ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService.cs / 2 / ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design
    using System.Design;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    ///      This service allows the ToolStrip to intercept the Keys like TAB, SHIFT + TAB and Arrow Keys to provide its own navigation
    ///      within the items when ToolStrip is selected.
    ///      This service first looks for the existing Menucommands that are added to the MenuCommandService and replaces them with
    ///      its own caching the previous commands. 
    ///      If its interested in intercepting a particular command then it fires its own handler else Invokes the handler for the cached command
    ///      so that existing functionality is maintained. 
    internal class ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService

        private const int GLYPHBORDER = 1;
        private const int GLYPHINSET = 2;
        private ISelectionService selectionService;
        private IComponentChangeService componentChangeSvc; 
        private IServiceProvider provider; 
        private IMenuCommandService menuCommandService;
        private IDesignerHost designerHost; 

        //primary selection during shift operation is the LAST selected item which is different from selSvc.PrimarySelection, hence cache it
        private object shiftPrimary = null;
        private bool shiftPressed = false; 

        // our cache of currently selected DesignerToolStripControl Host.... 
        private object currentSelection; 

        //is the templateNode in Insitu Mode? 
        private bool templateNodeActive = false;
        private ToolStripTemplateNode activeTemplateNode = null;

        //is the TemplateNode ContextMenu open 
        // When the TemplateNode AddItems ContextMenu is opened we want to Disable all the Commands...
        // And we enable them when the contextMenu closes... 
        // But if the menu closes by "enter Key" we get OnKeyDefault and hence go into InSitu Edit Mode.. 
        // to avoid this we have a new flag to IGNORE the first OnKeyDefault.
        private bool templateNodeContextMenuOpen = false; 

        // old commands
        private ArrayList oldCommands;
        // our commands
        private ArrayList newCommands; 
        // need to add this separately since the VbDATA guys return us their paste command when the DataSource is copy pasted.
        private MenuCommand oldCommandPaste; 
        private MenuCommand newCommandPaste;

        private bool commandsAdded = false;
        private bool copyInProgress = false; 
        private bool cutOrDeleteInProgress = false;
        private bool contextMenuShownByKeyBoard = false; //We should know when the contextMenu is shown by KeyBoard shortcut. 
        private object ownerItemAfterCut = null; // This value is set only of the ToolStripMenuItem is cut and now we need to reopen the dropDown 
                                                // which was closed in the previous CUT operation.
        ///     This creates a service for handling the keyboard navigation at desgin time.
        public ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            provider = serviceProvider; 

            selectionService = (ISelectionService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)); 
            Debug.Assert(selectionService != null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the selection service, which is unavailable.");

            if (selectionService != null)
                selectionService.SelectionChanging += new EventHandler(this.OnSelectionChanging);
                selectionService.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnSelectionChanged); 

            designerHost = (IDesignerHost)provider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); 
            Debug.Assert(designerHost != null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the selection service, which is unavailable.");
            if (designerHost != null)
                designerHost.AddService(typeof(ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService), this); 
            componentChangeSvc = (IComponentChangeService)designerHost.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); 
            Debug.Assert(componentChangeSvc != null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the componentChange service, which is unavailable.");
            if (componentChangeSvc != null) 
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoved += new ComponentEventHandler(OnComponentRemoved);
        //Currently active TemplateNode 
        internal ToolStripTemplateNode ActiveTemplateNode
                return activeTemplateNode;
                activeTemplateNode = value; 

        // This property is set on the controlDesigner and used in the ToolStripItemDesigner.
        // There is no way of knowing whether the ContextMenu is show via-keyBoard or Click and we need to know this 
        // since we check if the Bounds are within the toolStripItem while showing the ContextMenu.
        internal bool ContextMenuShownByKeyBoard 
                return contextMenuShownByKeyBoard;
                contextMenuShownByKeyBoard = value;

        // When Copy (Through Control + Drag) this boolean is set to true. 
        // Problem is that during copy the DesignerUtils creates new components and as a result the ToolStripMenuItemDesigner and ToolStripDesigners get the "ComponentAdding/ComponentAdded"
        // events where they try to parent the components.
        // We dont need to "parent" in case of control + drag.
        internal bool CopyInProgress 
                return copyInProgress;
                if (value != CopyInProgress)
                    copyInProgress = value;

        // We need to listen to MenuCommands.Delete since we are going to change the selection here instead of OnComponentRemoved
        // The OnComponentRemoved gets called through various different places like Partial Reload, Full Reload and Undo-Redo transactions
        // Changing the selection in "OnComponentRemoved" thus is expensive in terms of flicker and code that gets run causing PERF hit. 
        internal bool CutOrDeleteInProgress
                return cutOrDeleteInProgress; 
                if (value != cutOrDeleteInProgress) 
                    cutOrDeleteInProgress = value; 

        ///      Retrieves the selection service, which tthis service uses while selecting the toolStrip Item. 
        private IDesignerHost Host 
                return designerHost;
        ///     Retrieves the menu editor service, which we cache for speed. 
        private IMenuCommandService MenuService 
                if (menuCommandService == null) 
                    if (provider != null) 
                        menuCommandService = (IMenuCommandService)provider.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService));
                return menuCommandService;

        // When the TemplateNode gets selected ... we dont set in the SelectionService.SelectedComponents since we want to 
        // blank out the propertygrid ... so we keep the selected cache here. 
        internal object SelectedDesignerControl
                return currentSelection;
                if (value != SelectedDesignerControl) 
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost prevDesignerNode = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                    if (prevDesignerNode != null)
                    currentSelection = value; 

                    if (currentSelection != null) 
                        DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode = currentSelection as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                        if (curDesignerNode != null)
                            ToolStripItem.ToolStripItemAccessibleObject acc = curDesignerNode.AccessibilityObject as ToolStripItem.ToolStripItemAccessibleObject; 
                            if (acc != null) 
                                acc.AddState(AccessibleStates.Selected |AccessibleStates.Focused); 
                                ToolStrip owner = curDesignerNode.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStrip;
                                int focusIndex = 0;
                                if (owner != null)
                                    focusIndex = owner.Items.IndexOf(curDesignerNode);
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.NotifyWinEvent((int)AccessibleEvents.SelectionAdd, new HandleRef(owner, owner.Handle), NativeMethods.OBJID_CLIENT, focusIndex + 1); 
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.NotifyWinEvent((int)AccessibleEvents.Focus, new HandleRef(owner, owner.Handle), NativeMethods.OBJID_CLIENT, focusIndex + 1);

        internal object OwnerItemAfterCut 
                return ownerItemAfterCut; 
                ownerItemAfterCut = value;

