OracleParameter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / DataOracleClient / System / Data / OracleClient / OracleParameter.cs / 1 / OracleParameter.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Data.OracleClient 
    using System; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common; 
    using System.Data.ProviderBase;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes; 
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    // OracleParameter 
    sealed public partial class OracleParameter : DbParameter, ICloneable, IDbDataParameter { 
        private MetaType _metaType;         // type information; only set when DbType or OracleType is set.
        private int      _commandSetResult; // the ordinal result number for parameters in support of Command Set, 0 indicates it is not a Command Set result.

        private MetaType _coercedMetaType; 

        private string _parameterName; 
        private byte _precision; 
        private byte _scale;
        private bool _hasScale; 

        // Construct an "empty" parameter
        public OracleParameter() : base() {}
        // Construct from a parameter name and a value object
        public OracleParameter(string name, object value) { 
            this.ParameterName  = name; 
            this.Value          = value;

        // Construct from a parameter name and a data type
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType) : this() {
            this.ParameterName  = name; 
            this.OracleType     = oracleType;
        // Construct from a parameter name, a data type and the size
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType;
            this.Size           = size;

        // Construct from a parameter name, a data type, the size and the source column 
        public OracleParameter( string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, string srcColumn ) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size;
            this.SourceColumn   = srcColumn;
        // Construct from everything but the kitchen sink
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, 
                        byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size;
            this.Direction      = direction;
            this.IsNullable     = isNullable;
            PrecisionInternal   = precision; 
            ScaleInternal       = scale;
            this.SourceColumn   = srcColumn; 
            this.SourceVersion  = srcVersion; 
            this.Value          = value;

         // V2.0 everything - round trip all browsable properties
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, ParameterDirection direction,
                                   string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, bool sourceColumnNullMapping, object value) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size; 
            this.Direction      = direction;
            this.SourceColumn   = sourceColumn; 
            this.SourceVersion  = sourceVersion;
            this.SourceColumnNullMapping   = sourceColumnNullMapping;
            this.Value          = value;

        internal int BindSize { 
            get { 
                int size = GetActualSize();
                // If the size of the value is huge and it's an input-only parameter,
                // we can try and figure out the binding size.
                if (short.MaxValue < size && ParameterDirection.Input == Direction) {
                    size = ValueSize(GetCoercedValueInternal()); 
                return size; 
        internal int CommandSetResult {
            get {
                return _commandSetResult;
            set {
                _commandSetResult = value; 
        override public DbType DbType {
            get {
                return GetMetaType().DbType;
            set {
                if ((null == _metaType) || (_metaType.DbType != value)) { 
                    _metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForType(value);

        public override void ResetDbType() { 
        DefaultValue(OracleType.VarChar), // MDAC 65862 
        public OracleType OracleType { 
            get { 
                return GetMetaType().OracleType;
            set {
                MetaType metatype = _metaType;
                if ((null == metatype) || (metatype.OracleType != value)) {
                    _metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForType(value);
        public void ResetOracleType() {
            if (null != _metaType) {
                _metaType = null; 
        override public string ParameterName { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300
            get { 
                string parameterName = _parameterName;
                return ((null != parameterName) ? parameterName : ADP.StrEmpty); 
            set {
                if (_parameterName != value) { 
                    _parameterName = value;

        [Obsolete("Precision has been deprecated.  Use the Math classes to explicitly set the precision of a decimal.")]
        public Byte Precision { 
            get {
                return PrecisionInternal;
            set { 
                PrecisionInternal = value;
        private byte PrecisionInternal {
            get { 
                return _precision;
            set {
                if (_precision != value) { 
                    _precision = value;
        private bool ShouldSerializePrecision() { 
            return (0 != _precision);

