ObjectCache.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / System.Runtime.DurableInstancing / System / Runtime / Collections / ObjectCache.cs / 1305376 / ObjectCache.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Runtime.Collections 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    // free-threaded so that it can deal with items releasing references and timer interactions
    // interaction pattern is: 
    // 1) item = cache.Take(key);
    // 2) if (item == null) { Create and Open Item; cache.Add(key, value); }
    // 2) use item, including performing any blocking operations like open/close/etc
    // 3) item.ReleaseReference(); 
    // for usability purposes, if a CacheItem is non-null you can always call Release on it 
    class ObjectCache 
        where TValue : class
        // for performance reasons we don't just blindly start a timer up to clean up
        // idle cache items. However, if we're above a certain threshold of items, then we'll start the timer.
        const int timerThreshold = 1;
        ObjectCacheSettings settings;
        Dictionary cacheItems; 
        bool idleTimeoutEnabled; 
        bool leaseTimeoutEnabled;
        IOThreadTimer idleTimer; 
        static Action onIdle;
        bool disposed;

        public ObjectCache(ObjectCacheSettings settings) 
            : this(settings, null)

        public ObjectCache(ObjectCacheSettings settings, IEqualityComparer comparer) 
            Fx.Assert(settings != null, "caller must use a valid settings object");
            this.settings = settings.Clone();
            this.cacheItems = new Dictionary(comparer); 

            // idle feature is disabled if settings.IdleTimeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue 
            this.idleTimeoutEnabled = (settings.IdleTimeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue); 

            // lease feature is disabled if settings.LeaseTimeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue 
            this.leaseTimeoutEnabled = (settings.LeaseTimeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue);

        object ThisLock 
                return this;

        // Users like ServiceModel can hook this for ICommunicationObject or to handle other non-IDisposable objects
        public Action DisposeItemCallback 
        public int Count
                return this.cacheItems.Count;

        public ObjectCacheItem Add(TKey key, TValue value) 
            Fx.Assert(key != null, "caller must validate parameters");
            Fx.Assert(value != null, "caller must validate parameters");
            lock (ThisLock) 
                if (this.Count >= this.settings.CacheLimit || this.cacheItems.ContainsKey(key)) 
                    // cache is full or already has an entry - return a shell CacheItem
                    return new Item(key, value, this.DisposeItemCallback); 
                    return InternalAdd(key, value); 

        public ObjectCacheItem Take(TKey key) 
            return Take(key, null);
        // this overload is used for cases where a usable object can be atomically created in a non-blocking fashion
        public ObjectCacheItem Take(TKey key, Func initializerDelegate) 
            Fx.Assert(key != null, "caller must validate parameters");
            Item cacheItem = null; 

            lock (ThisLock)
                if (this.cacheItems.TryGetValue(key, out cacheItem)) 
                    // we have an item, add a reference 
                    if (initializerDelegate == null)
                        // not found in cache, no way to create. 
                        return null;
                    TValue createdObject = initializerDelegate();
                    Fx.Assert(createdObject != null, "initializer delegate must always give us a valid object"); 

                    if (this.Count >= this.settings.CacheLimit)
                        // cache is full - return a shell CacheItem 
                        return new Item(key, createdObject, this.DisposeItemCallback);
                    cacheItem = InternalAdd(key, createdObject);

            return cacheItem;

        // assumes caller takes lock 
        Item InternalAdd(TKey key, TValue value) 
            Item cacheItem = new Item(key, value, this); 
            if (this.leaseTimeoutEnabled)
                cacheItem.CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            this.cacheItems.Add(key, cacheItem); 
            return cacheItem;

        // assumes caller takes lock
        bool Return(TKey key, Item cacheItem)
            bool disposeItem = false;
            if (this.disposed) 
                // we would have already disposed this item, do not attempt to return it 
                disposeItem = true;
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; 
                if (this.idleTimeoutEnabled) 
                    cacheItem.LastUsage = now; 
                if (ShouldPurgeItem(cacheItem, now))
                    bool removedFromItems = this.cacheItems.Remove(key); 
                    Fx.Assert(removedFromItems, "we should always find the key");
                    disposeItem = true; 
            return disposeItem;

        void StartTimerIfNecessary() 
            if (this.idleTimeoutEnabled && this.Count > timerThreshold) 
                if (this.idleTimer == null)
                    if (onIdle == null)
                        onIdle = new Action(OnIdle);

                    this.idleTimer = new IOThreadTimer(onIdle, this, false); 