        // When shift key is pressed we need to know where to start from .. 
        // this object keeps a track of that item.
        internal object ShiftPrimaryItem 
                shiftPrimary = value;
                return shiftPrimary;

        ///      Retrieves the selection service, which tthis service uses while selecting the toolStrip Item.
        private ISelectionService SelectionService 
                return selectionService;

        // When the ToolStripTemplateNode becomes active, the ToolStripKeyBoardHandlingService shouldnt process any MenuCommands...
        internal bool TemplateNodeActive
                return templateNodeActive; 
                templateNodeActive = value; 

                //Disable all our Commands when TemplateNode is Active 
                //Remove the new Commands 
                if (newCommands != null)
                    foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in newCommands)
                        newCommand.Enabled = !templateNodeActive;

        // boolean which returns if the TemplateNode contextMenu is open. 
        internal bool TemplateNodeContextMenuOpen
                return templateNodeContextMenuOpen;
                templateNodeContextMenuOpen = value; 
                //Disable all our Commands when templateNodeContextMenuOpen
                //Remove the new Commands
                if (newCommands != null)
                    foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in newCommands)
                        newCommand.Enabled = !templateNodeActive; 

        // Adds our commands to the MenuCommandService. 
        public void AddCommands()
            IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService; 
            if (mcs != null & !commandsAdded)
                // Demand Create the oldCommands
                if (oldCommands == null)
                //Remove the Old Commands 
                foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in oldCommands) 
                    if (oldCommand != null) 
                // DemandCreate the new Commands.
                if (newCommands == null) 
                // Add our Commands
                foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in newCommands)
                    if (newCommand != null && mcs.FindCommand(newCommand.CommandID) == null) 
                commandsAdded = true; 

        // private function to get Next toolStripItem based on direction. 
        private ToolStripItem GetNextItem(ToolStrip parent, ToolStripItem startItem, ArrowDirection direction)
            if (parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && (direction == ArrowDirection.Left || direction == ArrowDirection.Right)) 
                if (direction == ArrowDirection.Right) 
                    direction = ArrowDirection.Left;
                else if (direction == ArrowDirection.Left) 
                    direction = ArrowDirection.Right; 
            return parent.GetNextItem(startItem, direction); 

        ///     This is the private helper function which gets the next control in the TabOrder..
        private Control GetNextControlInTab(Control basectl, Control ctl, bool forward) 
            if (forward) 
                while (ctl != basectl)
                    int targetIndex = ctl.TabIndex; 
                    bool hitCtl = false;
                    Control found = null; 
                    Control p = ctl.Parent; 

                    // Cycle through the controls in z-order looking for the one with the next highest 
                    // tab index.  Because there can be dups, we have to start with the existing tab index and
                    // remember to exclude the current control.
                    int parentControlCount = 0; 

                    Control.ControlCollection parentControls = (Control.ControlCollection)p.Controls; 
                    if (parentControls != null)
                        parentControlCount = parentControls.Count;

                    for (int c = 0; c < parentControlCount; c++) 
                        // The logic for this is a bit lengthy, so I have broken it into separate 
                        // caluses:
                        // We are not interested in ourself.
                        if (parentControls[c] != ctl)

                            // We are interested in controls with >= tab indexes to ctl.  We must include those 
                            // controls with equal indexes to account for duplicate indexes. 
                            if (parentControls[c].TabIndex >= targetIndex) 

                                // Check to see if this control replaces the "best match" we've already
                                // found. 
                                if (found == null || found.TabIndex > parentControls[c].TabIndex) 

                                    // Finally, check to make sure that if this tab index is the same as ctl, 
                                    // that we've already encountered ctl in the z-order.  If it isn't the same,
                                    // than we're more than happy with it.
                                    if (parentControls[c].Site != null && parentControls[c].TabIndex != targetIndex || hitCtl) 
                                        found = parentControls[c]; 
                            // We track when we have encountered "ctl".  We never want to select ctl again, but 
                            // we want to know when we've seen it in case we find another control with the same tab index.
                            hitCtl = true; 

                    if (found != null)
                        return found; 
                    ctl = ctl.Parent; 
                if (ctl != basectl)

                    int targetIndex = ctl.TabIndex; 
                    bool hitCtl = false; 
                    Control found = null;
                    Control p = ctl.Parent; 

                    // Cycle through the controls in reverse z-order looking for the next lowest tab index.  We must
                    // start with the same tab index as ctl, because there can be dups.
                    int parentControlCount = 0;
                    Control.ControlCollection parentControls = (Control.ControlCollection)p.Controls; 

                    if (parentControls != null) 
                        parentControlCount = parentControls.Count;
                    for (int c = parentControlCount - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                        // The logic for this is a bit lengthy, so I have broken it into separate
                        // caluses: 

                        // We are not interested in ourself.
                        if (parentControls[c] != ctl) 
                            // We are interested in controls with <= tab indexes to ctl.  We must include those 
                            // controls with equal indexes to account for duplicate indexes.
                            if (parentControls[c].TabIndex <= targetIndex)