        [Obsolete("Scale has been deprecated.  Use the Math classes to explicitly set the scale of a decimal.")] 
        public Byte Scale { 
            get {
                return ScaleInternal; 
            set {
                ScaleInternal = value;
        private byte ScaleInternal { 
            get { 
                return _scale;
            set {
                if (_scale != value || !_hasScale) {
                    _scale = value; 
                    _hasScale = true;
        private bool ShouldSerializeScale() { 
            return _hasScale;

        private static object CoerceValue(object value, MetaType destinationType) { 
            Debug.Assert(null != destinationType, "null destinationType");
            if ((null != value) && !Convert.IsDBNull(value) && (typeof(object) != destinationType.BaseType)) { 
                Type currentType = value.GetType(); 
                if ((currentType != destinationType.BaseType) && (currentType != destinationType.NoConvertType)) {
                    try { 
                        if ((typeof(string) == destinationType.BaseType) && (typeof(char[]) == currentType)) {
                            value = new string((char[])value);
                        else if ((DbType.Currency == destinationType.DbType) && (typeof(string) == currentType)) { 
                            value = Decimal.Parse((string)value, NumberStyles.Currency, (IFormatProvider)null); // WebData 99376
                        else { 
                            value = Convert.ChangeType(value, destinationType.BaseType, (IFormatProvider)null);
                    catch(Exception e) {
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                        throw ADP.ParameterConversionFailed(value, destinationType.BaseType, e); // WebData 75433
            return value;

        object ICloneable.Clone() { 
            return new OracleParameter(this); 
        private void CloneHelper(OracleParameter destination) {
            destination._metaType = _metaType;
            destination._parameterName = _parameterName; 
            destination._precision = _precision;
            destination._scale = _scale; 
            destination._hasScale = _hasScale; 
        internal int GetActualSize() {
            return ShouldSerializeSize() ? Size : ValueSize(CoercedValue);
        private MetaType GetMetaType() {
            // if the user specifed a type, then return it's meta data 
            return GetMetaType(Value); 
        internal MetaType GetMetaType(object value) {
            MetaType metaType = _metaType;
            if (null == metaType) {
                // if the didn't specify a type, but they specified a value, then 
                // return the meta data for the value they specified
                if ((null != value) && !Convert.IsDBNull(value)) { 
                    metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForObject(value); 
                else { 
                    // if they haven't specified anything, then return the default
                    // meta data information
                    metaType = MetaType.GetDefaultMetaType();
                _metaType = metaType;
            return metaType; 
        internal object GetCoercedValueInternal() {
            object value = CoercedValue; // will also be set during parameter Validation
            if (null == value) {
                value = CoerceValue(this.Value, _coercedMetaType); 
                CoercedValue = value;
            return value; 
        private void PropertyChanging() {

        private void PropertyTypeChanging() { 
            CoercedValue = null; 

        internal void SetCoercedValueInternal(object value, MetaType metaType) { 
            _coercedMetaType = metaType;
            CoercedValue = CoerceValue(value, metaType);
        private bool ShouldSerializeOracleType() {
            return (null != _metaType); 

        override public object Value { 
            get { 
                return _value;
            set {
                _coercedValue = null;
                _value = value;
        private int ValueSize(object value) { 
            if (value is OracleString)  return ((OracleString) value).Length;
            if (value is string)        return ((string) value).Length; 
            if (value is char[])        return ((char[]) value).Length;
            if (value is OracleBinary)  return ((OracleBinary) value).Length;

            return ValueSizeCore(value); 
        sealed internal class OracleParameterConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter { 

            // converter classes should have public ctor 
            public OracleParameterConverter() {

            public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { 
                if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor)) {
                    return true; 
                return base.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType);

            public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) {
                if (destinationType == null) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("destinationType"); 
                if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor) && value is OracleParameter) { 
                    return ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(value as OracleParameter); 
                return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType); 