        // timer callback 
        static void OnIdle(object state)
            ObjectCache cache = (ObjectCache)state; 

        static void Add(ref List list, T item)
            Fx.Assert(!item.Equals(default(T)), "item should never be null"); 
            if (list == null)
                list = new List(); 

        bool ShouldPurgeItem(Item cacheItem, DateTime now) 
            // only prune items who aren't in use 
            if (cacheItem.ReferenceCount > 0) 
                return false; 

            if (this.idleTimeoutEnabled &&
                now >= (cacheItem.LastUsage + this.settings.IdleTimeout)) 
                return true; 
            else if (this.leaseTimeoutEnabled &&
                (now - cacheItem.CreationTime) >= this.settings.LeaseTimeout) 
                return true;
            return false;
        void GatherExpiredItems(ref List> expiredItems, bool calledFromTimer)
            if (this.Count == 0)

            if (!this.leaseTimeoutEnabled && !this.idleTimeoutEnabled) 

            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            bool setTimer = false;
            lock (ThisLock)
                foreach (KeyValuePair cacheItem in this.cacheItems) 
                    if (ShouldPurgeItem(cacheItem.Value, now)) 
                        Add(ref expiredItems, cacheItem);
                // now remove items from the cache 
                if (expiredItems != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < expiredItems.Count; i++)
                setTimer = calledFromTimer && (this.Count > 0); 
            if (setTimer)
        void PurgeCache(bool calledFromTimer) 
            List> itemsToClose = null; 
            lock (ThisLock)
                this.GatherExpiredItems(ref itemsToClose, calledFromTimer);

            if (itemsToClose != null) 
                for (int i = 0; i < itemsToClose.Count; i++)

        // dispose all the Items if they are IDisposable 
        public void Dispose() 
            lock (ThisLock) 
                foreach (Item item in this.cacheItems.Values)
                    if (item != null) 
                        // We need to Dispose every item in the cache even when it's refcount is greater than Zero, hence we call Dispose instead of LocalDispose 
                // we don't cache after Dispose
                this.settings.CacheLimit = 0;
                this.disposed = true; 
                if (this.idleTimer != null)
                    this.idleTimer = null;

        // public surface area is synchronized through this.parent.ThisLock
        class Item : ObjectCacheItem 
            readonly ObjectCache parent;
            readonly TKey key; 
            readonly Action disposeItemCallback;

            TValue value;
            int referenceCount; 

            public Item(TKey key, TValue value, Action disposeItemCallback) 
                : this(key, value) 
                this.disposeItemCallback = disposeItemCallback; 

            public Item(TKey key, TValue value, ObjectCache parent)
                : this(key, value) 
                this.parent = parent; 

            Item(TKey key, TValue value) 
                this.key = key;
                this.value = value;
                this.referenceCount = 1; // start with a reference 
            public int ReferenceCount 
                    return this.referenceCount;

            public override TValue Value 
                    return this.value;
            public DateTime CreationTime

            public DateTime LastUsage
            public override bool TryAddReference()
                bool result;

                // item may not be valid or cachable, first let's sniff for disposed without taking a lock
                if (this.parent == null || this.referenceCount == -1) 
                    result = false; 
                    bool disposeSelf = false;
                    lock (this.parent.ThisLock)
                        if (this.referenceCount == -1) 
                            result = false; 
                        else if (this.referenceCount == 0 && this.parent.ShouldPurgeItem(this, DateTime.UtcNow))
                            disposeSelf = true;
                            result = false;
                            // we're still in use, simply add-ref and be done
                            Fx.Assert(this.parent.cacheItems.ContainsValue(this), "should have a valid value");
                            Fx.Assert(this.Value != null, "should have a valid value");
                            result = true;
                    if (disposeSelf) 

                return result; 
            public override void ReleaseReference() 
                bool disposeItem; 

                if (this.parent == null)
                    Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == 1, "reference count should have never increased"); 
                    this.referenceCount = -1; // not under a lock since we're not really in the cache
                    disposeItem = true; 
                    lock (this.parent.ThisLock)
                        // if our reference count will still be non zero, then simply decrement
                        if (this.referenceCount > 1) 
                            disposeItem = false; 
                            // otherwise we need to coordinate with our parent
                            disposeItem = this.parent.Return(this.key, this);
                if (disposeItem)
            internal void InternalAddReference()
                Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount >= 0, "cannot take the item marked for disposal"); 

            internal void InternalReleaseReference()
                Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount > 0, "can only release an item that has references"); 
            // call this part under the lock, and Dispose outside the lock
            public void LockedDispose() 
                Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == 0, "we should only dispose items without references");
                this.referenceCount = -1;

            public void Dispose() 
                if (Value != null)
                    Action localDisposeItemCallback = this.disposeItemCallback;
                    if (this.parent != null)
                        Fx.Assert(localDisposeItemCallback == null, "shouldn't have both this.disposeItemCallback and this.parent"); 
                        localDisposeItemCallback = this.parent.DisposeItemCallback;
                    if (localDisposeItemCallback != null)
                    else if (Value is IDisposable)
                this.value = null;
                // this will ensure that TryAddReference returns false 
                this.referenceCount = -1;

            public void LocalDispose() 
                Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == -1 , "we should only dispose items that have had LockedDispose called on them"); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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