                                // Check to see if this control replaces the "best match" we've already 
                                // found.
                                if (found == null || found.TabIndex < parentControls[c].TabIndex) 
                                    // Finally, check to make sure that if this tab index is the same as ctl,
                                    // that we've already encountered ctl in the z-order.  If it isn't the same,
                                    // than we're more than happy with it.
                                    if (parentControls[c].TabIndex != targetIndex || hitCtl)
                                        found = parentControls[c]; 
                            // We track when we have encountered "ctl".  We never want to select ctl again, but
                            // we want to know when we've seen it in case we find another control with the same tab index. 
                            hitCtl = true;

                    // If we were unable to find a control we should return the control's parent.  However, if that parent is us, return
                    // NULL. 
                    if (found != null) 
                        ctl = found;
                        if (p == basectl)
							return null;
                            return p; 
            return ctl == basectl ? null : ctl;
        // this will invoke the OLD command from our command handler.
        private void InvokeOldCommand(object sender) 
            MenuCommand command = sender as MenuCommand;
            foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in oldCommands)
                if (oldCommand != null && oldCommand.CommandID == command.CommandID)

        private void OnComponentRemoved(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e) 
            bool toolStripPresent = false; 
            ComponentCollection comps = designerHost.Container.Components;
            foreach (IComponent comp in comps) 
                if (comp is ToolStrip)
                    toolStripPresent = true; 
            if (!toolStripPresent)
                ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService keyboardHandlingService = (ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService)provider.GetService(typeof(ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService));
                if (keyboardHandlingService != null)
                    //since we are going away .. restore the old commands. 
                    // clean up. 

        public bool OnContextMenu(int x, int y) 
            if (TemplateNodeActive) 
            	return true;

            // commandsAdded means that either toolstrip, toolSripItem or templatenode is selected.
            if (commandsAdded && x == -1 && y == -1) {
                ContextMenuShownByKeyBoard = true; 
                Point p = Cursor.Position;
                x = p.X; 
                y = p.Y; 
            // This has to be done since ToolStripTemplateNode is unsited component that supports its own contextMenu
            // When the Selection is null, templateNode can be selected.
            // So this block of code here checks if ToolStripKeyBoardHandlingService is present
            // if so, tries to check if the templatenode is selected 
            // if so, then gets the templateNode and shows the ContextMenu.
            Component selComp = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as Component; 
            if (selComp == null) 
                DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                if (controlHost != null)
                    ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool = controlHost.Control as ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip;
                    if (tool != null) 
                        ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode; 
                        if (node != null) 
                            node.ShowContextMenu(new Point(x,y)); 
                            return true;

            return false; 
        // Handler for Copy Command
        private void OnCommandCopy(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool cutCommand = false; 
                //If the Command is CUT and the new Selection is DesignerToolStripControlHost then select it and open its parentDropDown. 
                MenuCommand com = sender as MenuCommand;
                if (com != null && com.CommandID == StandardCommands.Cut) 
                    cutCommand = true;
                    CutOrDeleteInProgress = true;

                // INVOKE THE OldCommand 
                // END
                if (cutCommand)
                    ToolStripDropDownItem parentItem = OwnerItemAfterCut as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                    if (parentItem != null) 
                        ToolStripDropDown dropDown = parentItem.DropDown; 
                        ToolStripDropDownDesigner dropDownDesigner = Host.GetDesigner(dropDown) as ToolStripDropDownDesigner; 
                        if (dropDownDesigner != null)
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { dropDownDesigner.Component }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        else if (parentItem != null && !(parentItem.DropDown.Visible))
                            ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer = Host.GetDesigner(parentItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                            if (designer != null) 
                                DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                                if (curDesignerNode != null)
                // this is done So that the Data Behavior doesnt mess up with the copy command during addition of the ToolStrip..
                IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
                if (mcs != null)
                    if (newCommandPaste == null)
                        oldCommandPaste = mcs.FindCommand(StandardCommands.Paste); 
                        if (oldCommandPaste != null)
                        newCommandPaste = new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandPaste), StandardCommands.Paste);
                        if (newCommandPaste != null && mcs.FindCommand(newCommandPaste.CommandID) == null) 
                cutCommand = false; 
                CutOrDeleteInProgress = false;

        private void OnCommandDelete(object sender, EventArgs e) 
                CutOrDeleteInProgress = true; 
                // INVOKE THE OldCommand
                // END 
                CutOrDeleteInProgress = false;
        // Handler for Paste Command 
        private void OnCommandPaste(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //IF TemplateNode is Active DO NOT Support Paste. This is what MainMenu did
            // We used to incorrectly paste the item to the parent's collection; so inorder to make a simple fix I am being consistent with MainMenu
            if (TemplateNodeActive)
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            IDesignerHost host = Host;
            if (selSvc != null && host != null)
                IComponent comp = selSvc.PrimarySelection as IComponent;
                if (comp == null) 
                    comp = (IComponent)SelectedDesignerControl; 
                ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem;
                ToolStrip parent = null;
                //Case 1: If SelectedObj is ToolStripItem select all items in its immediate parent.
                if (item != null)
                    parent = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStrip;
                if (parent != null) 

                // INVOKE THE OldCommand
                if (oldCommandPaste != null) 
                // END
                if (parent != null)
                    // Since the Glyphs dont get correct bounds as the ToolStrip Layout is suspended .. force Glyph Updates.
                    BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService)); 
                    if (behaviorService != null) 

                    // For ContextMenuStrip; since its not a control .. we dont get called on GetGlyphs directly through the BehaviorService
                    // So we need this internal call to push the glyphs on the SelectionManager 
                    ToolStripItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(item) as ToolStripItemDesigner;
                    if (designer != null) 
                        ToolStripDropDown dropDown = designer.GetFirstDropDown(item);
                        if (dropDown != null && !dropDown.IsAutoGenerated) 
                            ToolStripDropDownDesigner dropDownDesigner = host.GetDesigner(dropDown) as ToolStripDropDownDesigner;
                            if (dropDownDesigner != null)
                    // For Items on DropDown .. we have to manage Glyphs...
                    ToolStripDropDown parentDropDown = parent as ToolStripDropDown;
                    if (parentDropDown != null && parentDropDown.Visible)
                        ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = parentDropDown.OwnerItem as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                        if (ownerItem != null) 
                            ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                            if (itemDesigner != null) 
                    // Get the Selection and ShowDropDown only on ToolStripDropDownItems to show dropDowns after paste operation. 
                    ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                    if (dropDownItem != null && dropDownItem.DropDown.Visible) 
                        //Hide the DropDown
                        ToolStripMenuItemDesigner selectedItemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(dropDownItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner; 
                        if (selectedItemDesigner != null)
                            selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(false, dropDownItem);
                            selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(true, dropDownItem); 