            private InstanceDescriptor ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(OracleParameter p) {
                // MDAC 67321 - reducing parameter generated code 
                int flags = 0; // if part of the collection - the parametername can't be empty
                if (p.ShouldSerializeOracleType()) { 
                    flags |= 1;
                if (p.ShouldSerializeSize()) {
                    flags |= 2;
                if (!ADP.IsEmpty(p.SourceColumn)) { 
                    flags |= 4;
                if (null != p.Value) { 
                    flags |= 8;
                if ((ParameterDirection.Input != p.Direction) || p.IsNullable
                    || p.ShouldSerializePrecision() || p.ShouldSerializeScale()
                    || (DataRowVersion.Current != p.SourceVersion)) {
                    flags |= 16; 
                if (p.SourceColumnNullMapping) { 
                    flags |= 32; 
                Type[] ctorParams;
                object[] ctorValues;
                switch(flags) {
                case  0: // ParameterName 
                case  1: // OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType }; 
                case  2: // Size 
                case  3: // Size, OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int) };
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType, p.Size };
                case  4: // SourceColumn
                case  5: // SourceColumn, OracleType 
                case  6: // SourceColumn, Size 
                case  7: // SourceColumn, Size, OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(string) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType, p.Size, p.SourceColumn };
                case  8: // Value
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.Value };
                    if (0 == (32 & flags)) {
                        ctorParams = new Type[] { 
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(ParameterDirection),
                                                    typeof(bool), typeof(byte), typeof(byte), typeof(string),
                                                    typeof(DataRowVersion), typeof(object) };
                        ctorValues = new object[] { 
                                                      p.ParameterName, p.OracleType,  p.Size, p.Direction,
                                                      p.IsNullable, p.PrecisionInternal, p.ScaleInternal, p.SourceColumn, 
                                                      p.SourceVersion, p.Value }; 
                    else { 
                        ctorParams = new Type[] {
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(ParameterDirection),
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(DataRowVersion), typeof(bool),
                                                    typeof(object) }; 
                        ctorValues = new object[] {
                                                      p.ParameterName, p.OracleType,  p.Size, p.Direction, 
                                                      p.SourceColumn, p.SourceVersion, p.SourceColumnNullMapping, 
                                                      p.Value };
                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(OracleParameter).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
                return new InstanceDescriptor(ctor, ctorValues); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Data.OracleClient 
    using System; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common; 
    using System.Data.ProviderBase;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes; 
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    // OracleParameter 
    sealed public partial class OracleParameter : DbParameter, ICloneable, IDbDataParameter { 
        private MetaType _metaType;         // type information; only set when DbType or OracleType is set.
        private int      _commandSetResult; // the ordinal result number for parameters in support of Command Set, 0 indicates it is not a Command Set result.

        private MetaType _coercedMetaType; 

        private string _parameterName; 
        private byte _precision; 
        private byte _scale;
        private bool _hasScale; 

        // Construct an "empty" parameter
        public OracleParameter() : base() {}
        // Construct from a parameter name and a value object
        public OracleParameter(string name, object value) { 
            this.ParameterName  = name; 
            this.Value          = value;

        // Construct from a parameter name and a data type
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType) : this() {
            this.ParameterName  = name; 
            this.OracleType     = oracleType;
        // Construct from a parameter name, a data type and the size
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType;
            this.Size           = size;

        // Construct from a parameter name, a data type, the size and the source column 
        public OracleParameter( string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, string srcColumn ) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size;
            this.SourceColumn   = srcColumn;
        // Construct from everything but the kitchen sink
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, 
                        byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size;
            this.Direction      = direction;
            this.IsNullable     = isNullable;
            PrecisionInternal   = precision; 
            ScaleInternal       = scale;
            this.SourceColumn   = srcColumn; 
            this.SourceVersion  = srcVersion; 
            this.Value          = value;

         // V2.0 everything - round trip all browsable properties
        public OracleParameter(string name, OracleType oracleType, int size, ParameterDirection direction,
                                   string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, bool sourceColumnNullMapping, object value) : this() { 
            this.ParameterName  = name;
            this.OracleType     = oracleType; 
            this.Size           = size; 
            this.Direction      = direction;
            this.SourceColumn   = sourceColumn; 
            this.SourceVersion  = sourceVersion;
            this.SourceColumnNullMapping   = sourceColumnNullMapping;
            this.Value          = value;

