Int16 SetValidValue(Int16 value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the Int16 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// nullable Int16
        /// The Int16 value
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the Int32 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Int32 value
        /// The Int32 value
        protected internal static Int32 SetValidValue(Int32 value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the Int32 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// nullable Int32 value
        /// The nullable Int32
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the Int64 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// Int64 value 
        /// The Int64 value 
        protected internal static Int64 SetValidValue(Int64 value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the Int64 value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// nullable Int64 value
        /// The nullable Int64 value 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Makes sure the UInt16 value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// UInt16 value 
        /// The UInt16 value
        protected internal static UInt16 SetValidValue(UInt16 value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value; 
        /// Makes sure the UInt16 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// nullable UInt16 value
        /// The nullable UInt16 value
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet 
            return value;
        /// Makes sure the UInt32 value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// UInt32 value
        /// The UInt32 value 
        protected internal static UInt32 SetValidValue(UInt32 value) 
            // no checks yet
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the UInt32 value being set for a property is valid. 
        /// nullable UInt32 value
        /// The nullable UInt32 value 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value) 
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the UInt64 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// UInt64 value
        /// The UInt64 value
        protected internal static UInt64 SetValidValue(UInt64 value)
            // no checks yet 
            return value;

        /// Makes sure the UInt64 value being set for a property is valid.
        /// nullable UInt64 value 
        /// The nullable UInt64 value 
        protected internal static Nullable SetValidValue(Nullable value)
            // no checks yet
            return value; 

        /// Validates that the property is not longer than allowed, and throws if it is
        /// string value to be checked. 
        /// Flag indicating if this property is allowed to be null. 
        /// The string value is null for a non-nullable string
        protected internal static string SetValidValue(string value, bool isNullable)
            if (value == null)
                if (!isNullable) 
            return value;

        /// Set a whole ComplexObject on an Entity or another ComplexObject 
        /// Unlike most of the other SetValidValue methods, this one is not static
        /// because it uses a reference to this in order to set the parent reference for the complex object.
        /// The current value that is set.
        /// The new value that will be set.
        /// The name of the complex type property that is being set.
        /// The new value of the complex type property
        protected internal T SetValidValue(T oldValue, T newValue, string property) where T : ComplexObject 
            // Nullable complex types are not supported in v1, but we allow setting null here if the parent entity is detached 
            if (newValue == null && IsChangeTracked)
                throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(property);

            if (oldValue != null) 

            if (newValue != null)
                newValue.AttachToParent(this, property); 
            return newValue; 
        /// Helper method used in entity/complex object factory methods to verify that a complex object is not null
        /// Type of the complex property 
        /// Complex object being verified
        /// Property name associated with this complex object 
        /// the same complex object that was passed in, if an exception didn't occur 
        protected internal static TComplex VerifyComplexObjectIsNotNull(TComplex complexObject, string propertyName) where TComplex : ComplexObject
            if (complexObject == null)
            return complexObject;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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