        // Handler for Home Command
        private void OnCommandHome(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null)
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (item == null) 
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in Insitu Mode.
                if (item != null)
                    //only select the last item only if there is an Item added in addition to the TemplateNode... 
                    ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
                    int count = parent.Items.Count; 
                    if (count >= 3) //3 //3 for the total number of items .. two ToolStripItems + 1 TemplateNode. 
                        bool shiftPressed = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0; 
                        if (shiftPressed)
                            //Select all the items between current "item" till the Last item
                            int startIndexOfSelection = 0; 
                            int endIndexOfSelection = Math.Max(0, parent.Items.IndexOf(item));
                            int countofItemsSelected = (endIndexOfSelection - startIndexOfSelection) + 1; 
                            object[] totalObjects = new object[countofItemsSelected];
                            int j = 0; 
                            for (int i = startIndexOfSelection; i <= endIndexOfSelection; i++)
                                totalObjects[j++] = parent.Items[i];
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace);

        // Handler for End Command
        private void OnCommandEnd(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null)
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (item == null) 
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in Insitu Mode.
                if (item != null)
                    //only select the last item only if there is an Item added in addition to the TemplateNode...
                    ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent(); 
                    int count = parent.Items.Count; 
                    if (count >= 3)  //3 //3 for the total number of items .. two ToolStripItems + 1 TemplateNode.
                        bool shiftPressed = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0;
                        if (shiftPressed)
                            //Select all the items between current "item" till the Last item 
                            int startIndexOfSelection = parent.Items.IndexOf(item);
                            int endIndexOfSelection = Math.Max(startIndexOfSelection, count - 2); 
                            int countofItemsSelected = (endIndexOfSelection - startIndexOfSelection) + 1; 

                            object[] totalObjects = new object[countofItemsSelected]; 
                            int j = 0;
                            for (int i = startIndexOfSelection; i <= endIndexOfSelection; i++)
                                totalObjects[j++] = parent.Items[i]; 
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                            SetSelection(parent.Items[count - 2]);
        // Handler for SelectALL Command
        private void OnCommandSelectAll(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null)
                object selectedObj = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
                //Case 1: If SelectedObj is ToolStripItem select all items in its immediate parent. 
                if (selectedObj is ToolStripItem) 
                    ToolStripItem selectedItem = selectedObj as ToolStripItem; 
                    ToolStrip parent = selectedItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStrip;
                    if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                        parent = selectedItem.Owner; 
                    BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService)); 
                    if (behaviorService != null)
                // Case 2: if SelectedObj is ToolStrip ... then select all the item contained in it.
                if (selectedObj is ToolStrip) 
                    ToolStrip parent = selectedObj as ToolStrip;
                //Case 3: if selectedOj is ToolStripPanel ... select the ToolStrips within the ToolStripPanel...
                if (selectedObj is ToolStripPanel) 
                    ToolStripPanel parentToolStripPanel = selectedObj as ToolStripPanel; 
                    selSvc.SetSelectedComponents((ICollection)parentToolStripPanel.Controls, SelectionTypes.Replace); 

        // this will get called for "Chrome Panel" command. We have to show the ItemList if The TemplateNode is selected. 
        private void OnKeyShowDesignerActions(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            if (selSvc != null)
                if (selSvc.PrimarySelection == null)
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                    if (controlHost != null) 
                        ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool = controlHost.Control as ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip; 
                        if (tool != null) 
                            ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode; 
                            if (node != null)
            // INVOKE THE OldCommand
            // END

        // Command handler for enter key. 
        private void OnKeyDefault(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // Return if the contextMenu was open during this KeyDefault... 
            if (templateNodeContextMenuOpen)
                templateNodeContextMenuOpen = false;
            // Return key.  Handle it like a double-click on the 
            // primary selection
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            IDesignerHost host = Host;
            if (selSvc != null)
                IComponent pri = selSvc.PrimarySelection as IComponent;
                if (pri == null) 
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost typeHereNode = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                    if (typeHereNode != null) 
                        if (host != null)
                            if (typeHereNode.IsOnDropDown && !typeHereNode.IsOnOverflow) 
                                ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = (ToolStripDropDownItem)((ToolStripDropDown)(typeHereNode.Owner)).OwnerItem; 
                                ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner; 
                                if (itemDesigner != null)
                                    if (!itemDesigner.IsEditorActive)
                                        if (ActiveTemplateNode != null) 
                                            ActiveTemplateNode.ignoreFirstKeyUp = true; 
                                ToolStripDesigner tooldesigner = host.GetDesigner(typeHereNode.Owner) as ToolStripDesigner; 
                                if (tooldesigner != null)
                                    if (ActiveTemplateNode != null)
                                        ActiveTemplateNode.ignoreFirstKeyUp = true;
                    if (host != null)
                        IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(pri);
                        ToolStripMenuItemDesigner tooldesigner = designer as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner; 
                        if (tooldesigner != null)
                            if (tooldesigner.IsEditorActive) 
                                if (ActiveTemplateNode != null)
                                    ActiveTemplateNode.ignoreFirstKeyUp = true; 
                        else if (designer != null)
                            // INVOKE THE OldCommand 
                            // END 

        ///     This is a function which gets called when the item goes into InSitu Edit mode. 
        private void OnKeyEdit(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // This method allows the ToolStrip Template Node into the EditMode.