        internal int BindSize { 
            get { 
                int size = GetActualSize();
                // If the size of the value is huge and it's an input-only parameter,
                // we can try and figure out the binding size.
                if (short.MaxValue < size && ParameterDirection.Input == Direction) {
                    size = ValueSize(GetCoercedValueInternal()); 
                return size; 
        internal int CommandSetResult {
            get {
                return _commandSetResult;
            set {
                _commandSetResult = value; 
        override public DbType DbType {
            get {
                return GetMetaType().DbType;
            set {
                if ((null == _metaType) || (_metaType.DbType != value)) { 
                    _metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForType(value);

        public override void ResetDbType() { 
        DefaultValue(OracleType.VarChar), // MDAC 65862 
        public OracleType OracleType { 
            get { 
                return GetMetaType().OracleType;
            set {
                MetaType metatype = _metaType;
                if ((null == metatype) || (metatype.OracleType != value)) {
                    _metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForType(value);
        public void ResetOracleType() {
            if (null != _metaType) {
                _metaType = null; 
        override public string ParameterName { // V1.2.3300, XXXParameter V1.0.3300
            get { 
                string parameterName = _parameterName;
                return ((null != parameterName) ? parameterName : ADP.StrEmpty); 
            set {
                if (_parameterName != value) { 
                    _parameterName = value;

        [Obsolete("Precision has been deprecated.  Use the Math classes to explicitly set the precision of a decimal.")]
        public Byte Precision { 
            get {
                return PrecisionInternal;
            set { 
                PrecisionInternal = value;
        private byte PrecisionInternal {
            get { 
                return _precision;
            set {
                if (_precision != value) { 
                    _precision = value;
        private bool ShouldSerializePrecision() { 
            return (0 != _precision);

        [Obsolete("Scale has been deprecated.  Use the Math classes to explicitly set the scale of a decimal.")] 
        public Byte Scale { 
            get {
                return ScaleInternal; 
            set {
                ScaleInternal = value;
        private byte ScaleInternal { 
            get { 
                return _scale;
            set {
                if (_scale != value || !_hasScale) {
                    _scale = value; 
                    _hasScale = true;
        private bool ShouldSerializeScale() { 
            return _hasScale;

        private static object CoerceValue(object value, MetaType destinationType) { 
            Debug.Assert(null != destinationType, "null destinationType");
            if ((null != value) && !Convert.IsDBNull(value) && (typeof(object) != destinationType.BaseType)) { 
                Type currentType = value.GetType(); 
                if ((currentType != destinationType.BaseType) && (currentType != destinationType.NoConvertType)) {
                    try { 
                        if ((typeof(string) == destinationType.BaseType) && (typeof(char[]) == currentType)) {
                            value = new string((char[])value);
                        else if ((DbType.Currency == destinationType.DbType) && (typeof(string) == currentType)) { 
                            value = Decimal.Parse((string)value, NumberStyles.Currency, (IFormatProvider)null); // WebData 99376
                        else { 
                            value = Convert.ChangeType(value, destinationType.BaseType, (IFormatProvider)null);
                    catch(Exception e) {
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { 
                        throw ADP.ParameterConversionFailed(value, destinationType.BaseType, e); // WebData 75433
            return value;

        object ICloneable.Clone() { 
            return new OracleParameter(this); 
        private void CloneHelper(OracleParameter destination) {
            destination._metaType = _metaType;
            destination._parameterName = _parameterName; 
            destination._precision = _precision;
            destination._scale = _scale; 
            destination._hasScale = _hasScale; 
        internal int GetActualSize() {
            return ShouldSerializeSize() ? Size : ValueSize(CoercedValue);
        private MetaType GetMetaType() {
            // if the user specifed a type, then return it's meta data 
            return GetMetaType(Value); 
        internal MetaType GetMetaType(object value) {
            MetaType metaType = _metaType;
            if (null == metaType) {
                // if the didn't specify a type, but they specified a value, then 
                // return the meta data for the value they specified
                if ((null != value) && !Convert.IsDBNull(value)) { 
                    metaType = MetaType.GetMetaTypeForObject(value); 
                else { 
                    // if they haven't specified anything, then return the default
                    // meta data information
                    metaType = MetaType.GetDefaultMetaType();
                _metaType = metaType;
            return metaType; 
        internal object GetCoercedValueInternal() {
            object value = CoercedValue; // will also be set during parameter Validation
            if (null == value) {
                value = CoerceValue(this.Value, _coercedMetaType); 
                CoercedValue = value;
            return value; 
        private void PropertyChanging() {