            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            IDesignerHost host = Host;
            if (selSvc != null) 
                IComponent comp = selSvc.PrimarySelection as IComponent; 
                if (comp == null)
                    comp = (IComponent)SelectedDesignerControl;
                ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem;
                if (item != null) 
                    if (host != null) 
                        CommandID cmd = ((MenuCommand)sender).CommandID;
                        if (cmd.Equals(MenuCommands.EditLabel))
                            if (comp is ToolStripMenuItem)
                                ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(comp) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner; 
                                if (designer != null)
                                    if (!designer.IsEditorActive)
                            if (comp is DesignerToolStripControlHost) 
                                DesignerToolStripControlHost typeHereNode = comp as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                                if (typeHereNode.IsOnDropDown)
                                    ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = (ToolStripDropDownItem)((ToolStripDropDown)(typeHereNode.Owner)).OwnerItem;
                                    ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner; 
                                    if (itemDesigner != null)
                                        if (!itemDesigner.IsEditorActive) 
                                    ToolStripDesigner tooldesigner = host.GetDesigner(typeHereNode.Owner) as ToolStripDesigner; 
                                    if (tooldesigner != null) 

        ///     This is a function which gets called when the arrow keys are used at design time on ToolStrips. 
        private void OnKeyMove(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // Arrow keys.  Begin a drag if the selection isn't locked.
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null)
                MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease) || 
                   cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease) ||
                   cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease) || 
                    shiftPressed = true;
                    shiftPressed = false; 
                // check for ContextMenu..
                ContextMenuStrip contextStrip = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ContextMenuStrip;
                if (contextStrip != null)
                    if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown))

                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (item == null) 
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem; 

                // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in Insitu Mode.
				if (item != null)
					if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveRight) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeRight) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease)) 
 						if (!ProcessRightLeft(true)) 
 					if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveLeft) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeLeft) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease))
 						if (!ProcessRightLeft(false))
					if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeDown) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightIncrease))
					if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveUp) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeUp) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease)) 
 					// INVOKE THE OldCommand 
 					// END

        ///     This is a function which gets called when Cancel is pressed when we are on ToolStripItem. 
        private void OnKeyCancel(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null)
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
                if (item == null)
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem; 
                // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in Insitu Mode. 
                if (item != null)
                    MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
                    bool reverse = (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyReverseCancel)); 
                    // Check if the ToolStripDropDown (which is designable) is currently selected. If so this should select the "RootComponent"
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripDropDown;
                    if (dropDown != null && dropDown.Site != null)
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { Host.RootComponent }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        // INVOKE THE OldCommand 
                        // END
        ///     This function allows the CommandSet to select the right item when the Tab and Arrow keys are used.
        private void OnKeySelect(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
            bool reverse = (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySelectPrevious)); 
            ProcessKeySelect(reverse, cmd); 
        ///     Called when the current selection changes.  Here we determine what
        ///     commands can and can't be enabled. 
        private void OnSelectionChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            Component primarySelection = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as Component;
            if (primarySelection == null) 
                primarySelection = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            ToolStrip tool = primarySelection as ToolStrip;
            if (tool != null) 
                InheritanceAttribute ia = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(tool)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)];
                if (ia != null && (ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.Inherited ||ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.InheritedReadOnly)) 

            if (tool == null && !( primarySelection is ToolStripItem)) 
                // Reset the cached item... 
                SelectedDesignerControl = null;
        ///     Called when the current selection changes.  Here we determine what 
        ///     commands can and can't be enabled.
        private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Component primarySelection = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as Component;
            if (primarySelection == null) 
                primarySelection = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem; 

            ToolStrip tool = primarySelection as ToolStrip; 
            if (tool != null)
                InheritanceAttribute ia = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(tool)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)];
                if (ia != null && (ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.Inherited ||ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.InheritedReadOnly)) 
            if (tool != null || primarySelection is ToolStripItem)

                // Remove the Panel if any
                BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService)); 
                if (behaviorService != null) 
                    DesignerActionUI designerUI = behaviorService.DesignerActionUI; 
                    if (designerUI != null)
        // helper function to select the next item.
        public void ProcessKeySelect(bool reverse, MenuCommand cmd)
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            if (selSvc != null)
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
                if (item == null)
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in Insitu Mode.
                if (item != null) 
                    if (!ProcessRightLeft(!reverse)) 
                else if (item == null && selSvc.PrimarySelection is ToolStrip) 

        ///     This is the private helper function which is used to select the toolStripItem in the 'right' direction. 
        private bool ProcessRightLeft(bool right) 

            Control ctl; 
            object targetSelection = null;
            object currentSelection;

            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            IDesignerHost host = Host;
            if (selSvc == null || host == null || !(host.RootComponent is Control)) 
                return false; 

            currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
            if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem; 
            if (currentSelection == null)
                currentSelection = SelectedDesignerControl;

            ctl = currentSelection as Control; 

            if (targetSelection == null && ctl == null) 
                ToolStripItem toolStripItem = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                    toolStripItem = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
                if (toolStripItem == null) 
                    toolStripItem = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem; 
                ToolStripDropDown parent = toolStripItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown;
                if (toolStripItem is DesignerToolStripControlHost && parent != null) 
                    if (parent != null)
                        if (right) 
                            //no where to go .. since we are on DesignerToolStripControlHost for DropDown. 
                            //dont do anything ... 
                            if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, toolStripItem, ArrowDirection.Left); 
                                targetSelection = parent.OwnerItem;
                    if (targetSelection != null)
                        return true; 

                    ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                    if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                        item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                    if (item == null)
                        item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                    if (item != null && item.IsOnDropDown)
                        bool menusCascadeRight = SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus;
                        if ((menusCascadeRight && right) || 
                            (!menusCascadeRight && right)) 
                            ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = item as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                            if (dropDownItem != null)
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(dropDownItem.DropDown, null, ArrowDirection.Right);
                                if (targetSelection != null) 
                                    //Open the DropDown after the Selection is Completed.
                                    if (!(dropDownItem.DropDown.Visible)) 
                                        ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(dropDownItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                                        if (designer != null)
                                    return true; 
                        if (!right && !menusCascadeRight) 
                            ToolStripItem owner = ((ToolStripDropDown)item.Owner).OwnerItem; 
                            if (!owner.IsOnDropDown) 
                                ToolStrip mainTool = owner.GetCurrentParent(); 
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(mainTool, owner, ArrowDirection.Left);

                                targetSelection = owner; 
                            if (targetSelection != null)
                                return true;
            return false;

        ///     This is the private helper function which is used to select the toolStripItem in the 'down' direction. 
        public void ProcessUpDown(bool down)

            Control ctl;
            object targetSelection = null;
            object currentSelection; 

            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            IDesignerHost host = Host; 

            if (selSvc == null || host == null || !(host.RootComponent is Control)) 
            currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
            if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem;

            //Check for ContextMenuStrip first...
            ContextMenuStrip contextMenu = currentSelection as ContextMenuStrip;
            if (contextMenu != null) 
                if (down) 
                    targetSelection = GetNextItem(contextMenu, null, ArrowDirection.Down);

            if (currentSelection == null) 
                currentSelection = SelectedDesignerControl;
            ctl = currentSelection as Control;

            if (targetSelection == null && ctl == null)
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                    item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
                if (item == null)
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                ToolStripDropDown parentToMoveOn = null;
                if (item != null) 
                    if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                        // so now if Down Arrow is pressed .. open the dropDown....
                        if (down)
                            DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                            if (controlHost != null) 
                                ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool = controlHost.Control as ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip;
                                if (tool != null) 
                                    ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode;
                                    if (node != null)
                                        if (item.Owner is MenuStrip || item.Owner is ToolStripDropDown)
                                            // just proceed with selection 
                                            parentToMoveOn = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown;
                            parentToMoveOn = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown; 
                        ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = item as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                        if (dropDownItem != null && !dropDownItem.IsOnDropDown)
                            parentToMoveOn = dropDownItem.DropDown;
                            item = null; 
                        else if (dropDownItem != null) 
                            parentToMoveOn = ((dropDownItem.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) ? dropDownItem.Owner.OverflowButton.DropDown : dropDownItem.Owner) as ToolStripDropDown;
                            item = dropDownItem; 
                        if (dropDownItem == null)
                            parentToMoveOn = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown; 
                    if (parentToMoveOn != null) //This will be null for NON dropDownItems...
                        if (down)
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Down);
                            //lets check the index to know if we have wrapped around... only on NON ContextMenuStrip, ToolStripDropDown (added from toolbox)
                            if (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem != null) // this can be null for overflow.... 
                                if (!(parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.IsOnDropDown) && (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner != null && parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner.Site != null))
                                    ToolStripItem newSelection = targetSelection as ToolStripItem;
                                    if (newSelection != null)
                                        // We are wrapping around on the FirstDropDown select OwnerItem... 
                                        if (parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) != -1 && parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) <= parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(item))
                                            targetSelection = parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem; 

                            if (shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection)) 
                                SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove); 

                            // We dont want to WRAP around for items on toolStrip Overflow, if the currentSelection is the
                            // topMost item on the Overflow, but select the one on the PARENT toolStrip. 
                            if (parentToMoveOn is ToolStripOverflow)
                                ToolStripItem firstItem = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, null, ArrowDirection.Down); 
                                if (item == firstItem)
                                    ToolStrip owner = item.Owner as ToolStrip;
                                    if (owner != null)
                                        targetSelection = GetNextItem(owner, ((ToolStripDropDown)parentToMoveOn).OwnerItem, ArrowDirection.Left); 
                                    targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Up); 
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Up);

                            //lets check the index to know if we have wrapped around... 
                            if (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem != null) // this can be null for overflow....
                                if (!(parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.IsOnDropDown) && (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner != null && parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner.Site != null))
                                    ToolStripItem newSelection = targetSelection as ToolStripItem;
                                    if (newSelection != null && item != null) 
                                        // We are wrapping around on the FirstDropDown select OwnerItem...
                                        if (parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) != -1 && parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) >= parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(item)) 
                                            targetSelection = parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem;
                            if (shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                                SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                        if (targetSelection != null && targetSelection != item) 

        // caches the old commands from the menuCommand service. 
        private void PopulateOldCommands()
            if (oldCommands == null) 
                oldCommands = new ArrayList(); 

            IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
            if (mcs != null) 




        // pupulates a list of our custom commands to be added to menu command service.
        private void PopulateNewCommands()
            if (newCommands == null) 
                newCommands = new ArrayList(); 

            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeySelect), MenuCommands.KeySelectNext)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeySelect), MenuCommands.KeySelectPrevious));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyDefault), MenuCommands.KeyDefaultAction));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyEdit), MenuCommands.EditLabel));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveUp));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveLeft)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveRight));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeUp));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeDown));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeLeft));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeRight)); 

            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightIncrease)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease)); 

            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyCancel), MenuCommands.KeyCancel));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyCancel), MenuCommands.KeyReverseCancel));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandCopy), StandardCommands.Copy)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandSelectAll), StandardCommands.SelectAll));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandHome), MenuCommands.KeyHome)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandEnd), MenuCommands.KeyEnd));
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandHome), MenuCommands.KeyShiftHome)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandEnd), MenuCommands.KeyShiftEnd));

            //Command for opening the DropDown for templatenode.
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyShowDesignerActions), MenuCommands.KeyInvokeSmartTag)); 