        private void PropertyTypeChanging() { 
            CoercedValue = null; 

        internal void SetCoercedValueInternal(object value, MetaType metaType) { 
            _coercedMetaType = metaType;
            CoercedValue = CoerceValue(value, metaType);
        private bool ShouldSerializeOracleType() {
            return (null != _metaType); 

        override public object Value { 
            get { 
                return _value;
            set {
                _coercedValue = null;
                _value = value;
        private int ValueSize(object value) { 
            if (value is OracleString)  return ((OracleString) value).Length;
            if (value is string)        return ((string) value).Length; 
            if (value is char[])        return ((char[]) value).Length;
            if (value is OracleBinary)  return ((OracleBinary) value).Length;

            return ValueSizeCore(value); 
        sealed internal class OracleParameterConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter { 

            // converter classes should have public ctor 
            public OracleParameterConverter() {

            public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { 
                if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor)) {
                    return true; 
                return base.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType);

            public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) {
                if (destinationType == null) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("destinationType"); 
                if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor) && value is OracleParameter) { 
                    return ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(value as OracleParameter); 
                return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType); 

            private InstanceDescriptor ConvertToInstanceDescriptor(OracleParameter p) {
                // MDAC 67321 - reducing parameter generated code 
                int flags = 0; // if part of the collection - the parametername can't be empty
                if (p.ShouldSerializeOracleType()) { 
                    flags |= 1;
                if (p.ShouldSerializeSize()) {
                    flags |= 2;
                if (!ADP.IsEmpty(p.SourceColumn)) { 
                    flags |= 4;
                if (null != p.Value) { 
                    flags |= 8;
                if ((ParameterDirection.Input != p.Direction) || p.IsNullable
                    || p.ShouldSerializePrecision() || p.ShouldSerializeScale()
                    || (DataRowVersion.Current != p.SourceVersion)) {
                    flags |= 16; 
                if (p.SourceColumnNullMapping) { 
                    flags |= 32; 
                Type[] ctorParams;
                object[] ctorValues;
                switch(flags) {
                case  0: // ParameterName 
                case  1: // OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType }; 
                case  2: // Size 
                case  3: // Size, OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int) };
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType, p.Size };
                case  4: // SourceColumn
                case  5: // SourceColumn, OracleType 
                case  6: // SourceColumn, Size 
                case  7: // SourceColumn, Size, OracleType
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(string) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.OracleType, p.Size, p.SourceColumn };
                case  8: // Value
                    ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object) }; 
                    ctorValues = new object[] { p.ParameterName, p.Value };
                    if (0 == (32 & flags)) {
                        ctorParams = new Type[] { 
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(ParameterDirection),
                                                    typeof(bool), typeof(byte), typeof(byte), typeof(string),
                                                    typeof(DataRowVersion), typeof(object) };
                        ctorValues = new object[] { 
                                                      p.ParameterName, p.OracleType,  p.Size, p.Direction,
                                                      p.IsNullable, p.PrecisionInternal, p.ScaleInternal, p.SourceColumn, 
                                                      p.SourceVersion, p.Value }; 
                    else { 
                        ctorParams = new Type[] {
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(OracleType), typeof(int), typeof(ParameterDirection),
                                                    typeof(string), typeof(DataRowVersion), typeof(bool),
                                                    typeof(object) }; 
                        ctorValues = new object[] {
                                                      p.ParameterName, p.OracleType,  p.Size, p.Direction, 
                                                      p.SourceColumn, p.SourceVersion, p.SourceColumnNullMapping, 
                                                      p.Value };
                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(OracleParameter).GetConstructor(ctorParams);
                return new InstanceDescriptor(ctor, ctorValues); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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