            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandCopy), StandardCommands.Cut)); 
            newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandDelete), MenuCommands.Delete)); 
        // restores the old commands back into the menu command service.
        public void RestoreCommands()
            IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService; 
            if (mcs != null & commandsAdded)
                //Remove the new Commands 
                if (newCommands != null)
                    foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in newCommands)
                // Add old Commands 
                if (oldCommands != null) 
                    foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in oldCommands) 
                        if (oldCommand != null && mcs.FindCommand(oldCommand.CommandID) == null)

                if (newCommandPaste != null) 
                    newCommandPaste = null;

                if (oldCommandPaste != null && mcs.FindCommand(oldCommandPaste.CommandID) == null) 
                    oldCommandPaste = null; 
                commandsAdded = false;

        internal void ResetActiveTemplateNodeSelectionState() { 
            if (SelectedDesignerControl != null) 
                DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode = SelectedDesignerControl as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                if (curDesignerNode != null)
        ///     Disposes of this object, removing all commands from the menu service. 
        public void RemoveCommands()
            IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService; 
            if (mcs != null && commandsAdded)
                //Remove our Commands... 
                if (newCommands != null)
                    foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in newCommands)
            if (newCommandPaste != null) 
                newCommandPaste = null;
            if (oldCommandPaste != null)
                oldCommandPaste = null;
            if (newCommands != null)
                newCommands = null;
            if (oldCommands != null) 
                oldCommands = null; 
            if (selectionService != null)
                selectionService.SelectionChanging -= new EventHandler(this.OnSelectionChanging);
                selectionService.SelectionChanged -= new EventHandler(this.OnSelectionChanged); 
                selectionService = null;
            if (componentChangeSvc != null)
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoved -= new ComponentEventHandler(OnComponentRemoved);
                componentChangeSvc = null;
            currentSelection = null;
            shiftPrimary = null; 
            provider = null; 
            menuCommandService = null;
            activeTemplateNode = null; 

        ///     This function allows the service to select the parent for the selected Item.
        private void RotateParent(bool backwards) 
            Control current = null;
            object next = null;
            ToolStripItem toolStripItem = null;
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
            IDesignerHost host = Host; 

            if (selSvc == null || host == null || !(host.RootComponent is Control)) 
            IContainer container = host.Container;
            Control component = selSvc.PrimarySelection as Control; 
            if (component == null)
                component = SelectedDesignerControl as Control;
            if (component != null)
                current = component;
                toolStripItem = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
                if (toolStripItem == null)
                    toolStripItem = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                if (toolStripItem == null)
                    current = (Control)host.RootComponent; 

            if (backwards)
                if (current != null) 
                    if (current.Controls.Count > 0) 
                        next = current.Controls[0];
                        next = current;
                else if (toolStripItem != null) 
                    next = toolStripItem.Owner.Controls[0];
                if (current != null) 
                    next = current.Parent; 
                    Control nextControl = next as Control; 
                    if (nextControl == null || nextControl.Site == null || nextControl.Site.Container != container)
                        next = current;
                else if (toolStripItem != null) 
                    if (toolStripItem.IsOnDropDown && toolStripItem.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) 
                        next = ((ToolStripDropDown)toolStripItem.Owner).OwnerItem;
                    else if (toolStripItem.IsOnDropDown && toolStripItem.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                        ToolStrip owner = toolStripItem.Owner;
                        if (owner != null) 
                        next = toolStripItem.Owner;
                        next = toolStripItem.Owner; 
            if (next is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                SelectedDesignerControl = next;
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { next }, SelectionTypes.Replace); 

        ///     This function allows the service to rotate the TabSelection when TAB key is pressed. 
        // Okay to suppress because of complex code path 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
        public void RotateTab(bool backwards)
            Control ctl; 
            Control baseCtl;
            object targetSelection = null; 
            object currentSelection; 

            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            IDesignerHost host = Host;

            if (selSvc == null || host == null || !(host.RootComponent is Control))
            IContainer container = host.Container;
            baseCtl = (Control)host.RootComponent; 

            // We must handle two cases of logic here.  We are responsible for handling
            // selection within ourself, and also for components on the tray.  For our
            // own tabbing around, we want to go by tab-order.  When we get to the end 
            // of the form, however, we go by selection order into the tray.  And,
            // when we're at the end of the tray we start back at the form.  We must 
            // reverse this logic to go backwards. 
            currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
            if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null) 
                currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem;
            if (currentSelection == null) 
                currentSelection = SelectedDesignerControl; 
                // If we are on templateNode and tabbing ahead ... 
                // the select the next Control on the parent ...
                if (currentSelection != null) 
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost templateNodeItem = currentSelection as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                    if (templateNodeItem != null && (!templateNodeItem.IsOnDropDown || (templateNodeItem.IsOnDropDown && templateNodeItem.IsOnOverflow)))
                        ctl = templateNodeItem.Owner;
                        if ((ctl.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes && !backwards) || (ctl.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && backwards)) 
                            targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, ctl, !backwards);
                            if (targetSelection == null) { 
                                ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));
                                if (tray != null) {
                                    targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards);
                                    if (targetSelection != null) 
                                        ControlDesigner controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner; 
                                        // In Whidbey controls like ToolStrips have componentTray presence, So dont select them again 
                                        // through compoenent tray since here we select only Components. Hence only
                                        // components that have ComponentDesigners should be selected via the ComponentTray. 
                                        while (controlDesigner != null)
                                            // if the targetSelection from the Tray is a control .. try the next one.
                                            targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)targetSelection, !backwards); 
                                            if (targetSelection != null)
                                                controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner; 
                                                controlDesigner = null;
                                if (targetSelection == null) { 
                                    targetSelection = baseCtl;
            ctl = currentSelection as Control; 
            //Added New Code for WinBar Tabbing.. 
            ToolStrip wb = ctl as ToolStrip;
            if (targetSelection == null && wb != null) 
                ToolStripItemCollection collection = wb.Items;
                if (collection != null)
                    if (!backwards)
                        targetSelection = collection[0]; 
                        targetSelection = collection[wb.Items.Count -1];
            // ctl is NOT A CONTROL ... so its Component 
            // Try this for WinBarItem.
            if (targetSelection == null && ctl == null) 
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem != null)
                    item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
                if (item == null) 
                    item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem; 
                if (item != null && item.IsOnDropDown && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    // You come here only for DesignerToolStripControlHost on the DropDown ... 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(item is DesignerToolStripControlHost, " Why are we here for non DesignerMenuItem??");
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost designerItem = item as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                    if (designerItem != null) 
                        ToolStripItem parentItem = ((ToolStripDropDown)designerItem.Owner).OwnerItem;
                        ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(parentItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                        ToolStripDropDown dropDown = designer.GetFirstDropDown((ToolStripDropDownItem)parentItem);
                        if (dropDown != null)  //the DesignerItem is on DropDown.... 
                            item = dropDown.OwnerItem; 
                        else  //The DesignerItem is on FirstDropDown...
                            item = parentItem;
                if (item != null && !(item is DesignerToolStripControlHost))
                    ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent(); 
                    if (parent != null)
                        if (backwards)
                            // We are item on ToolStripOverflow...
                            if (parent is ToolStripOverflow) 
                                ToolStripItem firstItem = GetNextItem(parent, null, ArrowDirection.Down); 
                                if (item == firstItem) 
                                    ToolStrip owner = item.Owner as ToolStrip; 
                                    if (owner != null)
                                        targetSelection = GetNextItem(owner, ((ToolStripDropDown)parent).OwnerItem, ArrowDirection.Left);
                                    targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Left);
                            // check if this is the first item ..
                            // if so move out of ToolStrip...
                            else if (item == parent.Items[0] && parent.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes) 
                                // If Shift Pressed ... stop at 1st Item.. 
                                if (shiftPressed) 
                                targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards);
                                if (targetSelection == null)
                                    ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));
                                    if (tray != null) 
                                    	targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards);
                                    	if (targetSelection != null) 
                                    		ControlDesigner controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner;
                                    		// In Whidbey controls like ToolStrips have componentTray presence, So dont select them again
                                    		// through compoenent tray since here we select only Components. Hence only 
                                    		// components that have ComponentDesigners should be selected via the ComponentTray.
                                    		while (controlDesigner != null) 
                                    			// if the targetSelection from the Tray is a control .. try the next one.
                                    			targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)targetSelection, !backwards); 
                                    			if (targetSelection != null)
                                    				controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner;
                                    				controlDesigner = null; 
                                    if (targetSelection == null)
                                    	targetSelection = baseCtl;
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Left);
                                if (shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                                    SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                            // We are item on ToolStripOverflow...
                            if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Down);
                            else if (item == parent.Items[0] && parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                                // If Shift Pressed ... stop at 1st Item..
                                if (shiftPressed)
                                targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards); 
                                // this is the First control in TabOrder... Select the Form.. 
                                if (targetSelection == null)
                                    targetSelection = baseCtl;
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Right); 
                                if (shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection)) 
                                    SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove); 
                // This is a DesignerToolStripControlHost on the Main ToolStrip. 
                else if (item != null) 
                    ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent(); 
                    if (parent != null)
                        // flip the semantics of bakcwards...
                        if (parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) 
                            backwards = !backwards; 
                        if (backwards)
                            ToolStripItemCollection collection = parent.Items;
                            if (collection.Count >= 2)
                                targetSelection = collection[collection.Count - 2]; 
                                targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards);

                            ToolStripItemCollection collection = parent.Items;
                            targetSelection = collection[0]; 

            if (targetSelection == null && ctl != null && (baseCtl.Contains(ctl) || baseCtl == currentSelection))

                // Our current selection is a control.  Select the next control in 
                // the z-order. 
                while (null != (ctl = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, ctl, !backwards)))
                    if (ctl.Site != null && ctl.Site.Container == container && !(ctl is ToolStripPanel))
                targetSelection = ctl;

            if (targetSelection == null)
                ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray)); 
                if (tray != null)
                    targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards); 
                if (targetSelection == null || targetSelection == currentSelection)
                    targetSelection = baseCtl;
            //Special Casing since moving to TemplateNode to TemplateNode is moving from null selection to null selection.
            if (targetSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost && currentSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost) 
                SelectedDesignerControl = targetSelection;
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace); 


        // Select components. 
        private void SelectItems(ToolStrip parent)
            object[] totalObjects = new object[parent.Items.Count - 1]; 
            for (int i = 0; i < parent.Items.Count - 1; i++)
                if (parent.Items[i] is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                totalObjects[i] = parent.Items[i];
            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace); 

        // Helper function called by all handlers to select the target Selection.
        private void SetSelection(object targetSelection) 
            ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService; 
            if (selSvc != null) 
                //Cache original selection 
                ICollection originalSelComps = selSvc.GetSelectedComponents();
                // Add the TemplateNode to the Selection if it is currently Selected as the GetSelectedComponents wont do it for us.
                ArrayList origSel = new ArrayList(originalSelComps);
                if (origSel.Count == 0) 
                    if (SelectedDesignerControl != null) 

                if (targetSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost)

                    if (!shiftPressed) 
                        SelectedDesignerControl = targetSelection;
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                    ToolStripOverflowButton overFlowButton = targetSelection as ToolStripOverflowButton;
                    if (overFlowButton != null) 
                        SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                        if (overFlowButton != null)
                        object newSelection = GetNextItem(overFlowButton.DropDown, null, ArrowDirection.Down);
                        if (!shiftPressed) 
                            ShiftPrimaryItem = null; 
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { newSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { newSelection });
                            ShiftPrimaryItem = targetSelection; 
                        SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                        if (!shiftPressed)
                            ShiftPrimaryItem = null;
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection });
                            ShiftPrimaryItem = targetSelection;
                // Invalidate old & new selection. 
                ToolStripDesignerUtils.InvalidateSelection(origSel, targetSelection as ToolStripItem, provider, shiftPressed);
            //reset the shiftPressed since we end selection
            shiftPressed = false;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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